/thinspo/ - Thinspo General

Why do you lazy fuckers keep letting the threads 404 without making a new thread Edition.
Last: Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"

Other urls found in this thread:


we're tired from malnourishment
today I had a mushi cake, a cheese slice and two sparkling waters

Hello, I'm trans and I'm new here. Just want to wish good luck to everyone :)

Good luck with your transition, friend. Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you trying to be thinspo if you're trans? I figure if you're mtf it would bring out your bone structure more and make you look less feminine, and if you're ftm you should be trying to build some muscle to look more masculine. Sorry if this question is dumb or makes you feel bad, I got the Aspergers so sometimes I can make people feel bad

I'm 99% sure that post is a troll based on the post at the start of the last thread.

I wasn't in the last thread, I'm just curious what kind of bod you're aiming for ;-;

thin trannys are cute trannys

So I cut my testosterone and I don't eat a lot of protein. Why won't my muscles go away? Is it genetics? Both my parents and brothers are body builder short people while I'm tall and relatively not as swole.

lose weight and don't do anything

on my period right now and I'm eating everything in sight, help me

I've been on Veeky Forums for well over 5 years and have lived in London, Amsterdam and Melbourne. I have come to unburden you all from this /thinspo/ ideal.
The true form of a Veeky Forums body is ottermode.. take a second.. let it sink in, stop starving your body of nutrients, stop killing yourself to fit into a certain number, what fits fits regardless of whether a number is low or where the S has an X in front of it.
Be healthy, eat well, lift a little, you'll be happier, you'll look better.. heed my words.

What's ottermode on a girl look like?

easier to be honest, weights 2x~ per week, eating well and cardio to achieve a "toned" look. The main thing is diet which is why when I read all of you neglecting food for a thin body you're actually doing more harm than good, will probably ruin your metabolism and gain weight incredibly quickly later on + age a lot quicker which is not Veeky Forums.

Wait dont tell them I lurk this for cringe

I come by Veeky Forums every now and then to help, it's the same as it was years ago, if anything the board has regressed. I think perhaps the average age has dropped significantly, thus the maturity levels has dropped accordingly and things like yeezy bullshit streetwear have become centre stage rather than actual fashion or even regular beginner fashion.

That's not a picture

I don't keep pictures of ideal women, but if you can't imagine what an athletic without being too muscular woman looks like then maybe you need to work on your imagination.

like this

Many people here consider ottermode to be /thinspo/, you utter mong.

Rachel a cute.

>Many people here consider ottermode to be /thinspo/, you utter mong.

I must have lost those posts in-between the horde of malnourishment and starvation posts.

basically this although it changes with everyone's body shape.

got a stationary bike cheap, came in the mail last week, it's telling me 30 minutes of relatively high speeds is burning 150~ calories each time, usually do it once when I wake up then again before bed.

been doing it for about a week now, when should I start seeing improvements?

sounds about right
depends though, how much bodyfat do you have? if you have a lot you'll notice it sooner.
if you want to notice fat loss even quicker lift some weights occasionally, the problem I had with "lifting weights" was I thought it'd get me huge, it doesn't unless you put in a lot of effort over a few years, otherwise it just helps burn fat especially if you're not lifting heavy.

yeah tryin to lift every other day right now too, 20 curls each arm with 15 pounds/20 seated shoulder presses then squatting with the weights-but i'm thinking of toning that part down a bit, fucks up my muscles and leaves me sore every time in a bad way.

i'm not huge, but i certainly got a fat ass that's for sure

that's cool man, every day you exercise is one day more than you otherwise would have.. you have to look at it as a lifestyle change not just trying to get thinner or whatever.
try to aim for 3-4 sets of 10~ reps for the first few months.
also keep your eye on your diet, eat well and you'll notice the differences even sooner, the first few weeks of relatively clean eating (1 cheat day every week or two but don't go overboard) can be tough but after that your cravings for shit food drop significantly.
Remember, there's no timer, you don't want to drop 20kg in a month that's not healthy, small things over time = big changes.

I just did 45 minutes on my stationary bike and burned 409 calories.
Are you doing it at a high enough resistance?

thanks man, trying to eat healthy so far's been pretty easy thanks to the weather, all i want are my kale salads and soups.

used to be 180, dropped to 140 this year, unintentionally got busy and kind of lost focus for a while but i wanna get back on schedule yknow, if i could get to 120 that'd be super

i know soda's a no, but what about cane sugar cola? that shit's my kryptonite, though i try to save it as a treat if i can help it

probably not, i just got it so i set it to pretty much the minimum, gonna up the ante as i get stronger hopefully

also good job man, 400 calories ain't nothin to scoff at. do you bike once a day? for me it's also a matter of energy, i won't sleep unless i exercise before bed

of course now i'm shitposting on Veeky Forums so take that as you will

120lb?! are you male/female? how tall? because that's incredibly low for most people.
also don't neglect meat and things, especially on days where you do lift some weights, protein is essential to building and maintaining any sort of muscle, otherwise you'll find you're losing weight but rather than losing fat you're simply losing muscle and wasting away.

any soda is bad to be honest, if you NEED something sweet try a juice or something, though read the nutrition on the packaging as sometimes they're even worse.

5'7-8" so it's not too bad I don't think

i know you can't really target weight loss but if i can get rid of my ass n thighs i'll be content with that, i don't have a belly really but my lower half is just terrible

i'm thinking it's more of the carbonation than the sweetness nowadays, gonna try some perrier or something similar and see how that goes

thanks for your help man

I'm a male and there's one of this shits in my house, is it good for anything?

I believe in you pal. Even if you mess up you can do better tomorrow

oh ok for that height + being a woman then 120lbs isn't as unhealthy as I was thinking.
just keep doing what you're doing, you'll get to the point where being healthy and active is the norm and from there you can become more extreme if you want but by that point you've probably hit your main goal.
regular spring water should ease that craving too, same as regular water but yeah carbonated.

Well it's better for your knees than a threadmill and definetly better than nothing but i think indoor training overall is boring as fuck
Just get a bike and ride outside it even has the bonus of getting a nice taint


from the Bolshoi Academy for dancers.

Beautiful. If you aren't as thin as her you might as well kill yourself, fatty

I'm 5'9, 125lb-ish. I have lots of fat on my thighs and calves.
Is there any way to change that while dieting or is it purely genetics?
Probably going to pick up running too

same here but it hurts so bad I can't even move today so I'll probably make up for it.

explain then how Victoria's Secret models with their 700-1000 cal diets have such great bodies

>ruin your metabolism

thats not how it works.

aging faster might be true, since your skin needs vitamins to make collagen and keep skin elasticity. but you cannot significantly alter your metabolism with diet.


they don't live on that. it's like cutting for a bodybuilding show or bikini show: they have strict pre-fashion show diets dependent on their 'usual' bodies (magdalena frackowiak for example gains weight for VS), but they hardly starve themselves every damn day. VS models are generally also the fattest in terms of HF.

what is this

ideal weight

do you know how metabolism works?
if you feed your body nothing, any time you do eat your body holds onto that in the form of fat because it's not sure when you'll get nutrition to burn again, which is why 3 meals a day is no longer prescribed as the standard, you should have 5 medium sized meals a day in order to keep your metabolism burning.. this is also similar to how bears metabolisms work during hibernation.

expanding on that, they don't actually look rake skinny amazing in their usual life because their hair, skin and nails would turn to absolute shit.. they eat well but being a model = having the time to exercise as much as you like, which as why you can see slightly stronger looking arms more than arms that look like they'd snap in half.

How can I hit my thinspo goal without losing my entire ass?

Will squats help?

you'll lose some of your muscle m ass, butt your best bet will be to eat ass much protein as you can and exercising
also you can build it back up after reaching your goal

it takes a while to actually lose muscle. you will know when the atrophy kicks in.


you're talking out of your ass and you know nothing about metabolism. stop posting fatlogic.

you're sort of right. during periods of starvation the body prioritises certain functions and stops giving energy to others, thus burning less calories. but it doesn't just hold onto fat, and the effects are generally minimal unless you develop something like hypothyroidism. you don't just suddenly stop losing weight.



is coke zero ok?

I would need to loose about 14kg to get to that point, my body doesn´t even contain that much fat...

Can anyone explain me this..

I am 6,2 my weight is 62 kg - sorry for not converting it for you guys but I am drunk

my face is still a little chubby, my cheeks are not sunken in like on every other skinny person

how is this

can anyone help me
I have lost a lot of weight because of drugs and anxiety depression etc

now I feel even worse because my face still look like a chubby persons face

I used to be 90 kg + with muscles - will my face never recover from lifting weights??


hottest skinny guy
love his style


Same here. 6'2 at 57kg and still a chubby face, tho I never lifted.


of course she a model

Ali Michael, if you're interested.


>Hey there smooth-skin

if you follow the ABC diet you will usually keep losing weight, there are ways to get around your bodies pesky instincts


I agree with you.

>been trying to diet all summer so I can fit in some nice jeans
>thighs were too tight but everywhere else was fine
>no noticeable changes

>today I try on the jeans
>still kinda tight in the thigh
>now too loose in the butt and waist
f u c k

do both
thinspo/otter mode is the way to go
men, look at a bunch of the thin runway models
they have some muscle on them

thanks dude! you too

Thinness and Androgyny:
Is an androgynous look achiveable for most body types by just beeing very thin with a little fat and like zero muscle?
Im male, 5'11 and at the moment 160 with a very low bodyfat%, with a lot of muscle in my upper body.
I don't really look that feminine, but want to go for a cute/twinky-girlish look, is it worth it to try and lose all muscle or is androgyny just genetics?

>losing muscle is bad
I have no desire to lift heavy things.

Also if so how would I go about losing mostly muscle with as little fat possible?
High carbs, low fat, very low protein?

Thanks in advance :3

seems like it's just genetics at that point. maybe i'm wrong, and you can gain that gaunt look you want. good luck bro

>another B/P
this is becoming an almost daily thing now
just wish I could lose this last 7lbs

How to cope with hunger when fasting? Also what to tell family when they suspect I didn't eat?

took me a sloid minute to realize you weren't a guy lol

eat in front of them

>tfw feel the same guilt as shooting K when my mom see's me cooking a huge pizza she knows I'm gonna purge later
free me from this emotional purgatory

that's very emotionally unhealthy to do user. If she know whjat you're gonna do why tf take the time to lie and waste food? Unless you're 14 year old there's no way you can do whatever the fuck you want with them barely noticing.

"hey user what did u eat today?"
"oh i just made me a mortadella sandwich"

that easy man.

I know it's bad. And I know she knows, but she'd never say anything because it's a can of worms she'd rather pretend isn't there.
That works for both of us.

Believe me I'd rather not do it, but it's harder than it sounds.

I mean do you not eat at all? I try to eat one meal a day, which is fine. If you eat nothing at all you should stop doing that. Also she doesn't pretend it isn't there, she just doesn't want to talk about it. She's probably worried and you shouldn't do something that's bad for yourself and family.

Just eat the minimum every day and let them see you, don't purge it afterwards. I mean I know nothing about ur life or if you do exercise or if you're fat and trying to lose weight but those are my 2 cents.

>with a very low bodyfat%, with a lot of muscle in my upper body.

If that is you in the pic then you definitely are not low bodyfat with a lot of muscle. You are probably 15% bodyfat in that pic and you have no muscle. You look skinnyfat as fuck, and you'd actually need muscle to get a lower bodyfat in all honesty.

sorry if I sounded harsh, do what you consider right but please take your health and happiness and the happiness of your family in mind!

Go give your mum a hug right now :)

I think I eat pretty normally (outside of bingeing, which is sporadic and unannounced).
I don't purge regular meals. I'm pretty strict on calories but if it's good foods then I'll keep it down.

My mom mentioned my weight about 3 times before I asked her to drop it and she never did since. Aside from a few times I've gotten dizzy when standing up.

back into restriction phase. lost five pounds so far, 25 left to lose. keeping track of macros and getting enough protein.

quit doing drugs a few months ago and it turns out nothing else makes me happy. I don't need to be happy, though. Contentment is enough.

Wow holy shit you Veeky Forumsggots ARE gay!

does anyone have any before after pics of people who were average becoming thin? with heights/weights preferably.

>become thin(ner)
>end up looking weird because of broad shoulders

My ideal plan is to lose 40lbs, which puts me in the middle of the normalweight bmi category. I know that isn't thin but I'm not interested in that.

Q: Will this give me loose/excess skin? Cus fuck that. I am okay with only losing 30/25lbs if that means no loose skin.

unless you're crazy fat I don't think you'll end up with tons of loose skin.

>92 pounds

Yeah, somehow I fucking think not.


yeah my explanation probably wasn't as technical as it should have been


never heard of it, will check it out

a lot of male runway models are actually solidly built, usually large shoulders, medium arms and then absolutely no torso, can be a bit of a cartoonish over exaggerated physique but if that's what you want then it's still healthier than being extremely thin.

>London, Amsterdam and Melbourne
The only Veeky Forums place in that list is Amsterdam. Melbourne is literally the most un/fa/ place on earth. I would encourage anyone to critically examine any claim made by an user who would brag about living in these places.

you're all so skinny and qt and im so ugly and fat ;_;

>tfw binged for the second time in a week

That's fucking it. I'm not eating a fucking thing until the day after tomorrow.

nope, thats more like my goalbody

>you'll lose weight if you eat under 500 calories for a month
no shit

ok big man
I've been to 90% of large cities throughout europe, australia and asia, those are the only 3 I've lived in however and all 3 have significantly higher rates of Veeky Forums than other cities.. maybe you're just poor and couldn't afford to live in a nice area where people wear more than h&m?

I'm 5 foot 7, 134 pounds. I wear size xs and pants is size 28. Am I thinspo? If not what weight should I aim for

your bmi is 21
thinspo is closer to 16

jesus fuck. might as well be a skeleton. I'm afraid if i'm at that point I would be so tired easily I can't be productive can i.

what matters is your thigh circumference and bf% imo

ok i lost weight, but i look skinny fat. do i just keep cutting til just plain skinny? i don't want to jog or do exercise ffs