When Veeky Forums thinks US economy will finally collapse?
How it will affect other countries?
When Veeky Forums thinks US economy will finally collapse?
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>When Veeky Forums thinks US economy will finally collapse?
May 28th. Youtube says so.
>How it will affect other countries?
Massive deflation. Exports to the worlds largest consumer dries up completely. Effects domino from there. Entire global economy will grind to a screeching halt. Every major bank will collapse as default rates skyrocket and at home it will be a near extinction level event.
Take Australia as an example. Nearly 60% of all our exports go to the US and China in a 25/35 split. Both of which would completely evaporate as china would no longer be producing or exporting to the US. It would be fullblown chaos as all your digital funny monies simply disappear. You'll be trading your daughters butthole for corn, sugar and flour.
If you haven't invested in some prime age woman-flesh, hope you have far more ammo than the other guy.
>May 28th. Youtube says so.
On a Saturday? When markets are closed?
Youtube says so man.
But lets hypothesize. The trigger could be Friday close with the event on the Saturday. Markets get obliterated during the week. There's a run on cash, they call a "bank holiday" Friday.
Saturday no one can withdraw money from an ATM, all online banking frozen. No one can access their savings, businesses immediately stop accepting credit. No one can buy food because all of America literally runs on credit. Panic ensues.
Yep, May 28th "on a Saturday" could be the first day of a collapse.
Around 2020. The number has paranormal significance.
The collapse of the US economy would be the collapse of the world economy.
>Saturday no one can withdraw money from an ATM, all online banking frozen. No one can access their savings, businesses immediately stop accepting credit. No one can buy food because all of America literally runs on credit. Panic ensues.
>Yep, May 28th "on a Saturday" could be the first day of a collapse.
I doubt anything will occur, maybe a slight dip in the s&p that will recover.
Why would a collapse occur on this specific date and month?
It won't. Im just mocking all the "dollar collapse May 28th" videos that will soon be "June 22nd" or whatever that clickbait shit is.
The rest was just for fun because work sucks.
Oh yeah.
I don't even care anymore, I'd gladly die in a plague or world collapse or whatever, it's about fucking time
When God wants for it do fall - the US economy is not very rational economy - it's not like an mathematician or a genius could predict it, it will be based on lots of evil factors.
And then there's this retard.
Your have poo color on id.
Has anyone on here googled the date?
putin has gotten enough of embargos or whatever its called. He will push to crash fiat money in may 28
The US could tighten its belt and survive without global trade. How could their economy collapse?
The US would be torn to pieces from the inside
I'm in Australia and have a lot of money ($1m+) in the bank. What would you recommend I do with it?
With the collapse of the housing bubble, current record low interest rates and monetary appreciation policies in place. Forget domestic production and exports, foreign lending and investment is currently one of the main components propping the US up, a sudden withdrawl of foreign, mainly Asian capital, capital might spark a reflexive cycle even larger to that of the events that transpired in 08.
I am not implying there is no way out, my point is that most avenues of easing or continuing the status-quo of the economy has already been exhausted.
Please correct me if I am wrong
i really hope it does, shorting USA stocks and owning americucks for life gonna be so sweet
>controls the $
>can make 80% of countries go eat rats before it hit them
>will collapse in more or less 1week according to these thread
you guys are fucking posers
We're having fun m80
On ya bike
Gold and silver. Also take a look at ETFs
6 months after the elections.
This much money has not been printed by a country since post WWI germany.
the collapse should have happened a year ago but they're delaying it with printing. Would post graphs if not on mobile
I feel like China and Russia are waiting for the collapse/recession of the US economy
They'll take over as the top superpowers and devalue US dollars
Looks like they're loading up military equipment as well buying through Germany and such. Japan also wants US out of their country
and yet inflation is nearly 0%
i must be a dumbass because i just dont get it
Because the money isn't going into the hands of consumers or small businesses.
Look at the NASDAQ and correlate it to every round of QE since 2009
why not?
will it?
Some say there needs to be a trigger.
>Bank collapse- Deutche Bank is named as a candidate
>Country collapse_ take your pick, although Venezuala Brazil Dominca etc already the closest to it.
>WAR - My guess is a war between some EU nations
>A Natural disaster - doesn't have to be a big one just enough to tip the scales finacially
Pleas add others this is just a assumption
I don't think The US economy is the only one that could collapse at the moment. But it may need another economy to go bust or close to it to trigger a further crash in US
Every rich person simultaneously moves out of the US after Hilary gets elected
It won't be happening any time soon. The Trump changes will extend the economies life by decades
Nothing will happen on the 28th, and nothing will happen in July, and nothing will happen in 2017, things are going exactly the way the elites would like to keep it.
Well I don't think the 'elites' are all on the same side.
Oh really?
Name them all ,I'll tell you whose side their on!
Be more specific than "the jews did it"
>predicts massive deflation
>advises gold
explain pls
Dark Age deuX
>plague and death edition