Is stealing valor Veeky Forums?

Is stealing valor Veeky Forums?

stop shilling this garbage podcast

nah its actually a cool podcast

of course it is



yes is is

Ya its pretty okay


Yeah, and it pisses off the right people.

SIR thank you for defending us from the lustful turk

the podcast is chapo trap house

It sucks

It is good actually

it's just faggot kikes LARPing about communism. If you think it's cool, kill yourself.

irony brocialists pretending to care about the oppressed working class while simultaneously thinking all middle american white trump supporters are uncultured retards. at least if they were funny it might be alright but their sense of humor is so painfully reddit and all of them have that sort of womanly coastal nu male tone that it makes it hard to even listen.

bernie bros should be put into labor camps

Leftcoms are the only based socialists and their critiques of other socialist theories are usually extremely on point even if youre not a socialist. Prove me wrong.

t. SocLib

Agreed. It would be better if they accepted the science of marxism-leninism

Too bad there are like 10 leftcoms total



This guy knows what he's talking about.
The LeftCom Gang is growing, comrade.

lol that fucking idiot thought he was a wizard, what a lunatic. Can't imagine reading through that hack's books and thinking "wow this wannabe Merlin sure owned Marxism by babbling endlessly about made-up shit like the spirit"

Communism will win!

c-comander felix is c-c-cute

this post is so cool

I love Evola and I need to read Bordiga, but that picture always gives me a giggle

Most of the Trump people I know are middle class or above. Or, well, his die-hards. I know a lot of poor guys who voted for him because they thought he'd shake things up, but they're falling off the bandwagon because he's just constantly failing.

Also Chapo is pretty funny and cool

People who still support Trump after all he's done either have no spine of their own or have been mainline ZOGConservative dinglebungers from the beginning. A mort la gueuse!

So should Tomi Lahren's Erectile Dysfuctional Can't-Get-A-Boner Brigade

hey, your wrong

can anyone else actually believe that 'stolen valour' is a thing in the united states? ah yes this 18 year old who dropped out of high school and voluntarily joined the military to go and indiscriminately butcher iraqi women and children is such a courageous individual, wouldn't want anyone using a uniform that resembled his, what an unspeakable crime

Love those videos of those troop lovers getting angry. Fucking inbred pigs