Is this Kekistan shirt, or any Veeky Forums apparel effay, or would I be gunned down in the street?

Not effy at all, get a swastika shirt for true political effines

I consider myself a peaceful person but I would swerve to hit someone I saw wearing this

Sure you would pussy

Definitely cop it, you will look very cool

Lauren Southern will just fly straight onto your dick the moment you pop on that hot shirt. Shadilay my friends xD

Only cop Veeky Forums merch if it's officially released by the site. Which it most likely never will be, but after /vip/ who fucking knows anymore.

please for the love of god start actually wearing these, out loud and proud boys


yeah, def cop. a good warning sign

>Veeky Forums

Not exactly the most effay design for a shirt.
Pins and patches are more suited for this kind of thing.




I swear that image has a smell to it

Lauren Southern seems like one of those women who are so clean they smell offensive, like your nose hairs tingle and your eyes water a little bit

I imagine fucking her would be like rubbing your dick against the inside of a grapefruit rind that was covered in lavander talcum powder

she probably pants like a small dog as well

Kekistan and all that other retarded bullshit is basically reddit unironically appropriating ironic Veeky Forums culture. The relevant subreddits are doing the internet equivalent of collecting and eating sewage runoff and trying to pass it off as a fresh meal they made themselves.


we made that you idiot. don't talk shit just because you regret it, now fuck off trying to spout fake news.


the alt kike should be exterminated

Autism is autism no matter what stupid ducking website created it.

>this is the guy calling people cucks on the internet