Was David Bowie Veeky Forums?

Was David Bowie Veeky Forums?

It's undeniable.

is probably the most effay person of all time

Yes. You shouldn't even have to ask this

>is probably the most effay person of all time

Yes, but really you shouldn't have to ask this. But. any excuse to drop some Bowie inspo's neat

Do NOT talk about Judy in this thread!

of course you u knew that already

I'm not gonna talk about Judy but she's positive about this, isn't she?

For sure

Who is Judy anyway?

I feel for the wallabees meme because of him.

>I wasn't born with Bowie facial aesthetics
I am literally mad at this
I mean look at the guy, I can only dream to look as effay as him

Thin White Duke era Bowie is goat

>past tense
How can you be so full of chromosomes yet still able to pose online? He still fucking is

The very definition



I need to know where I can get sunglasses like that





he was handsome, therefore he was effay

I feel like his fashion sense dropped off in the 80s. He was probably already too old at that point to really pull off some of the more extravagant looks, like pic related. 90s and later he toned it down quite a bit, a wise choice imo.

id on those glasses

David Bowie was so effay he transcended reality how can you even ask this question.

David Bowie is the standard by which effay is measured

are you sure about that

BITCH, what the FUCK, Bowie is far beyond what Veeky Forums could ever dream off

religion is coming back bro.


Most fashion in the 80's were pretty over the top and not really good looking.

Nigga can get clapped by cancer and still be effay. Don't believe me? Dig up his fucking corpse and his fit will still be more fresh than 99.9% of people's fits that day.

Made me smile.


Pretty sure he did the Blackstar videos when he already had cancer. Guy is GOAT.



The fact that you have to ask shows how little you fucking know.....




what's the sauce for this gif?


nah I mean doesn't it look like it's from a music video or something? or is the girl famous?

Hm. Yeah, kinda.

just made this hehehe


Yeah, Thin white duke especially. Anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian

I'm offended you even asked


literally was nothing but the typical old school rockstar type tryhard making himself look like a clown

everyone replying yes to this thread needs to grow up, get a job, and move out of mommy and daddys attic


Would rape ass apart


You're on the wrong board.I hate this new dapper/rmrs/"preppy" posters.Just leave, fashion isn't for you.

he looks like some sort of bird creature

If he had been buried that would probably be the case. But he was cremated and ashes spread somewhere secret by his wife :(

>one eye was blue
>the other eye was green

Nobody on Veeky Forums will ever be that effay. He transcended what we know today as effay


Holy fuck, I didn't know he had heterochromia.

Was water important to life on earth?

They are actually the same colour but one pupil is locked to constantly be dilated or something like that
It's called Anisocoria ''English singer David Bowie exhibited anisocoria, owing to a teenage injury.''

Although I do believe one eye became slightly different in colour as he got older (in his 30's and 40's to death)

what kind of injury?

Thing is, David Bowie was LITERALLY just on the right side of fame. Was he effay? For fucking sure. But had he not been famous combined with a 10/10 sense for style, he'd be just another wonky-faced lanklet you see and say "fucking hell"

My point is, it's all about the attitude.

skinny? sure af

but lanklet? he was of average height.

I assume he more likely wore contact lenses to accentuate the difference

Idk, david bowie has god tier facial structure. He's literally the most photogenic person I've ever seen.

he got punched in the face and as he fell his head hit the kerb

early 80s bowie with the peroxide hair was the most effay being to walk this earth

He would actually have been pretty tall for the 60's England, he was 5'10-5'11 in his prime
