Im 18. am i finished?

im 18. am i finished?

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can it be saved in anyway? certain vitamins, hair products? all my brothers and my dad have a fucked up hairline


You're 18

You have a choice
Your penis, or your hair

my dick is small anyway. id give my penis away

Then you're fucked too. It's primarily genetics that dictate how your hair will end up.

Both me and from what I heard my father as well went "bald at the temples" between 18 and 21. But that's it. My dad is approaching 60 and he can still style that shit and everything. Just look for haircuts that flatter a hairline like that, maybe something like pic related.

Your hair is perfectly normal you retard

i style it like this. nonchalant, to cover up the hairline

Fuck is up with your eyebrows mate
Fix that shit

Shave and fix eyebrows

yeah i dont go to my barber anymore and he used to thread very good. but i guess i will need to go to a beauty salon or some shit and get it worked on there

I started at 19, and my temple recession was slightly less advanced than yours. By 28, I was better off shaving my head than trying to comb-over my temples. Also, my top was noticeably thinner than my back and sides. There's really no telling how fast or slow someone will progress. You could lose everything on your temples, and then stop for 25 years. Or if could all go at once. Either way, you WILL progress to some degree. For me, it was 10 years from where you are to the point of having to accept a bald look--which, thankfully I pull off as well as one can.


>stops testosterone production
yeah i think id rather die than be a weak faggot

Many many guys get that around 18-20. It's not a reliable indicator of farther balding down the line

it's nice knowing that my 66 year old grandfather still has a full head of hair.

Mom's side or dad's side?

is that your grandfather?

i wish i was you

your hairline is fine, dumbfuck, if you have doubts get on finasteride, that's what i've been considering for the past months. i wonder if taking it would make me not want to fuck this twink too

you have no concept of how finasteride works my man

Put me on a scale 0 to JUST. I'm 19


putting in the official baldy anthem itt

put your motherfuckin' hands up

we have insanely similar eyes, eyebrows, and facial structure

Just turned 22, I've been shedding some hair lately, but everyone on my mother's side had a full head of hair well into old age, any reason to worry?

whats your ethnicity?

Your eyebrows look fine desu

what about your father's side

Inconsistent, I have seven uncles with varying degrees of balding, some got severe hair loss in their 20s, some are going strong in their 50s. Dad has a medium widow's peak in his 50s, 80 year old granddad severely bald, his 70 year old brother still has most of his hair.

Try rubbing some mint oil on it.

>dad at 57
>granddads at 87 and 92 respectively
>all have heads full of hair

alright will try thanks

yep. i'm hoping he'll rape me
this is jordan witzigreuter

That won't do you much good

>tfw mom's side is Native American
>tfw blessed with white skin/features from white dad
>tfw blessed with non-balding soft silky Native American hair

Feels really fucking good man

this honestly gives me nightmares

at least my dad didn't start balding until 50 or so, I may have a chance

I just started Finasteride, running, the mint oil in the morning once a week, daily vitamin, biotin for good measure, and some shampoo that's supposed to work well with the fin. It's only been a month, but I've had some shedding and hair is starting to grow back long in where my hairline is receding. Not sure if it'll work in the long run, but I'm optimistic about it. Good luck user

90% of these fucking hairloss posts on Veeky Forums coming from people around the 20 mark are just fucking maturing hairlines. It happens to a vast majority of men and doesn't necessarily mean your hairline with recede any further, ESPECIALLY not that ridiculously early.

Look at pretty much any male actor and you'll see that his hairline's done that. The M-leaning shape is really normal. What you should keep an eye out for is if turns into more of an upside-down U shape, ie both temples and middle of the hairline receding along what you have now.

i dunno, it kinda suits you

People are retarded and don't understand basic biology. What did you expect?

>Wrinkles and hair loss at 18


I have the same thing, it's to do with going from an child's hairline, to an adult. Women and children are mostly square across with full coverage at temples, however with more testosterone and adult hormones in the male body, around 16-21 the hairline will often thing there and then stay that way indefinitely. No indicator of going bald at all.

>tfw the finasteride isn't working

Ive been on it for 9 months now, hold me.

don't shave, you've got enough hair. Maybe it stays like that years or maybe it gets worse. But it isn't that bad

Everyone on my mother's side have a full head of hair and I'll probably get bald. My brother is already balding.

maturing hairline has nothing to do with basic biology

>tfw diffuse thinning
i would trade it for just a receeding hairline tbqfh

Damn just get fit and go for that vin diesel look

Finasteride usually works well for diffuse thinners. Try it.

its relatively expensive in the shithole where i live and also i am scared of side effects (not really about the dick but moreso about the gyno and brainfog) and the effects waning ocer time anyway

Don't touch your eyebrows they look fine. Girls like big eyebrows

>development in living organisms is not biology

bro, are you retarded?

Hey good goy, take pills mentally ill trannies take.

Fuck off schlomo

What this guy said, if you start to recede at temples at around 20, its fucking normal and alot of guys does it. For some it stops but if your front and top of head start recede aswell youre fucked.

I can count on my right hand the guys I know that has a perfect hairline and above 20. But those guys are fucking lucky with the gene lottery. One even has a completly bald dad but has the hairline like a twelve year old, that fucker is 32.

That's pretty fucking bad though.

literally nothing wrong with the eyebrows

Jesus, your eyebrows are looking like the private parts of japanese women.

Are you a boy or a girl?

It doesn't really matter, I would eitherway fuck you in the arse.

Girls love bushy eyebrows

I know that feel but its only fucked up on one side

>18 year old with a NW1

gtfo and play with leggos you daft cunt, dont post in a receding hairline thread again.

What is a NW1?

Bushy eyebrows are manly af OP don't listen to the haters girls like it. Wish I didn't have my feminine thin fucking brows :/

lose a bit of weight, clean up facial hair and eyebrows a bit, and if you're over 5'10 you'd look almost model tier

Buzz it, now, and cultivate your style, so you're ready for it, later.

Mine went when I was 18 as well, you just have to live with it and find a hairstyle that fits

Does that hair regrowth shit actually work?
Ashley and martin clinic etc.
It's expensive but I'd probably do it if my hairline went really really bad.

shaving my head feels p nice

shave your head nigga

nigger you have a normal-ass hairline, stop being so retarded, chrissakes, ""men"" these days are too fucking obsessed with their appearance, even for a fashion board.

This, took it for 3 years, had no changes in penis, breast and no other bullshit, now I'm fine and got decent hair

it's not receding idiot

Tbh kollegah would be able to pull of the bald look too so not that it matters

> take finasteride to try and save hair
> brain fog, cant think
> have a constant 'beta' feeling
> voice goes down an octave, cant string sentences together properly
> makes my face look puffy, constantly dry / red eyes

it didn't even stop me balding either.. feelsbadman. i'm jelly at those for whom it works with no sides

Why does everyone shit on Finasteride?

>tfw I've been on it for going on 2 years
>tfw I've maintained my hair with some thickening
>tfw no sides

Same boat, happened at 21, no change at 26, eat ealthy, work ou

Took it for 6 months with no sides, quit since it wasn't doing much for me and I've just been using minox since. Side effects are really rare since it's such a small dosage, you've gotta be pretty fucked to begin with if you get completely cucked by it.

Yes, I've literally been on Propecia for nine years with zero sides. Don't listen to all the fags worrying about low libido etc just try it. If it was that bad they wouldn't still be selling it.

How has your hair maintained over the 9 years?
Is me

I'm basically Norwood II/Mature hairline tier. Feels good man.

That is awesome man! Hopefully I can maintain for that long too. If I ever get past Norwood 2 I would probably just get a 2000 graft FUE to fill it in. Hopefully that won't be for a while.

>pronounced forehead wrinkles at 18

rip lad where did it go so wrong

i used to put rubbing alcohol on my fqce because i thought drying up my skin was the way to get rid of acne
kill me now with those two massive creaks on my forehead

You still need to fucking wash your hair

literally same desu i know mines receding dunno if its balding tier yet

>One even has a completly bald dad
You get your hair genes from your mother's side. How's his uncle's hair?

Yeah he aged pretty well LMAO
Has a lot to do with his grooming and facial hair though.

i lost a bunch of my hairline when i was 20 but it randomly stopped. im 22 now and i havent lost an inch on my hairline in over a year.

i honestly think being worried about hair loss was exacerbating the problem. i was so worried that i finally decided to buzz it, and then i stopped worrying once i did. right around then, it stopped receding.

That's retarded. While hair loss does have something to do with stress, it's regrow-able hair, and unlike male pattern balding, isn't a pattern of hair loss.

If your hairline is thinning and or receding then you're experiencing the sort of hair loss caused by follicle death which is hair you can't grow back. Stress related hair loss has a lot to do with the luster and thickness of hair, specifically thinning and brittleness.

Genetic balding is all about enzymes becoming proteins and choking out hair producing follicles.

Fucking kek. May as well kill yourself or be a millionaire because no attractive girl wants to get with a kid whose hairline looks like it's committing a backcourt violation.

Nice meme. It was originally developed to treat benign prostate enlargement.

6 months is not long enough to see the effects. You need to be on it for at least 12-18 months until you can determine if it's working for you. Min without fin is no good.

Expect to go bald in your mid 20's bro

Literally the same ages as my dad and grandfathers (who all have full heads of hair) and im still thinning.

Dont get too comfortable

your hairline look good there