Face rate thread
itt post face/rate others
Face rate thread
itt post face/rate others
me on the right
we cant see your face dumbass
we can't see the full OP head too but i guess we can rate too? i don't rlly take selfies.
am i nasty lookin
Not at all dude, you got good facial structure.
the lighting here really sucks and it's impossible to tell if you're good or just average but you're certainly not nasty
lol he deleted
Yeah I guess you're kinda right, but overall appearance of the whole body ties into fashion so you're also kinda wrong.
Where have I seen that girl before...
i did :,- (
cause i forgot that this shit doesn't go here tho, i already know i'm ugly
alex g
7 maybe? cant c u
one of those 5 borderline 8s
7-8 maybe? your head looks like it might be kind of small when you look at it front on tho
I don't want to sound mean... but you look inbred...yikes
Hi chubby leafy
Stupid cunt
my head is actually massive
oh wow im jewish and columbian maybe thats why
old photo of me when I got drafted.
jealous of your facial hair, even if that mustache makes you look like a villain. a good face. this picture is 3 years old but I look pretty much the same still
thanks lad, they had some art project about us getting drafted and they wanted me to take part of it.
also clean up the face a little, get better glasses, and a better hair cut and you'd honestly be solid.
you should grow your hair out
Holy shit get a buzzcut, that spiky hair azns get looks good on no one. Get a skincare routine and contacts as well.
lookin to switch glasses and have been growing it out a little longer. this one's a little more recent
okay this looks MUCH better. you're doing good but yea get new glasses maybe a round frame
thanks senpai, on it
Well shit son how do i get over that boarder
yeah this one looks a fuck ton better.
like this guy said try out some round frames, otherwise you look pretty decent here.
i look a bit more beat up now.
Rate me
u look like an egg
my hairline is receding, can you guys give me some advices how to fix it ? I would be greateful!
you could try not being an ugly fucking chink monkey
this isn't about how bodies relate to clothing this is just tell me I'm pretty/ugly
Sorry for bad photo.
Here's possibly a better one, although I'm a bit younger in it and look a bit different now.
jesus dude. this is why you're alone.
Nice face, weird hair
I think the hair looks way better here
You're so lame lol
if i could kill you and absorb your facial hair genetics i would
2/10 for giggles
grow your hair out and shave the facial hair
>this kills the board
someone kill me pls
you actually pull it off
u handsome desu
b my gf
Isn't this from that bullshit article with pictures of beta faggots from Lithuania crying about mandatory military service?
Seen you in other threads. I understand you might want to show your cross of or something, but you are kind of pulling attention to it and thus the lower part of your face. Keep it tucked in and the focus would immediately shift to your eyes which doesn't look bad.
Shave the hair, try to loose some weight and get a short beard and you would look pretty good!
lose weight bro.
disgusting kike/10
you're so lame
Yeah I took part in that, bunch a queers crying I just went with it
Strong 8 to a light 7 my man
Yo you look like your name is chad meat head thunder cock the third
>strong 8
>light 7
Thats not how it works
Most recent photo, growing my hair out at the moment so it's a little awkward imo. Rate, or just roast me idgaf
My moustache wishes it looked like yours
Smol mouth/10, good overall though
I bet you get mad bitches, keep up the good work
oh my god you are gorgeous
Rate pls
Rofl. Keeping coping, faggots
change your frames /grow a beard to hide your underdeveloped chin and jaw.
nice cheeks
could be a 6
U look like that midget josh Kennedy
Only one with a proper side view, r8 me
a more natural one, will try find a closer up one for reference of my shitty dark circles that ruin my whole face
Evening nygards
Go ahead...
>found the reason why im so ugly
>my nose is long as shit
best picture obviously
younger Conan O'Brien
[spoiler]i woke up like this[/spoiler] literally just woke up btw
Ugly specs, i know, gonna switch to something else as soon as i get a job.
Rate me or I'll repost my face until someone does
shitty skin shitty hairline shitty style
another jobless beta fat mexican
that was rude user
you look like conan
could i pull off morrowind default dunmer hair lads
Not mexican
I will. I will post another (probably in /soc/, idk, i feel more comfortable being rated by actual attractive ppl) after i shave and shower.
what a strange stipulation why does that matter to you? you think everyone here is bitter because they're ugly? we're all just trying to look better senpai
Rate me
you look decent but your facial hair looks like pubes
it's nothing like that at all. they have IDs that's all, i guess. and knowing that actual attractive ppl rate me above 5 really makes me feel good. i didn't imply that everyone here is bitter because they're ugly.
qt ;)
what do u think?
rip out my tapeworm daddy
ct in bad way like baby faced killer man utd player
i want to play with his hair
yo dis smug
would fug
do you like dinosaurs and stuff??
cos i got a bone for you
no, i love your hair
you two look like ciara and the guy who roleplayed her
after like two year heroine addiction
i wont wait for this to open european internet
me you
jawbros for ever
indian king of the north
is your eyebrow like that since your birth??
>no replies
albino sherloc
i am glad i am not indian
do you guys can even have a beard?
pls kill that hairy thing under your nose
weird vibe
like you look like a pedo and murderer
but too polite to do such things
nice hair
i am downloading lotr the fellowship rn
so no
I get hit on by twice as many gay dudes than I do girls. How do I look better to the opposite gender? Pic doesn't show body but I'm pretty fit
thoughts? /10 btw im 5'4.
rate me
it's a shame your face got stuck with a short body