how many of you made mad money from buying ethereum when it was under $5?
How many bought at $1? $2?
Come on i know theres a few of you neets who followed my advice.
Come and say hi to your guardian angel
T. Original eth shill
how many of you made mad money from buying ethereum when it was under $5?
How many bought at $1? $2?
Come on i know theres a few of you neets who followed my advice.
Come and say hi to your guardian angel
T. Original eth shill
I've made about $40k from ETH so far, from a $80k investment.
I would have made made over $100k profit, if not for some stupid mistakes.
I originally bought at 0.0068, then panic sold at 0.008 after the first big spike...
Didn't buy back in until 0.022, and i sold at 0.032.
I missed the recent dip at 0.0151 and i'm kicking myself about it. I was online, ready to buy, but told myself id wait until it was at 0.015, then was too stubborn to buy when it went up a little.
How about you?
Should just buy and hold like i told you. Ethereum will be bigger than bitcoin ever was. By september we could see prices over $70.
>how about you
Thats none of your business, im glad to hear you made $$ but im more interested in the little guys stories. The smaller players.
Scale out. Don't be bagholder.
t. Someone who made 30% last week from real securities not speculative garbage
A raise of 30% in a week can only be achieved via pure speculation and hype.
i had been seeing ETH thread on biz for the last month, having not been to biz in a long while. i just ignored them, as i lost a few hundred on Quarkcoins a few years ago.
But i figured what the heck, why not just see what happens. I do realise that i'm in really late, and i am not holding anything like a decent amount, but i don't mind a flutter to see if i can grab a decent %. Since last weekend i got over 1000Dao and only have 7Eth. I have 100Lisk too.
I know it's not a massive amount by any means, but it's about $1000 in the last week. If it vanishes it vanishes. If the price goes up, i'll sell some. If the price goes down, i'll hold it and just keep the wallet. No big deal.
Or it could be a catalyst causing a short squeeze returning the security to its intrinsic value
Why do people like you think they can talk about things they don't understand?
Shills are liars. Don't believe them.
Carry on.
>real securities
And how much did you LOSE in the previous weeks?
Also prove it
I buy in ICO now selling everything.
Because LISK is with more governments and banks.
$30.000 a LISK
Very Rich man!
When you say "bigger than bitcoin" do mean marketcap or usd/coin
I have 270 eth and some lisk
Why do think ethereum will get big and not lisk
Satoshi Nakamoto and Vitalik Buterin both said about LISK:'' It is better and will destroy Ethereum and Bitcoin because LISK is best.
LISK to the MOON
Thanks lisk man, a very sound argument
provide me with a link or shut up
40% now crypto tard
ETH shill since 0.4 cent faggot
1000 eurokeks, now i can afford a vive
The real question is how do you feel with this whole ride being over? You made some money, fucked around a bit, and now ethereum is in that dreaded crypto stagnation stage where it cant seem to break through the next threshold and will eventually begin to shed value. Where to next? Whats the new get rich scheme? Do you guys even have another one lined up?
This is it. These two posts right. The thoughtful and articulate reasoning. The sound proof information. It's all I need to convince me to buy all in. Thank you lisk man, see you on the moon.
You might have heard of something called the DAO...?
Yeah I've heard of Dash before. Oh, you meant the second DAO?
Bought at $1, then $2, then $4.
Selling at moon niggers. At least 50-100 per coin.
Bought in at $2.50
Only bought $100 worth so haven't really made shit even though it's the highest % gain of any investment I've made, sucks
I'm up $31,904. Bought at $2.30.
Sorry what?
Never seen proof of any of these big claims. Im calling bullshit unless I see a wallet screenshot.
My ether is in a contract wallet and I'm pretty far behind on downloading the blockchain.
Because screenshots are SO HARD to edit....
Call bullshit all you like friend.
I stopped trusting you guys after PND was a blatant pump and dump. Assumed the same for ETH.
I am very surprised to see that anyone is taking it seriously though the public is still only aware of bitcoin.
>Ethereum will be bigger than bitcoin ever was
I can't even remember the name; no it won't.
The public is barley even aware of BitCoin.
>Ethereum still about 2-3 years from being fully completed
>1.1BN dollar market cap already
>ride over
Top delusion. Ether is divisible to 18 decimal places for a reason. God your imagination and foresight is fucking terrible.
This. Nobody knows what Bitcoin even is. If someone isn't tech savvy or working in some IT related field they do NOT know what Bitcoin is. People here need to stop thinking of Veeky Forums as a representation of real life.
Bought $150 worth amd got 56 ether out of it. Ya'll do the math. Got 26 of that and bought into the DAO. Only got 30 left....what should I do sell or hold? Also have 162 LISK.
giving out free ether
post addresses
remember that ethereum is the only viable cryptocurrency project, and ether is the only token worth holding. hold your fucking ether and tell your friends
t. one of the original ethereum shills
never had eth
I will shill eth to the moon for a donation
I just got into crypto this week because of Veeky Forums
I'd love some Ethereum
>Ether is divisible to 18 decimal places for a reason
Kek. Extremely wishful thinking. A ton of cryptos are divisible to a lot of decimal places. They never use them. Even bitcoin barely uses its 4th decimal place let alone 18. What a dumbass comment.
why not, boiyo boy 0x09125EEC0Bb28069868e3Fb15D3D4cb1cB6dbC7C
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You have absolutely no foresight. Cryptic are still in their infancy. Including Bitcoin. When micro payments become a mainstream thing and the Ethereum Platform is running the web related aspects of your little piss ant life then those extra decimal places will come into play.
After like 7 years Bitcoin still hasn't even reached its potential yet, the Internet still isn't finished either. You don't know fuck about anything.
>When micro payments become a mainstream thing
Good fucking luck. It's not like micropayments havent been tried before by multiple services. Paypal even had a reasonable little micropayment program with low fees and it fizzled because the micropayments market just has no demand. You guys need to stop trying to find new ways for cryptos to be relevant because its not working. If there was a huge demand for micropayments then bitcoin would be mainstream by now. People just dont care.
sent ;)
>Ether is divisible to 18 decimal places for a reason.
I post this in another thread and I laughed my ass off then too. You think the fact that it has 18 decimal places means fuck all? To use even 11 decimal places, ethereum would be worth one BILLION DOLLARS EACH, and there are 7 DECIMALS MORE THAN THAT. Are you a fucking retard? Do you even think there is a remote possibility that ethereum will be worth ONE QUADRILLION dollars for one fucking ether? Stop posting stupid shit. You're not helping your fellow shills. Seriously.
Thank you very much in advance. I will spread the word of Ethereum far and wide, from the East to the West, from the mountains to the oceans.
I am trying to get some of my friends into it, alas, they finally are considering with the mainstream news happening, but you my friend, are the man that made many rich and god smiles up on you.
Again, thank you, and godbless!
I love you man!
People like you are the ones who are making crypto great again!
one address per id
I hope those previous addresses aren't the same person
Hey thank you so much man! That was really awesome of you!
welcome :)
To set the record straight, ether is meant to be transacted many many times in small amounts. The decimal places do matter in real time internet-of-things applications like peer-to-peer energy exchange. Floating point precision loss can ruin super liquid economies
I am trying like hell to get my friends and relatives into this. I am going to give any of them some who can actually manage to set up a wallet. Sorry for betraying your trust, I promise I will keep up my good works to repent.
-- I will give you free trumps if you pass me your Address.
0xccefda10b9fb7e80b22459af15becd59e2f480fbThanks for the boost.
if you have to to share:
i have only a few to hold for the summer to see how it goes.
Bought recently at high price. Just losing my money as of now.
thank you
You should have saved your spergpost. The audacity to call someone a retard but not address the point of Ether's high divisibility is the retarded thing.
You're looking at something which was intended to run the entire fucking world one day. Your math is also fucking dumb. Adding to what the other user said, more precision in something which will be as important as Ethereum to the world is a very necessary thing. You wouldn't understand this because as you've demonstrated you don't know shit about anything.
You have no foundational knowledge of anything to do with tech like basically everyone here talking about cryptos. You probably don't even know this board was only created because /g/ neckbeards got sick of Bitcoin shill threads so moot made this containment board. Now normies like you piss around with cryptos here without even knowing anything about them.
As always there's only ever 2 things that mean anything, Bitcoin and Ethereum. The 700+ altcoins are literal garbage.
We see the decimal every day! Remember each gallon of gas always ends in $.0009. This is the future age, and we need precision!
MAGA based ethereum-man!
Based ethereum man
based ethereum shill I should have listened
>b-but we really do need 18 decimals!
No. Kys.
Thanks, you da bomb
>You're looking at something which was intended to run the entire fucking world one day.
Oh wait! Wait! You're serious! You think your shitcoin is going to run the whole world.....
Holy shit!
>being this mentally disabled
I remember being at a banking conference in paris in october, all the CEO's of the major european banks in attendance, topic was blockchain tech, and ethereum in particular.
The price of eth at the time was $0.80.
This moron doesnt know shit
Thanks based ethershill.
Notice the extra effort put into the "haha" and the effort put into googling a reaction picture specifically for one post (they didnt change the title). Its a shitpost with purpose.
Those posters are part of a satire campaign. They are expressing everyones subtle doubts about crypto as loudly and stupidly as possible. The goal is to shitpost those doubts so obnoxiously that intelligent people will reevaluate their own opinions.
its called meme warfare.
You guys want Ethercrap or LISKgold.
Tell me because I have Liskgold
Its just silly. Im enjoying a bacon and brie panini in the sun while wearing Jude Laws second hand jeans which fit me perfectly despite him being king of manlets tier. Im currently immune to meme warfare
Australian autistic savant cryptocurrency picker here.
Just bought some SRND...about to make a killing.
>not completely out of the loop and 10 years behind the developed world
much appreciated familam
No Lisk you want?
i'll happily take lisk if you're giving it out friend
I made $200+
thanks for shilling it.
No worries bud
0x72Cd5db1Eb31E2e43c3ae97964f8aE77C1325183 I don't know if i'm too late but too the moon my friend, all the way
I'd really appreciate it!
Sent (;
>tfw you missed on 2000% profit
would've only invested 200 bucks anyway, too bad I cba searching how to mine it because that's what kept me from buying
One of the original ETH shills? Damn you must be loaded congrats bro. Wish I had capital to put behind it when I first heard.
Would love some if you could spare it.
Thank you based shill. to the moon!
if this based fella is still ITT, would definitely love some of this ETH
(just didnt want to get drowned out)
Thank you and see you on Mars, senpai
Lisk adress first 1-10 adress LISK
Get 100 Lisk for free
11-20 Lisk adress get 10 Lisk for free
21-30 Lisk adress get 1 Lisk for FREE
You must have in POST
Lisk Moon all day everyday Veeky Forums fo life
Hey Lisk, Ether's good friend. See you on Moon too :) Remember, my friend, we are all in this together. Friends 5ever
worth a shot:
moon please.
will shill for ETH
I literally always miss out on everything. Posting my wallet address in case a friendly eth holder would like to help a poor college student ( I promise to shill Eth on multiple forums as well ).
Lisk Moon all day everyday Veeky Forums fo life
Lisk to the MOON boys I will shill hard as well
doing gods work user!
I'm trying to get into crypto, so any ETH would help. Just want to shill.
Also, is worth buying it now, like today?
especially today brah!
we're seeing quite a price drop right now.
Maybe wait for 0.26BTC \ETH, seems likely.
R u vitalik buttgerin?
No. No I really thought the "run the whole world" thing was hilarious as fuck. I actually laughed myself to sleep. Cryptos are the meme. They are niche funbux only used by neets and libertards. Keep "looking towards the future" though and not realizing what the fuck is going on now.