What the fuck am I supposed to wear in Florida??

What the fuck am I supposed to wear in Florida??

Shorts and a t shirt with sandals/sneakers with no socks

or move up north

full techwear

Nah tank top

A gun in your mouth you neckbeard hick faggot


full sleazecore

I live in Florida. If you're a native and you're not fat you can wear literally anything you want. You should be used to 90f+ and 100% humidity by now unless you're a fucking tourist

I wear a short sleeve dress shirt and tie every day for work.

Ok so what if i'm a tourist ? Who do tourists wear in florida ? Don't act like you're superior to nonamerican tourists, without them visiting your country, you'd be poor as fuck. So be nice to tourists, act like you want tourists in your hometown.

This, I've lived in South Florida my whole life and don't even own any shorts besides gym shorts

Being used to heat is inferior

lol this reminds me of the kids in middle school who thought they were cool when they wore t-shirts in a snowstorm because they were "used to it"

want to get a monster w the bros after school??

When I lived in Florida I wore shorts above knee length, and shirt/t-shirt.

It was assumed I was a homosexual.

Not in Florida, but I noticed the other day when I was fasting it felt at least 10 degrees colder than it really was. It was like 90 degrees but I wore pants and a sweater because I just felt cold. Had to take it all off after I broke fast at dinner and things felt normal again. So maybe give that a shot? Just be sure to drink plenty of water

converse, leggings, tshirt


It takes endurance, stamina
to survive heat as well as cold.

Houston, TX

Unless you're doing construction work or fucking around in the woods there's really no reason you should even be outside for so long

Civilization, it is the Alpha
and the Omega.

haines t-shirt and basketball shorts

fuck off we're full

Why was that assumed? Were above the knee shorts (but not particularly much higher, I'm guessing) very uncommon?

You're supposed to be shredded and walk shirtless with board shorts most of the time, fucking duh, you dingus

I'm partly joking, but in that area (Jacksonville/St Augustine), the haute couture for men is mid-length shorts, band t-shirts, sneakers and fishing sunglasses. "Well-dressed" would be looking like a frat bro.

On the flip-side, I'm from Sweden, and since we have 3 months of summer at best, our summer clothes may be a bit garish by American standards - primary/pastel colors, shirts with floral patterns, etc.

>he was a proud floridian

thats not even hot. its regularly 96f here in tn



Orange jumpsuits are really popular there apparently.

only applicable in coastal areas
otherwise you just look like a tool

Get big,wear a tank top.