>tfw someone is trying to get me to pay them protection money in order to continue hosting poker games inside my own house
What would you do?
>tfw someone is trying to get me to pay them protection money in order to continue hosting poker games inside my own house
What would you do?
Terrible accident. You knew better than to try to clean a handgun without properly checking to see if there was a round still in the breech.
More details
Beat the shit out of them with a bat. Tell them you'll finish the job if you hear anything about it ever again.
Stop hosting poker games perhaps? I don't see this situation getting any better if cucky little you decides to get aggressive. They know you're a total chump which is why they're doing this in the first place, just stop hosting.
This is the correct answer. NEVER, and I mean NEVER buy into blackmail. Always retaliate swiftly and harshly.
I think a metal bat gets the message across better than a wooden one.
Gotta make sure they're fully incapacitated so they can't execute some vengeance vendetta shit
>hit guy up with bat
>guy comes to your house and shoots you with a gun
am I missing something here?
Pretty much this. I have hosted many games at my house and nobody is stupid enough to try to extort me. I wouldn't even care if they did go to the cops. Do you really think cops give a fuck about home games? Once we had the cops just walk into my buddies backyard (topkek, pretty sure not legal). They saw weed, money and chips on the table. The cops laughed, made some joke about joining our game, told us to keep it down and left.
If you want to be overly safe and cover your ass just have someone hold on to the cash. "No officer, we werent playing with real money. This is just a friendly game for chips".
Neuter/castrate them so they literally never have the balls to try to extort money from you ever again
For the record, it's not the police extorting money from m3.
I've already greased their wheels.
Just some wannabe hard ass newbies who just moved into the neighborhood and think they are gangster
There are IDs on this board fag
So you weren't scared to pay off the police but you are scared of a neighborhood gangster that is extorting you? Yeah right mate
You ever truly been beaten with a bat? No one's coming after you with a gun, I guarantee. If they had the gun they would have brandished it a long time ago.
Oh OP. Did you forget there are IDs? You don't know how hard I'm laughing right now.
1) of course the police are not trying to extort you lol. That was never implied.
2) no you didn't "grease the police". You watch too many movies.
3)you seriously expect us to believe that "gangsters" have muscled in on your little home game and want payment or they are going to what? Break your legs? Shoot you? Something along those lines? Hahahaha holy shit
You do realize that home poker games barely even pull in that much money right? We have hosted $10/$20 nlhe before and only came away with a few hundred. They are not really to make money with, they are to have fun and hang out. The rake just covers food and booze costs. Nobody is going to beat you up for a few hundred bucks lol
I successfully baited you into replying to my thread.
Now it's going to get over 300 replies
Gambling among friends isn't even illegal. It's considered a "social game." It's only on the radar when you're pulling bets in from strangers, and playing bookie. As long as "the house" isn't taking a door fee or a rake off the pot it's fine, even in the most cucked of states.
The couple of times a year you hear stories about it at a college or some fuck's house they're not "innocent man dindu nuffin wrong..." like they try to sell it in the papers. They were large games that were advertised openly to the public (which is illegal in itself under promoting) and the house was taking an entry fee. Especially that case in SC. They don't mention the dozens of players and thousand-dollar buy-ins.
That's a home casino, not a "friendly home game."
Agree with all of this.
You retarded newfag fuckcunt. How do you not know there are IDs on this board?
Obviously this famalam
cripples have a hard time getting vengeance or extorting more people
If they are willing to provide security i moght consider it - keep the players from getting ideas
However you can just call it in right now. Walk away
If you accept then the blackmail can only spural out of control
Some old high school buddies of mine are my enforcers.
I'm fine with giving them a cut of the rake.
It's the players I don't trust.
Stop with this meme. They walk up to the police and tattle on you.
How can they walk if their legs are broken?
>Nobody is going to beat you up for a few hundred bucks lol
But I beat somebody up for $20
not everyone is a nigger like you.
pfft, i wasted two people over $19
Gotta teach dem mooks a lesson
And when you say nigger do you mean it racially or do you mean i is ignorant?
Well the guy who owed me also tried to molest my niece
I mean it racially. You fucking shitskin APE
Are these games like pic related? Complete with a Feech telling stories to everyone. Tell me it is, OP
I threw out the idea of packing Uzis during the game.
But my buddy told me that was a bad idea.
I thought it was a good idea.
My gf's ex got her and him bearmaced over being ripped off 120$, they went after them with an axe and hockey stick tho,
it's a great idea
You say you're doing this in your house. That's the only place you're legally allowed to shoot intruders.
It's probably more like 1-2 NL Hold'em where people buy in for $60-100 bucks and leave after they bust out. Half the table will ask to play round and round or just PLO and if they do that the game will bust in 15 minutes (every fucking time).
oh and the rake is probably uncapped at 10% + $1 + $1 for bad beat jackpot and high hand.
Pay one time and never invite that guy back over and get you and people you trust some gun just incase dude gets but hurt and decide he can get you for any cash if it not from you personally,he could come break in if he knows where u keep your cash especially