Females of Veeky Forums (haha), what are your expectations fashion-wise when meeting a guy? Any absolute turn-offs...

Females of Veeky Forums (haha), what are your expectations fashion-wise when meeting a guy? Any absolute turn-offs? What would you consider trying too hard? Pls respond

thanks again AskReddit

Ironed clothes with no tears or stains, that fit properly, and are age and venue appropriate. Be yourself, whatever that looks like, but don't let that be an excuse to be a brainless slob.

I don't care if you're poor, because I am too. It's okay to work with what you have.

What kind of men do you effay girls prefer? Young Lachowski-core, Chads, incels?

Business casual, without any doubt.

Nobody like a slob in sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt unless youre a 10/10 hunk. Considering that 99% of Veeky Forums is skinny manlets trying to compensate, this statement holds true.

>Business casual, without any doubt.

BC is the definition of "half-baked cookie".
and it has some really cringeworthy shitty fits.
either go full dapper with everything or full casual. that's the only way to be authentic.

you sound like a good person, good luck in life.

full rick n big dick

Honestly I'm usually impressed by guys putting any effort into their outfits whatsoever, since 90% of the men where I live don't. I'm a huge fan of atticus finch-esque outfits, even though I've only ever seen two dudes wearing them irl.
Turnoffs would be vineyard vines, cargo/khaki shorts (most shorts in general are impossible for men to look good in tbqh), really any basic modern prep core since I see so much of it every day and it's just visually disgusting.
I consider guys that are covered head to toe in hypebeast brands like supreme or Nike to be obvious try hards.

Pretty darn spot on

whatever the style you just need to own it effortlessly and not be a try hard

>hypebeast brands
Audible kek

Clean and whole clothing. I enjoy classy styles but most of the guys I go for either like streetwear or are programmers hence dress like them (t-shirt, hoodie, jeans/shorts) and that's fine too. If you're good looking you can get away with dressing casually, cause I'll be looking at your face/arms/whatever instead of a fugly t-shirt.

Just because I like turtlenecks and black chinos doesn't mean I won't fuck you if you're hot but wearing cargo shorts.

>dat sexy gyno LMAO

At this point I've lowered my standards to "groomed/doesn't smell like dung" and "doesn't dress like the kids from Disney's Recess". Sadly, it's either one or the other, so I stay single. kek.

>what are your expectations fashion-wise when meeting a guy?

Has to be 6'4", and at least a 7/10 in the face.

>Any absolute turn-offs?

Not being the above.

>What would you consider trying too hard?

Not being the above but thinking you still have a chance to begin with.

>Turnoffs would be vineyard vines
you ever been to the south? you'd love it there.i remember vineyard vines was the only thing white people wore in mississippi.

To all the girls (female) ITT, do guys wearing boots like austrian meme boots seem gay to you or can it still be good looking


This is bait but with a grain of truth. If you're 6'4" and good looking, then you can wear pretty much any garbage and you'd still get girls. Bonus points if you're ottermode/"""""""""""""""""""""toned""""""""""""""""""""".

any females here into autistic shit like techwear or lunarcore?

Techwear yes. Lunarcore naw.

Post fit

are you cute? if you're not cute, your opinion really doesn't matter.

im into techwear and lunarcore and desu if a guy wears techwear im 100% attracted to him (sadly i think techwear doesn't look that good on me since im not very tall). If not just a guy who's good looking, sweatshirt, chino/jeans with sneakers is fine.

Absolute turn-offs would be like full prep, full supreme i think?

This applies to every female ITT

This is a pretty cute female if I do say so myself

>female attempts at humor

B-back the fuck off??

women are incapable of being funny. i suggest you stick to being cute at least

>there's only two kinds of style, choose only one of them, in order to be authentic

why are white people so obsessed with being "Authentic"? Seems like whatever you like wearing is authentic in itself to me.

daily reminder that if you wear sports brands outside of exercise occasions, then you're also a tryhard

sambas have surpassed being sportswear and are just fashion at this point m0

What is up with those googles, and why is she actually so filthy?
Did she just crawl out of fallout 2?

Also no fuck off to reddit for ama.

what kind of arms do you like ?

Femanon here. I only date lunarcore guys. Any earthbound fashion is a major turn-off. Sorry.

This guy's a prancing la-la homo man though

This is the exact type of attire that you can't really go wrong with as long as it all fits nicely. It's not like you are going around being a doll everyday, either. Plus, if there isn't a good reason for the suit, it's just corny. So... you are fake news.

They're hard to pull off.

Yup, they both are very interesting styles, I'm into them -- but hard to pull off, too.

My opinion matters. I am young and beautiful.

Talk shit post face

Tfw 6'3" 7/10 ottermode

I'm not even talking shit, this is all almost commonsense. But alas, I have never posted my face on Veeky Forums and I never will.

The main issue with business casual is that most people wearing business casual look like they're only wearing it cause they have to. Now, anyone decently good looking will look fine in a white Oxford shirt, khaki chinos, and brown derbies as long as everything fits. But there's a serious lack of inspired business casual fits imo. Just one or two interesting pieces can make a business casual outfit a lot more interesting: wingtips, especially wingtip boots, suede or nubuck shoes, especially colored, subtly patterned pants, a bold colored shirt.

I would drag my balls through 10 miles of broken glass just to hear you fart through a walkie-talkie

I'm referring to guys who wear outfits like this on a casual, daily basis.

there isnt one particulary style i like on men, but there is one i hate and it is full rick
i fucking hate it