How do you react to someone wearing Youtube merch? Can fanmerch ever be effay?
How do you react to someone wearing Youtube merch? Can fanmerch ever be effay?
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that colour scheme is so cringey
>he doesn't dress in pastelcore
Heh. Casuals...
it's called kid-core and it's gunna be huge
>it's gunna be huge
its already huge but pastel core just fades into the wall so nobody notices
i'm actually looking forward to Hila's clothing line
>not owning a That Poppy Membership Ring
yeah I kinda unironically want one of those hats
99% of youtube shit is cancer. I only see white people wear that shit. Mainly kids with with youtube minecraft shirts and fat retards wearing Philip defuckass tshirts.
i remember 2013 too
>How do you react to someone wearing Youtube merch?
punch them square in the face of course. but since I'm not a violent black, I just imagine myself doing that.
why wear youtube merch in the first place?
although I gotta say, Ethan and Hila's stuff looks rather good. I'd still cop one of their hats with that yellow bear on it. looks cool and is cute.
it's better than their regular fan merch which is pure cringe and has Ethan's chins and fupa all over it. however, this line doesn't even show it's by H3H3.
Supporting them
They do give out hundreds of hours of entertainment for free
that's a fair point. if only some youtubers weren't absolute cringe noodles who simply can't even make halfway good entertainment if their life depended on it, like Pewdiepie.
They already make a ton though, anyone who has merch dosent need your money. But buy what you want to buy I don't give a fuck.
i'd rather buy band merch. although a lot of band merch is just a cringe
I think more indie stuff like quality history channels can be done, assuming you don't look half bad and carry yourself accordingly, ie. pretty face with unabashed interests, without being full autismo
Support ian kun
My nigga
>not loving tyler the creator and golf wang
depends if done right like pic related
>being 18
>watches h3h3
Leave man child
that hoodie looks like ass
>le wyte beeeple amirite XD
antifag pls leave
Hai or iee?
grow some thicker skin you easily offended faggot
wheres the"I eat ass" shirts?
I have a Filthy Frank shirt with a flower pot of all his personas, in pink.
It's my favorite shirt now. People usually have no idea what the shirt is about.
Veeky Forums as fuck to be honest
I'm Mestizo you porch monkey. the "le wite peeple are so whyte and akward xd" twitter tier meme is just. Please take your shitty rhetoric back to plebit
She looks like Sid from Toy Story but with pink hair.
same here
You're a homo
>le triggered maymay
Newfags ruined this place
>being over 20 and still browsing a Bhutanese knife juggling forum
You'll grow out of Tyler the Creator, but you won't grow out of Veeky Forums
By entertainment you mean make more then five videos how you're not earning $200 anymore on your last video?
This is different. It's all about who wears it in FA.
there is this brand that I know that makes this childish clothes in my country. They are currently calling it "comfywear", but they look more like childish than comfy (like the one Ethan is wearing). The brand's name is Zhoi, look it up on fb or ig. Some of their clothes are effay.
>not 2006
As someone who copped a tour tee
Fuck this shit
How can yeezy not sue
will prolly cop some bombstrap merch or just the plain mde red tee
snipars has got some pretty effay stuff even though it technically isn't fanmerch.
Mega64 has some pretty good looking merch
bahaha i see it
hi, can you tell me why mexicans defend white people so hard on the internet? Whenever someone makes a joke about a white person you can expect a mexican to type an angry reply, why is that?
Im sorry this is bait right.
Yeah Golf Wang was pretty cool I guess.
yeah i copped this at their AX booth this year, i think it's pretty effay
Jake Paul > h3h3 at this point daysu
he actually looks p good with a goatee
I copped a shooter shirt and a clown blouse, still waiting for those goodies to cum in the mail.
As long as it sells like a god-church, I'm fine with it
Why is Hila so effay? Cuz she's thinny?
i saw a chick wearing a dhmis shirt a while ago. she looked tryhard and utterly trash
can someone explain to me how these 2 actually exploded onto the scene? i dont get what their appeal is, it must be marketing
jeez artie lang really let himself go
Unfunny loser
Theyve been around a while having a huge teenage girl fanbase on vine, theyve just blown up in the news for migrating to youtube and causing more shenanigans than usual.
I own a faze clan hoodie but I don't really know if it's considered yt merch or competitive sport merch
Fuuuuck I've wanted that one, their sweatshirts are their best merch. I hate that it's con exclusive.
I'd unironically wear this
I fucking love mega64, is the charm shirt too girly for a guy to get?
I don't think so, I wear my baby blue experiment sweatshirt all the time
kids, user
B-bb-but the I eat ass shirt by filthy frank was pretty Veeky Forums
ethan is a good guy
Can confirm
t. old fucktard
Copped one of these babies already
Thank fuck summer is ending, want these autistic 16 year olds to get out of my board
I hope that if any of you buy and post pewdiepie merch fashion that you get mass-reported and perma-banned so hard it will literally fry your modem and set it on fire.
fucking faggots.
>tfw no sequence erase shirt
why is he so Veeky Forums?
not yt fan march, but most of the sbe march is actually cool.
This look is literally exit-level fashion
it would be hard for ethan to look any more jewish
Zenzen, murimuri
but this was 2014
No he is not
yeah it still kind of shocks me how high quality all thieire merch is, like the art work they get is always so top notch
he looks like a caricature of a smelly Frenchman