How can we profit off the retarded /pol/ and "alt-right" crowd that's had a surge in recent years?
How can we profit off the retarded /pol/ and "alt-right" crowd that's had a surge in recent years?
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How can we profit off the retarded Veeky Forums and the "how can we profit" crowd that's had a surge in recent years?
copy Crypto 2.0, rename it with some firefly name like Utopium or Liberium. Sell it to idiots telling them it is revolutionary.
Sit there, gather the shekele.
Shilling cryptos seems to work well.
You would have to buy whatever they're investing in to profit off the 'crowd' in this case the /pol/ crowd.
Op is voting for bernie and makes minimum wage.
>If you don't like /pol/ you must be voting for Bernie
solid logic lmao.
Also quite funny given that most of /pol/ is unemployed or earning minimum wage/close to it.
By not cucking ourselves with Pernie Zanders
>Buy 9mm and .22 ammo before election cycle
>Democrat wins
>Ammo prices spike and stores run out of ammo
>Sell ammo for big markup
It's like you've never done this before.
Take out life insurance and then kill yourself.
kinda catchy "5 Libers" has a nice ring to it.
This picture is right though. Theres tons of cucking going on all over the planet.
>sexist child custody laws
>"job experience" cuck resume ladder
>"we dont do contracts; we only work with goys that use credit score."
That being said most naysocs would bend over for hitler or a similar figure if they got inti power, gladly accepting nationalization of assets because of "muh pride."
Create a cringey alt-right youtube channel, since everyone knows youtube is the only source of true enlightenment. Run ads and rake in the cash as the fedora'd pied piper
It's been done already
wtf is the "alt-right"
Is this what the Bernout retards are calling anyone who doesn't worship niggers and faggots, but don't fit into the religious right?
It's how they call themselves...
Pic related should explain
Just because they came to 8 ch7n with us doesnt mean they supported gg
Altright is your new label. Get used to it.
Create an ironic meme cryptocurrency called "cuckbucks" and viral market that shit
people who actually make money vote for shillary not for trump so I don't see your point here
Typical /pol/tard right here.
They are just like the socialists ..just shill an all white governent meme or some kind of anti rich guy thing!
tell them a Neo NAZI stock broker is taking over the stock market then pump the hell out of it!
Tell them the only way to defeat the capitalist is to buy property.
Tell them to invest in NAZI GOLD...thats what Hitler would do!!
Start a meme called "WHAT WOULD HITLER DO?"
Sell them gold. That usually works on morons.
Peter Schiff and Mike Baloney have already cornered that market
Make a Kickstarter for an expose documentary about the "LIBERAL BRAINWASHING SJW FEMINIST UNIVERSITY SYSTEM" boogeyman.
Then pocket the money and disappear forever.
This. Study their main talking points (you probably already know them), and make some shitty youtube documentary that ties them all together into a conspiracy. Don't make it explicitly Jewish because it'll limit your views, but make it vaguely Jewish. Through out a lot of -steins and -bergs. Talk about the "rise of Tumblr" and how it's threatening to destroy our society and you'll have it. Wont' even have to narrate it, just do some shitty TTS program. They eat those types of vids up.
also this. /pol/acks tend to be the types convinced there's a day of reckoning for fiat currency on the horizon. Convince them it's sooner than later.
^this..... so much of this
They're not going to trust that desu
Don't they think Kickstarter is degenerate?
They funded Sam Hyde's project, they'll fund anything
>Also quite funny given that most of /pol/ is unemployed or earning minimum wage/close to it.
Where did you get that from? In my experience most of /pol/ is crazy diverse in terms of occupation and net worth.
He's an idiot who thinks he intellectually
superior, but in reality it really boils down
to him having a skewed sense of moral
superiority. He doesn't have the ability to
analyze people with different viewpoints,
because to put it bluntly, he is not a logical
>Veeky Forums isn't a /pol/ drip tray
Go to /pol/, search keyword Veeky Forums get 0 threads
Go to Veeky Forums, search keyword /pol/ get 72 threads.
Faggots can't stop talking about pol like /pol/ owns the place.
/pol/ is Veeky Forums at this point, like /b/ used to be ten years ago.
I love when these threads flush out all of the Trumpshirts
get out of my biz you lunatics. You don't belong
seriously... every fucking board.
/pol/ said this! /pol/ said that!
Like a bunch of fucking little kids running around repeating what they overheard their parents talking about.
I remember I started a thread on here and it almost immediately derailed into people spouting pseudoscience on race that was debunked over a century ago and saying that universal healthcare wouldn't work in America because something something black people.
The only thing /pol/ has ever been even halfway correct about is genetic intelligence. Everything else is satire, or retardation
>Everything else is satire, or retardation
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting so that's really not much consolation.
Read Veeky Forums this place is just as retarded
what the fuck is biz
been here 6 years and i found out through pol
what in the fuck
You could film yourself beating up child molestors and sell them the tapes or you could open up a gym that plays country music to keep the blacks out.
how about you fuck off back 2 reddit OP?
You're just following in our footsteps.
It's where people with no skills and qualifications come to waste the money they got from their parents on "get rich quick" schemes. I'm not even from Veeky Forums and I know it's 100% accurate.
Oy Vey, good idea!
How can we make these goys to give us shekels?
>like /pol/ owns the place.
This is the best way of doing it.
The best way to bank off of the alt-right is to bank off the people reacting to them. /pol/ and the like usually like to hide their power level. By pandering to left radicals who are reacting to them with things like you work your way into the crowd that loves novelties and is of a much wider income range than /pol/acks.
Hey give us some money so we can buy some land in Namibia and make an all white non degenerate colony :^)
Little kids LARPing as right-wing/reactionaries.
They don't even know what they stand for, it's just a shitty cover-all label that they use for anything they vaguely agree with that isn't left-wing.
Mostly redditors and/or newfags identify as this
But /pol/ hates the term alt right.
>Where did you get that from? In my experience most of /pol/ is crazy diverse in terms of occupation and net worth.
Take a look at "How do we solve the manchild problem" threads, overwhelming amounts will say that it's not a problem and "why would you contribute to degenerate society", etc.
Then also look at the employment and education threads. you'll quickly notice the vast majority are unemployed, working minimum wage and barely passed highschool.
I've been on /pol/ for years man. I liked posting there a lot but it really IS a satirical board
"go back to pol" and "ooh so edgy" are just newfag and redditor responses to things that trigger them. It's the only way they can remain sensitive babies and still come on this site.
I know, I'm from /pol/
That is probably all true, but some of the neo-reaction canon stuff like Moldbug has a pretty interesting take on things. But yea, much of the other stuff is a random shitshow.
>Phrase not found
It's because at this point every single user from every single board has seen /pol/ shitposting and memes.
We've all seen that fucking "happy Jew" meme, calling everything "cuck" and "le niggers are stoopid amirite".
You guys are a joke, no one is triggered by you, you're just annoying and dumb
basically /pol/ is an inverted bell curve.
>You guys are a joke, no one is triggered by you, you're just annoying and dumb
You sound pretty triggered tbqh
Seriously... it's like every noob reddit faggot on here eventually wanders over to /pol/ and craps their pants.
It's like these sheltered SJW faggots only lived with their parents all their lives & never heard of differing opinions on race before...
We just want you to keep your shitposting contained in the board designated by Moot. Why is that so hard to follow?
There really is a certain air of irony about discussing Race, 'Degeneracy' and future of White Nationalism on an ANIME imageboard.
>You sound pretty triggered tbqh
And that's the funny thing.... none of these faggots have the balls to go back to /pol/ and post there...
Yet they're triggered as shit by /pol/ and talk behind /pol/s back non stop in every other forum.
>And that's the funny thing.... none of these faggots have the balls to go back to /pol/ and post there...
There's no point because as soon as you attempt to debate /pol/ someone starts spam posting images from their 500+ image "Jew and Nigger" folder or just repeatedly using ad-hominems by calling you a faggot, cuck and a SJW.
It's an echochamber just like Tumblr is
And yet you faggots can't help yourself but talk about /pol/ on every other board...
> Complains /pol/ dominates Veeky Forums
> talks about /pol/ in every board he's on
Two can play at that game
We want you to leave, it used to be a global rule to keep /pol/ in /pol/ for which people would regularly be banned.
Good goy
It's not 2013 anymore, lad
They also hate skiheads
by being a cucked jew kike niggerfaggot
you're off to a good start cuckp
in america they manufacture tons of fake WW2 memorabilia and sell it to /pol/acks. It's really profitable too.
>in america they manufacture tons of fake WW2 memorabilia and sell it to /pol/acks
Shit that's a good idea.
Sell them black market weapons
>be milo
>say cuck
>increase readership for self and newspaper
>profit, literally
It's kind of funny how /pol/ liked milo for so long despite him being a homosexual who particularly liked black men and was quite blatantly just milking them. (Them referring to both the black men's cocks as well as /pol/ for views)
Milo is liked because he's immune to SJW counter attacks and can call out feminist bullshit at will. He's pissed a lot of /pol/acks off because of his bullshit alt-right meme article.
This. Obviously.
>neo-nazi shill
>supposed to be /pol/
If you're gonna post an "epic" comeback, at least get it a little bit right, dumbass.
Right, it needs a neckbeard and he needs to weigh a good 50-100lbs more
>implying 22 can be found. The price and supply never corrected
It is a labeled invented by old conservatives.
/pol/ is the new /b/.
>implying Bernie voters actually work at all
Eh not exactly. It's just that Veeky Forums is the board for Jews while /pol/ is the board for whining about Jews.
Literally the simplest and smarted thing I've read on Veeky Forums in days.