Uni Thread

where my raiders at


lol get out

Canadian Uni Boys

Any lurker Golden Bear/Panda here.

Have you developed a coke addiction yet?



applying to CAS in fall
>1300 SAT
will i get in do you like it user

I got in with lower. It's probably my essays that saved my ass.

i dont have any friends OR a place to live this fall

someone help me

Always lurking


Get an apartment and make friends. Most people that start at Uni don't have friends

Philly bros here I cum

That fucking game against Texas where the student section was all painted up as the riddler, colt McCoy held a jacket over his head for the last minute crying, and the fans stormed the field twice then tore down the goal post

Wreck em

The joker



if your gpa and essays are good yea, you don't need any ECs I did Jack shit but had 33 ACT and a great essay. I'm going to be a freshman but I'm 99% sure I'm gonna love it

Go Dawgs baby. 4th year International Affairs here. Any DC folk wanna tell me about the city? Going to move up there after graduation.

Please stop w/ the uni threads.


Pls some Veeky Forums knights


Going to UT, the best school in Texas this fall. I'm excited!

>2200/2400 SAT
>4.0 GPA
>National Merit
Got in some private schools but UT was so much cheaper.

Why would you go to Tech? Lubbock is trash and you probably didn't get in a better school.

Expensive as hell, the NYC aesthetic is a meme.

It's not hard to get in NYU but it's really expensive without considerable financial aid. Girl in my school got in with a 3.5 and 1300 something SAT through early decision.

e x p e n s i v e

going there next year, yeet

got waitlisted with 1420, but I'm asian

doing CAP. i couldnt stomach going to baylor or A&M, so, cya eventually (hopefully)

Kek, Asian struggles. NYU isn't worth it anyways; if you're going to pay for a private school, go somewhere the financial aid is better and students are happier.

>cya eventually (hopefully)
>didn't get into UT
kek, CAP is a scam UT tells to hopeful rejects. Less than a third of CAP students end up transferring and a fraction of that get into decent schools like McCombs or Cockrell. Only do it for liberal arts, which is solely guaranteed. Apparently the advisors make it difficult for you and you get a rep for being annoying about grades.

Should've went to A&M if you got in your major, CStat isn't that bad and loads better than Arlington or Tyler where CAP is. Better place to spend 2 years, it's seriously not that bad. Might not be Veeky Forums but still a great school.

Austin is pretty cool, but people who go to UT are lame as fuck

There was a "diversity" social justice program we were forced to watch or we couldn't register for classes. Actors played out scenes of microaggressions and various vignettes like Muslim, lesbian, gay, POC, etc. then asked us to participate by standing up if a certain privilege applied to us. I wanted to laugh.

could've gone elsewhere but it was my cheapest option and gr8 for pre-med, I like Austin too

why not acc

Cuz in all honesty (among the people who ended in Austin) all the tools in my high school ended up at UT and the comfy people went to acc


haha nice one dude. youre a massive faggot.

he'll figure that out on his own

Geez what a douche bag lol

I wish we could play you guys in football again. Those games were a blast

Going to the a&m Arkansas game this year, tickets go on sale in a few days =)

You gonna tailgate?

I can understand your excitement for getting admitted to UT, and commend you for it, but no one likes a braggart. Cool it with that shit man.

I know im the only person here

fuckin whoop. i cant stand all these rhinestone cowboys at northgate every weekend. all i want is a drink with friends but theres always some moron drinking too much and then puking on some girls 500$ boots.
CSTAT is weird but has its own charm

Great for premed how? Do you think there's a premed major or something? You can study english and be premed.

I think it depends on which bar your go to lol
I'm moving up to cstat this fall

i know youre out there

decently high % matriculate successfully into med schools from UT and within the 3.75-4.0 GPA range it's the majority, lots of local hospitals to volunteer at, dedicated pre-health advising center, all my ap credits that fulfill core classes transfer

>community college


Where else can I /humblebrag/ about meaningless high school accomplishments against other 18 year olds

>he didn't get a spot in Cedar like the cool kids

I apologize. I did not mean to assume your gender.

I have a two year degree from community college and make 80k a year. The classes were smaller, the tuition was way cheaper, and the teachers cared. I don't understand the taboo

There's nothing wrong with community college. I saved a ton of money my freshman year taking core curriculum classes and classes required by the college I wanted to transfer to.

In all practically, yes, community college is worth it and a great option but it lacks the typical freshman experience. My parents are paying my whole tuition, room, and board (~75k total) so CC isn't even necessary.

Upperclassman reporting in, make sure to not fall for the frat meme or else you will look like about half of the other students here

A buddy of mine uploaded the ritual manual for a fraternity and managed to start a trend lol
What a lame tradition

A trend of uploading ritual manuals? I don't understand


Going as a freshie next year, anybody know about the fa scene there?

Check wikileaks
Bunch of them went up

It's non-existent.


Is it weird to rush at the age of 21?

yeah i can tell you won't make a lot of friends at UT

youre embarrassing yourself

But he'll fit right in, since that school is full of vapid cunts

I go to school close to you.

All the non-females dress like autists or frat bruhs
Non-males dress like sluts

fuck u
- drexel

This post begs the question, what do you dress like? And define "frat bruh"

>upset that he didn't get a bid from the frat he wanted

Frat bruhs are the guy with moms that shop at J. crew.
I once saw a guy in full rick, but I didn't talk to him because he was 5'5" or shorter
Chinese people wearing knock off yeezys

The whole place is a disaster.

>tfw flunked through high school, took comfy 2 years at acc, now i'm going to UT in the fall

10/10 would do again. see ya soon

Any Veeky Forumsllow Lumberjacks here?

Legit 10/10 transcript, man. Eat some popcorn tofu from Wheatsville for me

This is basically exactly what I did except at Blinn and transferred to A&M. Of course, I've changed my study habits and actually care about grades now. In highschool though, not so much.

I don't go to Pitt but I live there

Roch I'm guessing?

NYU is a joke. If you are not literally retarded and loaded anybody can get in.

Nah I'm starting this year

Ay! What year/major?
Soph/CS here.

I'm a sophomore and I live in SLU with my parents right now so I get super low priority. I wanted a single in Maple but they sent me an email telling me to basically fuck off

looks like it's a shitty apartment with 5 asian roommates for me boys

A&M has a special place in my heart. I've only recently really come to fully appreciate it.

I knew a guy who rushed Pike at like 23. I'm considering rushing at 21 or 22. I know of a couple of older guys who were in frats after serving in the military, so they were a little older as well. Sucks feeling left out though

If you aren't going to Northgate with the sole intention of blacking out just stay at home. Let the big boys play.



Not that post but I'm going to be a freshman engineer.

It's just fucking prep desu mate. Going into second year

yo wtf is up I go to Tyler, its nice being surrounded by the ladies lol. Most my classes are 16-20 kids and I'm usually one of just 2 or 3 dudes in studios.

I'm moving to spruce hill next week how is it?

all shit schools full of normies in flyover states. not /fa in the slightest

you sound poor and live in texas, shite school for a shite situation like yours.
caring about american football is probably the least /fa thing I can think of
worst state yet, I feel bad that you go there

Grew up in mcalley
Get out when you can

Any art school kiddoes here?

>thinking of even rushing

a long shot, but any fellow blue hens?

Anybody at another university studying abroad in Panama City this upcoming winter?

damn i lived in forbes hall freshman year
feels so long ago

>best school in texas
thats rice mate

Not a student, but I'll be doing research here this academic year

Rice, TCU, and SMU are the best by far.

TCU is a joke anyone can get into if you have enough money, same goes for SMU. SMU Law is good though.


im not an undergrad so im not big on uni city/environs, but its not bad. hopefully you live towards the east. buy your groceries at aldi (46th and market) cause its cheap as dirt. we have good cinemas, museums (barnes collection is effay as fuck, free for students on weekdays too), and bookstores, but performance art is tough. student discounts around here suck. im content to go to one orchestra/play per semester. mostly i read and hit independent cinemas. good food (mostly old city) and concerts too. trocadero and union transfer are both chill venues. never been to electric factory but they put on lots of good rap artists

dont be afraid of the subway/trolley