I think you're not seeing this from an evolutionary perspective.
The first humans evolved in Africa. Let's look at Africa and then look at the humans that evolved there and see what works out, yeah?
Humans are pretty shit at everything. We don't have claws, or sharp teeth or anything. We've got horrible peripheral vision and don't run very fast. We're not particularly strong and we're really soft and exposed. Our eyesight isn't that great, nor is our sense of hearing.
It's a good thing that we're tall, though. I mean, we're not tall like giraffes, but we're apes that stand upright. That's something, wouldn't you think? Good enough to see over some tall grass, perhaps.
Oh! You have opposable thumbs. Most of us do, anyhow. So we can use shit like spears. And we're fucking intelligent. Like, rational intelligent. Well, at least most of us are intelligent. So we figured out how to, like, throw spears. Or make more spears. And give them to our friends.
While we're not particularly fast, what we can do very well is keep homeostasis, even on the move. Some people on Veeky Forums might not know this, but if you go outside and it's hot, or if you go for a run, you sweat. Well, early humans were fucking naked usually, so they were always sweating and always staying cool.
Another thing about sweating is that it lets you stay cool without having to stop to pant, like dogs or buffalo or gazelles. Especially gazelles. Because while gazelles are fast, they use a lot of energy to run. We are intelligent and work in groups. We are good at long-distance running, so we can indeed outrun a gazelle. All we have to do is make it fucking exhausted.
Africa actually isn't that hot, mostly. Sure it's shitty, and it's sunny, but ni- black people evolved first, in africa. Their skin is more able to reflect UV light or something. You'll notice that all the dark-skinned people tend to concentrate in VERY sunny environments.