ITT: God-Tier Architecture
ITT: God-Tier Architecture
The Crystal Cathedral is pretty impressive
iakov chernikhov's Gothic work is mind blowing.
yet another architecture thread ruined by brutalists
Brutalism is good.
More like yet another architecture thread liberated by brutalism.
>tfw no 100% brutalist city.
Looks like morrowind
Yesyesyes more Boullee
nice spires
agreed, still the top
reminds me a goddamn guillotine
that man was a visionary
now something that really changes the face of the earth
Roman baroque, best baroque.
nice try, Ken Ham.
Not really a building so to speak, but it's beautiful and I want to share.
The dedication it must have taken...
It just looks ruined with the shouting pencils
These must be built
German Romanesque.
Spanish Romanesque.
French Romanesque.
More French romanesque.
>not prefering the advanced 60's futurism mode
Lombard Romanesque.
iberian pre-romanesque
More Lombard Romanesque.
notice the masonry work in the stones
Asturian pre-romanesque and romanesque was the shit.
portuguese renaissance
San Vitale in Ravena. Pretty interesting Byzantine style basilica. It has an octagonal plan but the narthex is in a different axis than the apse
who /brickgothic/ here?
They told me I could do anything, so I skipped the renaissance and went straight from gothic to baroque.
dystopian asf
So clean, so pure...
Japanese Metabolism was a very curious thing. The idea behind the capsule tower was that every module could be attached and detached easily, allowing for maintenance and organic growth as needed. It's in complete disrepair now, and ironically the architect was pleading to not have it demolished, which I think is pretty contradicting with the idea of organic growth.
but what kind of buildings would allah approve of?
Allahu ackbar.
[Explodes internally]
You also accept brickexpressionism?
is there a sexier style than art deco?
Looks Satanic.
And to think, instead of that all we got was a worthless cathedral.
what about vernacular architecture?
Gamli refur