Questions, suggestions and tips about the subject here

I just shaved. Beards are cool tho.

My beard growth is similar to kit harington's, you know, without much volume. Should I let it grow out and hope that it looks more full in the future or just keep it short?

How old are you?
Is this the first time you're growing out a beard?
What products are you using, if any at all?

21, I've grown it before but only until the length of the picture. I never used products since I always considered it too short to actually require the use of them.

I'm 23 and everytime I let it grow I get sort of a Keanu beard.
Lately it's been growing just a couple of new hairs but veeeery slow

My dad can grow a full beard. So do I still have hope and time to wait? Or I just didn't got the same genetics?

Do you anons went through the same?

Lads I'm done I'm toast. Just kill me now. Shit is going white. It's over for me. It was real thanks for the times.

It might not fully fill out yet at that age.
Try growing it out for a few months, keeping the neckline and cheeks trimmed. If it hasn't reached the desired density by, say, four months in it'd be best to trim the length back to about 9-13 mm.
I'd recommend using a beard oil which makes the hair more manageable, looking nicer and looking fuller (and darker). It also keeps the skin underneath moisturized and healthy in case you want to shave it off. Depends on your skin type obviously, but some people get flaky skin when they shave off a beard (the beard hairs absorb the oil from your skin if they don't get moisturized enough).
I personally really like pic rel. It works as oil (moisturizing) and balm (hold/styling) at the same time. If there's no place near you selling specialized stuff or you don't want to commit too much money to it yet, coconut oil works good too.

Don't worry about it yet. Friend of mine couldn't grow more than a few hairs on his upper lip at 22. Now at 27 he goes from clean shaven to full hobo in a couple of weeks. It's different for everybody.

But do white hairs kills your looks?

Is 2.5mm length considered beard or stubble?

It would be between a stubble and a short beard


Been growing since feb/march

I wanna let it grow to the year length but its hard not walking to the barber,

What do you lads think a good shape/trim would fit me?

Pls no bully my big dickhead

Good post user

>tfw no matter how long you grow your beard you can't hide your whole face behind it
I need some more distractions from this trainwreck. Thinking about a sidecut or getting my ears pointed at this point.

I like your freckles. Clean up your cheeks though, you look like a wahhabist, and it won't stop you from growing out.

Bruh you're too rough on yourself. You're not a goblin or anything.

The stache looks disgusting desu

How old are you?

Something long and narrow is going to help balance out your big dickhead. Don't trim the sides, just balm them and brush down and in. No idea what's going on with your mustache, but if it doesn't connect to your beard, keep it off the lip.

i agree the stache is pretty nasty mate, i cant get the cleft to connect i was debating trimming the sides

The beard is working its magic on you. I'm a chinlet and have no neck (not a doublechin/waddle, it's literally just 2" long). I feel miserable from weightloss (30lbs down, 30 to go), so your comment did help perk me up a bit. Thanks.

thanks for the comment, i just trimmed it myself, basic but i think it looks better now,

It may get better with time
I'm 23 and I'm this user I would suggest to try to keep it symmetrical. If your beard is well fill but your stache's weak it would look bad.

What did you trim? Your pic looks like you just ran scissors along the bottom, which is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.

Hey man, if one can't see your chin and neck then their bad traits may as well not exist. Don't feel bad about them. If you feel bad from weightloss though, slow it down, I'm cutting about 0.8kg a week right now and I feel fantastic. Make sure your caloric deficit doesn't exceed 25% of your TDEE to not damage your health.

Who here is familiar with badass beard care?

Only beardbrand ive tried, i'd love to get other opinions on other brands
I didnt post a pic, i mean i just trimmed it after the comments,

I'm on a good discipline streak, so I'm absolutely fucking my body while I've got the willpower. I'm running a 15,000cal/week deficit until my body starts shutting down. Been at it about 2 months now, and thank fuck I don't have a social life or regular job, because I just spent the last 4 days in bed. I'm trying to cut muscle mass, too, because my BMI was 36 with 21.5% bodyfat in the submersion tank, so fat is only about half of what I'm trying to lose.

My dude, that's not a willpower thing, that's self-harm. Stop. I've been cutting for months now, do it every year and have no willpower issues ever. Slow and steady wins the race. Spending 4 days in bed is your body shutting down.

Should I be embarrassed about posting it on social media?

>tfw blonde and some of my cheek beard is blonde too while the rest is rust brown

fuck my shit up, stubble for life

I want to fucking die anyway. Better thin and miserable than beefy and alone.

you should be embarrassed about caring

you have to emit confidence even if you dont have it.
post that shit

also maybe take a look at your neck line if you are looking for criticism

Might not want to go with a side profile, but you've got respectable bone structure, so your beard can be overlooked while it fills out.

Multi-colored beards usually look better the more they're grown out. Mine is blonde, red, brown, and black, and I usually get compliments on it when girls get close-up.

I mean it's your life, but I think you will regret it when you look back on these days once you're older.

>Multi-colored beards usually look better the more they're grown out.
I'll think about it. Is there some well-respected resource or wiki I can read for beard growing basics? The sticky wiki just tells people to shave.

Most beard care products are about 60% on track, and 40% shilling, so read through a dozen of those, and look for the overlap.

Your main concern should be why you're growing it. If you're trying to be a e s t h e t i c you're going to be lathering up in products 3 times a day and never without a comb, mirror, and balm in your manpurse. If you're growing it as an element of your masculinity, then if you have to style it, you can't grow it. Oil it after washing, and boar bristle brush it to keep it neat.

Peppered beards can be effay if you have an attractive face.

Thanks mate, I'll look into it.

If I'm 27 and can't grow a beard will I ever be able to?
It comes in decently on my chin and upper lip, and it grows on my sides, but my cheeks are patchy as hell. Like embarrassingly patchy.
I always think I want to grow a beard and get a week in and have to shave it, I can't go out in public with that patchy shit and still have my peers respect me.

Maybe not. Work with what you've got, and take a camping trip once a year to see if that's changed at all.

>tfw halfway through 3rd month of minoxidil
>cheeks are just constantly red and peeling with barely any improvement
>people just ask why my cheeks look so fucked all the time now

anyone else on dat min? does it get better?

no. at 27 I had a full beard.

rate my summer look lads

sharia summer

allahu snakbar brother

Jihad July

My moustache is far lighter than beard. Should I dye it to match or let it go?

Leave it. Please, please for the love of God never, ever dye your facial hair.

Good to know, thanks. Will it eventually become bushy enough to look even?

Hard to say because that depends on so much. Your age, genetics etc. Generally speaking the younger you are the more likely it is that it will. Some mens' beards don't reach full potential until they're in their 30s or even later. Just work with what you have for now and try not to stress over it.

See My mustache gets bright blonde in the winter from frost damage, but darkens in the summer. I've gotten compliments on the contrast before.

Why though? Why would you keep that?

>tfw will probably be like Johnny Depp and be unable to grow a beard ever in my life
>Johnny Depp is 53 and this is as much a beard as he can grow

because it looks great you beardlet

great post dude

I got a big full beard. the mustache connects . I notice come guys don't have this.

I always think about cutting it down . but then when I go out to a bar/club/party I get compliments and guys liking it. My skin is fair so there is a stark contrast between my skin and beard. looks pretty cool.

its a bitch to maintain tho. and beard oil sucks and makes my neck itch.

I take a bunch of supplements for the gym. big multi vitamin. and biotin helps. I also workout so I'm sure thats helping.

>beard oil sucks and makes my neck itch.
What kind of beard oil are you using? I've never had that problem.

If you have long beard you can do beard braids to get get more attention to your beard

black and white beards are best beards

My various beard attempts

I'm 31

True, but this is my third time growing it out, and the last two times it stopped at 9". I'm at 8" now at 10 months, so fingers crossed, but odds aren't good with all the weight I'm losing.

Tom Hardy is the hottest person alive.

I always grow mine out for like 2 months until trimming back and then repeat.

I'm only 22 so I think its still too early for me to be rocking a beard too long even tho in those 2 months it still grows pretty nicely.

This is like the fedora of beards

>look at muh viking beard

u look like a teen girl

This is my first time growing out my facial hair past a week. I just passed the 1 month mark a few days ago.

I grew it out because I felt that I could use something to balance out the eyebrows. At this point I feel like its time to start reining it in a little. Generally speaking I shouldn't let the mustache curve over my lips right?

Also, can I get by with just using argan oil as a beard oil? I'd rather not feel like a cunt buying into le beard culture and just use something I already have on hand.

That beard adds like 2 points to your face dude good job

Looks pretty good. Congrats

Also, work on your eyebrows man

no one here is doing minoxidil for beard gains?

Beards are a great option for dudes with wide spacing between their nose and upper lip.

Those pics of you with long hair look pretty goddamn girl. Lie, you'd probably successfully transition to a woman with 3 months HRT.

Thanks, I'm glad I was able to get the time off of work to experiment for once.

Yeah, I've been really conservative with the brow plucker in fear of fucking my shit up but I'll get spicier next time.

Looks solid.

Argan oil works fine, but most other leave in hair syrums work fine for beards. I use a 6oz bottle of some OGX shit and it'd last me a year with a beard that length for around 7 dollarydoos. It opens up your options on fragrance and residue.

For the mustache, keep in mind you're going to fuck this up your first few times on your own. After you wash and towel dry your mustache, brush it straight down, then from there, pick either scissors, or an electric trimmer with no spacer on it, whatever you're most comfortable with, then just go from the middle of the top lip down to the corner of the mouth along the lip line. You'll get the angles wrong pretty often starting out, but it's a lot easier to balance out at your length. The reason you did it right after washing is as it dries, it'll shrink off the lip line, making it more defined, like you actually gave a fuck.

Two fingertips wide is a good estimate for eyebrow gap in the West starting out.

So, does beard oil or something help you grow your beard thicker? Or is that all just false advertisement?

you genuinely look your best with the buzz cut and clean shaven. Referencing the picture of you in the sunglasses.

It prevents damage and keeps the skin moisturized. Beyond that they're just snakeoil claims, but they do increase the darkness and shine of the beard when applied, which usually makes it look healthier.

Eh—He'd look better in the b&w shots, above, if he actually dressed the part. Vintage suit would work.


gross oakley glasses

Any of you had tried this for growing?

regular beard oil. the find the ends of my beard by my adam's apple. it irritates my skin .

I hardly use any oil. maybe once a week.



yeah man looks good

I don't mind the patchy beard much, but the patchy mustache is just disgusting

Much appreciated info mate

>regular beard oil
What in fresh hell is that?


Beard looks awesome, dude.

This. You'd be a genuine 7.5/10 in the English countryside or Wales if you transitioned

Check out Matt Corby. I would never have guessed that left pic had such a voice.

>4 colors

what kind of racemixing abomination are you, not even /pol/ that just sounds really fucking wild

About 8 kinds of white.

It wasn't until I was almost 24 before I could do a full beard. Also, if you wanna give it a shot, try and grow for three months without a trim, clean up the neck a little, but it'll take about three months of growth to see if you've got enough coverage.

Clean it up my man. Get a good trim, condition it and keep it lined up. You don't have to go full barbershop straight lines and shit, but keeping that mustache clean has got to be crucial.

Get it cleaned up at a good barber. You might be able to pull it off if you keep the neck clean.


Any particular reason why? I always thought I looked a bit cancery patient. Maybe I should just get, y'know, actually fit and not

You have such an ugly nose I genuinely feel sorry for you.

clean ur self up man.. ur looking like a homeless guy i seen at wal-mart 2 day