Stolen country, culture, religious figure

Well Veeky Forums is he right?

help me with my essay!

Some day, twitter caps will be a global ban on Veeky Forums.





are you really stealing a guy's Rolex if you strongarm him into signing a paper stating the Rolex is yours now?

Well at the very least you are putting him under duress which renders the contract invalid.

yeahs sorry nigs for saving your Christ in the crusades!

sorry for making your country better and more up to date with Europe

what culture did the what man steal???

sorry for race mixing with you subhumans

Actually in thats case i believe its mugging, not stealing.

They stole Haiti, they're trying to steal the accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians, and they've tried to africanize dozens of historical figures.

Dominican Republic
I don't think anyone has ever stolen a culture.
>religious figure

What is the twenty-fifth dynsaty of egypt?

This is really triggering me.
Seriously black history revisionists are worse than literally any other history revisionist.

Seriously why won't blacks just accept that they didn't invent anything more than mud huts and sticks, although I am exaggerating, I think my point is clear nevertheless.

Naziboo and Commieboo revisionists are objectively worse user.

black polities stole from each other all the time. ask the tribes and kingdoms near the zulus during the mfecane about the peaceful brotherhood of black nations.

how do you steal a culture? cultural appropriation? if that's true, every black woman who cleaves to the white beauty standard appropriates white culture. every oreo who buys into european or american middle class values is culturally appropriating those values. every ghetto weeb who wears anime dresses and cat ears is culturally appropriating weeb nip values.

blacks routinely portray jesus as black.

it turns out blacks do people things, just like whites do and every other cunt does.

it turns out stealing countries is cool because free land, cheap labour and slave pussy is pretty fucking great.

it turns out cultural appropriation is cool because it gives us speshul snowflake status to wear the funny native hat at the next baby eaters and oppressors club.

it turns out the easiest way to sell a religion to plebs is to portray religious figures as members of their ethnicity, thus taking advantage of the fact that people are more apt to empathise and sympathise with someone who is similar to themselves.

gee whizz.

also: do your own fucking homework, you lazy cunt.

How about all revisionists?


Peanut Butter and Traffic Lights.

I'm framing this

Eh, it's all the same shit.

Literally when did the left situation happen?