Tfw girls have a really interesting and endless selection of clothing and everything guys have to wear looks the same...

Tfw girls have a really interesting and endless selection of clothing and everything guys have to wear looks the same. Fuck gender norms.

Other urls found in this thread:

Become a trans jewish nigger faggot and wear it all

Why trans when you can become non binary or gender non conforming? I sign in as gender non conforming at my local lgbt center every time I go there, but I think I would feel uncomfortable with people calling me "they" with the non binary label, because it's virtually impossible for people to know that that's your preferred pronoun unless they ask you first, so it just seems stupid. If I were to tell that to any of the sjws I know I would probably get a ton of shit though.

Right? I feel like I should go out and buy some pants sometimes, but then I'm never in the mood to actually do it...


men have an endless selection too, fkin retard

How am I the snowflake? You're the one that doesn't even recognize people who express their gender differently as real people. If you spend any time outside of your straight insular culture, then you'd see that there's people whose gender is actually different.

But you don't care, and that's the problem. I know I'm just speaking to a brick wall, or trying to fight something that has no arms, but I wish that you'd just get it through your head once that it's not just some stupid phase, and there's really people who exist outside of the gender binary. I wish that people would just respect me.

What part of it all looks the same do you not understand?

How do you dress at the moment OP? Can you post some pictures of clothes you'd like to see more?

Not the person you are talking to, but could you clarify it? What makes them all the same?

Chino or denim pants (either slim fit or stretch), basic v necks, slim fit, striped, sometimes collared shirts; I have a lot of jackets > and I wear black or brown leather shoes.

> i sign in as gender non conforming

seek help for your mental illness

you can
pick one and only one.

The clothes I'd like to see more? Idk. I see a lot of androgynous models and I think they look super adorable, but I don't know if it's anything I could pull off. I just wish that there were some cuter, more androgynous outfits out there for men that weren't 100% feminine (I don't want to go full trans), but not just basic men outfits.

Ivan Fahey is an androgynous model I follow.

confirmed for bait thread

What makes them adorable/cute and why do you think you can't pull it off?

Bro I feel you. The key is find your style and then dress it unconventionally. Style is agender.

What's your body type like? Verbal descriptions work, but a photo (no face necessary) or a photo of a lookalike will most help me style you.

I feel uncomfortable about it. It's because of the stigma surrounding guys being feminine that I feel uncomfortable about any of it. I feel perfectly at ease expressing myself anonymously, but I don't think that I would feel comfortable in some sort of femboy outfit going outside. I have a ton of social anxiety, which is something I imagine a lot of the femboy models I like don't have at all (the ones that don't dress like teenage girls, and actually pull off a decent feminine style and still manage to look feminine in a way that doesn't clash with their masculinity).

That's another thing I'm worried about. I know that some genderqueer people are totally cool with having their masculine aspects class with their feminine aspects, and to be fair I would be going for a more androgynous looks anyways, but I'm just not sure how to pull that off without looking stupid. I feel like it's the ultimate way to make myself look more awkward and uncomfortable, because I would feel awkward and uncomfortable wearing attention grabbing clothing, and at the same time I might not even be able to pull it off and I would always be doubting whether I pulled off the style or whether everyone thinks that I look really bad.

I am 6'2 and 170 pounds. My bmi is in the middle between over weight and under weight. I have rather broad shoulders, and my stomach is thin, but it's always had a little bit of chub on it (I've never achieved abs, even in the height of my exercise regiment).

Alright dogg good news: you have basically the dream androgynous body type. You can wear basically anything and it'll look halfway decent.

I know plenty of male/masc and female/femme people who would kill a person to have the body type you have.

Wear whatever you want that looks good and just don't give a shit. That's all fashion is anyways.

Don't wear high socks with shorts

P.S. this person is right.

this is "nihilist" Veeky Forumsg

Wouldn't it be a nicer world if people weren't cruel to each other?

have you forgotten where you are?
fucking summer jesus

Then just sign up with the rest of the idiot special snowflakes who aren't intelligent enough to realise that men can wear whatever they want as long as they embody the philosophical aspects of masculinity

Just fuck my western culture up so I can have long hair (despite plenty of men historically having long hair and all kinds of fashion, from harem pants to tunics (dresses) to togas to robes to short shorts (Rhodesia) to wearing eyeliner (kohl) to flowery lace to embroidered leggings). All worn by masculine men, you've just been brainwashed that being a Man = wearing jeans, reading GQ and watching football.

Gender norms exist so women and their babies don't have to be bayoneted on a battlefield or die down a mineshaft. That's all.


Lol. Okay. This post was not what I expected.

I love how people act like "this is Veeky Forums, it should be abusive!" Yeah maybe if you're a fucking retard you actually think that. I'm kinda done being nice to you right now, but yeah it always strikes me as so stupid that people think that verbally abusing other people makes this website great. What makes this website great is that it has an active community and I don't have to use a username, and I can talk about almost any subject I want in the whole world. People like you actually make me not want to use this website at all sometimes, but I've been coming here for years because the pros outweigh the cons. Trust me, if I could find an anonymous forum which wasn't some stupid sjw rule laden pile of shit, but didn't have people who were just disrespectful to people because they think it's cool, and actually were thoughtful about the things they say to each other, then yeah I would spend all my time there.

I'm right though. We are sitting around twiddling our thumbs trying to find new ways of entertaining ourselves by 'dismantling tradition'. When war breaks out again no one will care about the nuances of the gender signals of your outfit. They will care whether you will put your life on the line and protect your people, and defend your women. Then you'll understand why gender roles exist. Don't be so naive as to think that you will never have to experience war.

Nope it wouldnt, have you ever been someplace where the "atmosphere" is supposed to be "non-toxic", its absolutely infuriating and honestly degenerate.
You cant joke around, you cant flirt, you cant curse, it leads to mental stagnation and is the reason why safe-zones are so fucking dangerous

>Don't be so naive as to think that you will never have to experience war.
Oh, I'll do everything I can to avoid it. Believe me. I plan on never going to war. I don't care if fucking Russia and China both attack us. Not happening.

What if Ahmed and his gang rapes your sister and declares jihad on your friends

Haha this fuck would let his mother get raped by chinks and Slavs rather than defend his people
The state of the West

When has any foreign country ever set foot in the united states to go to war with us since the war of independence? Fuck I hate info wars watchers.

weve got a live one here boys

There's some seriously toxic people in this place who think they're "smart" because they disrespect anything regardless of whether or not it makes sense to disrespect. Yes, granted, there are communities like the ones you described and I hate those places, which is why I'm here. This place could definitely be better though, and the people who think they're smarter because they like some pol tier, info wars level nonsense, are definitely not intelligent whatsoever. There's a balance.

Put it into context, you're just defending people who are totally disavowing genderqueer people's existence. That makes it pretty difficult for me to take you seriously, and it makes you sound pretty silly in my perspective.

I just like typing.

I wear floral skirts and lace casually and don't give a shit. Sure old people look at me on the street but I get off on upsetting seniors
You gonna let culture dictate who you are, faggot?

My friend I hate to tell you but your people's lands are filling up with people who have declared war on you
Outbreeding the local whites alone is considered a form of Jihad, you would understand if you read the Qu'ran and listened to the imams
You don't need to watch infowars or any other conspiracy theory distraction show. You simply need to walk down the street in London, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Greece and talk to any migrant and ask their opinions on whites (be careful not to enter a no-go zone alone and leave your valuables at home).

Civil war is coming. Those already here hate us. The second generation are the ones committing the truck attacks and bombings. Even if we seal the borders we will be replaced in decades by those already here. You need to realise this and prepare so you can give your family a chance.

Oh my god, shut the fuck up. Refugees are not here to declare war on us. There's a vetting process that takes years of screening to get into the united states. You don't even know what you're talking about.

SJWs won't care as people identify as binary/they for this exact reason all the time.

Thanks for saying this.

Just emulate it I guess.
I wear girls clothes all the time but only things I can pass with. Like I'll wear women's jeans cuz they usually cost less than skinny jeans and are better quality. I'll buy women's t-shirts if I like the design.

Just use your head you don't have to look femme or gay

ahahahha imagine being this insecure holy shit

I live in Paris. I know what I am talking about. Watch the video you privileged fuck, you don't have refugees driving trucks through your people on a monthly basis, underrage girls cornered in dark alleys every night almost exclusively by refugees, stabbings in the name of Allah by the 6 million undocumented, unaccounted for migrants who wandered over our open borders from any country that isn't white. Isis members shave their beards and pretend to be a Syrian refugee and you laugh as they blow up my friends' daughters and molest little boys in swimming houses?

Cool. Your situation doesn't apply in the united states, regardless of whether or not what you said about Paris is accurate.

The great humanitarian spirit of the progressives in action.

I think it's fairly accurate when you hear regular headlines about refugees driving trucks and vans through crowds and blowing up children and molesting thousands in grooming gangs on a regular basis. When you hear our prime ministers claim they have no way of monitoring ISIS members in the undocumented migrants.

Glad you care about the refugees from the Middle East but not your brothers and sisters from Europe. You're so bold and brave for painting your nails and wearing a skirt!

Women's clothes are usually shit tier quality, barely functional utility wise
and cheap poisonous fabrics because women buy far more items on average

Being this naive
Good goy, refugees are our friends and improve our nations! Donate to Israel!

This OP.
Take it or leave it.

This thread was about clothes and you, having no self control, had to share your shit hatred based ideals. European colonization isn't a thing I guess. Remember the Brexit? How about all the things that Columbus did against natives? How about literal slavery and the injustices there?

You only care about yourself and it would be so great if people like you didn't exist

Oh my god, this has nothing to do with this thread.

shut the fuck up holy shit this is the most hilariously mentally ill shit i've seen ever

Usually yea but their jeans are pretty quality. Which is what I ... said

>business casual
>school shooter
I'd say there is a fuckton of styles for men though. You are just afraid to jump between them.

Brexit lol
Rip everyone who died in Britain democratically leaving the European Union lmao
>American liberal education

Also if you're going to make that argument, what about the Native Americans who enslaved Mexican natives and scalped and raped villages of women and children and slaughtered whole subspecies of buffalo by driving the whole herd off cliffs and leaving them to rot? Does that mean because they did bad things it was okay to import loads of white people into their lands? And if not, why is it okay for loads of brown people to undemocratically colonise white lands? You realise whites are the only ones to ever outlaw slavery (in England, 1066)? The only ones to make universal rules to allow "foreigners" to become immigrants and join their societies? The only ones to write a Geneva convention on war and a universal human rights order? The only ones to give women the right to vote and own property? How does it feel to hate the people who invented almost everything you own and gave you the very freedom to criticise them without cutting off your hands or shooting you in the head?

Dude, don't listen to the genderqueef cuck, people like him are beyond reasoning. He's been programmed to hate himself but he's not full on commie antifa mode so he doesnt feel at home on tumblr and feels the need to come and shit up what used to be quite a cool fashion board
He's a lost cause, just sage the thread and don't try and speak truth to him

>whites were the only one yup end slavery
Due to colonization.
>whites made most of your technology
Blatantly untrue but they're the most credited (I wonder why)

I don't hate white people at all though I just hate ignorant, bigoted, spoiled brats who don't bother to research pass themselves and make horrible, threatening generalizations about the world around them despite barely interacting with it

Do you read anything outside of /pol/ or did the whole "xD troll the world free kekistan" thing draw you in?

Have you tried being an actual person of worth?

>colonisation ended slavery
England ended slavery in England in 1066 with the chartering of the Domesday book which codified the concept that a man cannot own another man. That's what the American civil war was about 700 years later you idiot. Southern Americans bought roughly 10% of all the slaves in Africa, the rest went to African warlords, and guess what - Africa still owns slaves to this day, it's one of the largest hubs of legal child trafficking and slavery.

Also, which inventions that you are currently holding and living in and using wasn't invented by a white man? Apart from peanut butter and traffic lights. That's a nice computer you're using, nice western clothes you're wearing, nice heated electric home you're living in, nice language you're speaking, nice freedoms you're enjoying

You absolute uneducated cretin.


Hahah, fucking French, I love the word cretin

I was referring to American slavery but the point still remains.

Persons of color not being allowed to vote = no votes.

Yes but Africa's lands and resources were demolished (by the whites) so that's the result

Literally all inventions were made by persons of color and there are articles about this but you'll be dismissive of their sources so why bother

Anyways I'm getting bored

I'm done with this conversion (that you started, without any real prompt aside from crippling insecurity) but it baffles me that people this out of touch exist

Seriously read a book and get some psychiatric medication


Are you a troll dude? You must have had an incredibly sheltered life

Niggers and chinks have invented absolutely fuck all compared to the European races, who sent men to the moon.

Please take your medication and read your "books" (Black Lives Matter pamphlets?) and get off my board

This is your last warning

Not trolling but you need to cope with that guilt somehow I guess, so make your assertions.

this entire fucking thread




your hair looks great, do you use any products? (other than possible shampoo / conditioner)

It's literally not an illness if it's not a problem for the dood. Just fucking let them live their life and don't be a condescending, narrow-minded ass hat.

Or fight me irl with logical discourse, motherfucker.

Fucking hell. Right wingers are brain dead aren't they. Yeah, those 5 year olds running away from wars started and/or funded by nato governments are totally going to islamize europe and kill me. Kill yourself faggot

Coconut oil. Also thank you.

coconut oil, might check that out, thanks!


How often/how do you use it? I was throwing some on after showers, but was having problems with residue whenever adding enough to have an effect.

Right now I'm just rinsing with apple cider vinegar and letting it curl up naturally, which has really helped for health/texture.

>The second generation are the ones committing the truck attacks and bombings
It's actually third gen in France, Sweden and UK. Also worth mentioning that their religions don't matter but it's a racial thing (since tons of christian niggers are in gangs and throw acid in people's faces)

women have the most boring fashion options available to them, faggot.

I rub it into my hair and let it rest for 30 minutes, that's what I saw some directions online say to do. Then I just use whatever shampoo to wash it out.

Also, not terribly often. I usually just put it in my hair when I am going somewhere I want to look nice. I will probably be using it more frequently when I go to college. I'll have to experiment with frequency when the time comes.

The part where it says "all looks the same"
Are you mentally retarded?

>you don't have refugees driving trucks through your people on a monthly basis
>stabbings in the name of Allah by the 6 million undocumented, unaccounted for migrants
You're part of the problem. The recent refugees crisis brought over a lot of scum, but your completely hyperbole bullshit only brings people to dismiss what little airplay possible wrong doing gets. Do you even realize that ?

>try to buy men's clothes
>Dark blue
>Dark green

>Girl's clothes
>Any color in the world

Not fair

Thread is proof we have no jannies or they're so incompetent they leave this irrelevant bullshit in the catalog, discuss white genocide and colored inventions on /pol/ please.

wear whatever you like, it's more fun like this

>but I think I would feel uncomfortable with people calling me "they" with the non binary label,
Dated a (biological) girl who goes by they/them. it was tricky at 1st but you get the hang of remembering. I feel bad bc I saw them correct people all the time & it seems exhausting

>who aren't intelligent enough to realise that men can wear whatever they want as long as they embody the philosophical aspects of masculinity
hoping this is ironic