when is it effay for men to paint their nails?
When is it effay for men to paint their nails?
when they are preparing for TRANSITION!
If you're Momoa and under no other circumstance. Momoa can get away with usually cringey stuff like painting his nails and sharktooth necklace and throwing chairs.
I wish it wasn't so queer cuz I think black nails can look effay af on dudes.
Only black, though.
>Only black, though.
Nah fuck this man. Black is so fucking try-hard. It's like saying "I'm secure in my masculinity but not that secure." Go fucking full out, don't be a pussy. Girls dig the weird colours too, it's confident. It's a good conversation starter. Black is for pissy cunts. Fuck black.
it's just because black provides a nice neutral contrast that can go with most if not every outfit.
chill out brother
Black looks nice, I think any dark color would work (especially blood red) but I don't think pastel/bright colors would look good on most guys.
Why does his left hand have black nails and his right white
When you played Carl Doggo.
I've painted my nails different colors but to me black is the only one that actually looks any good. It's kind of ironic that you're calling it try-hard while at the same time complaining about it not being edgy enough.
When you play classical guitar and have to keep these nails strong
Are you a rock star from the 70's with a secret that all your male friends know?
When you're the prince of darkness
when youre a fucking faggot
Male fashion should always serve a function to it. Like a scarf for example, it keeps you warm. This is why capes and hats went away.
jesus christ kys
Nah black nails looks really jarring if you're wearing brightly colored clothes
Is matte black the only way to go?
Jason Momoa is cringe personified
It looks much better than glossy black at least
when its coordinated with a fit
because he doesn't care so much about what other people think
Dear Lord, his wife aged horribly since the Cosby show.
men's style is largely based on contrasts.
A rugged and robust man can pull of girly or feminine looks because the contrast highlights the masculinity.
Example, as a chubby man, you should wear highly structured looks, because a drapey shirt will only make you look lumpy.
Same is true for glasses. A long face would benefit from narrow or square shades.
When they look like they hit their fingers with doors really hard.
She definitely aged. Would still fuck desu.
But she was a perfect qt when she was younger of course.
She was in Ray Donovan recently. haggard af. also anorexic. played a junkie
She was kinda cool when she was young, and even back then she was tryhard and cringy.
Ray Donovan made Calabasas cool
what's a calabasa?
why does she have tape on her ass
I've met that guy before at a renfest
Dude is fucking huge
His forearms are as big as my thighs
god he looks like a fucking monster
product placement
a sex monster maybe
I genuinely wonder when he's going to just kill himself, the situation is just untenable.
it's pretty fascinating how we can know so much about a stranger's life through the internet, chrischan being the most notable, but i'm someone who doesn't know shit about speedrunning but reading about the mental degeneracy that some people live with is interesting
>just wanna have black nails because I'm a sad cunt
>always see shit like this
maybe I just like black faggot
when the rest of you looks like that.
>have black nails
>"lmao insecure pussy why aren't your nails neon pink"