/fa general inescurity thread

/fa general inescurity thread
How to deal with short n stubby legs? This is the bane of my existance

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Get over it. Find something you like about yourself and build confidence. Are you good at something? Do you have a kind and warm personality? Lead with that, don't worry about height. Kinda people make fun of your height don't deserve attention, unless you're a soulless fag with a terrible personality, then you deserve it.

I'm short too, but I'm very nice to people, I make friends easily this way, I worry about my own goals, I don't look for girls, and yet they've found me.

Also: if you're short, nice, and "cute" (non threatening, but nice to look at), tall girls will actually flock to you because they feel freakish and gross too. The loyal ones tend to like short guys with odd hobbies or interests.

more testosterone=relatively shorter legs
Ever notice girls have belly buttons the same height as guys 4+ inches taller than them

>more testosterone=relatively shorter legs

holy fuck manlets use any type of coping mechanism to feel better about their height good lord


Thanks for the advice senpai but i was more looking for advice for what to wear that would suit short legs better

Pshhh good luck being a trappy lil toy boy if you're over 5'10, poor tall peeps will never feel the bliss that is having girls adore you all the way to their pants

if youre any of the guys in pic related your legs are completely fine. if youre that bothered just stick to higher rise pants

whatever makes you feel better man

Relative to your torso you fucking retard

okay midget

wait sorry that wasnt politically correct

You must be from some Sudanese tribe if 6'3 is midget
Get outta here you long legged tranny

In genenal calling people out for not knowing something they couldn't possibly know is the most off putting thing any can do imo

This is almost as stupid as those ugly adne ridden fucks that think having shitload of acne means high test levels

>Also: if you're short, nice, and "cute" (non threatening, but nice to look at), tall girls will actually flock to you because they feel freakish and gross too.

My sisters are all 5'10" and they hate being tall but that doesn't mean they are attracted to dudes shorter than them, its mostly a settling thing

I'm 6'4" and have dated some taller girls as well, it's the same way for all of them

If they thought I was implying leg length relative to the general population of all heights and implying that on average tiny men would have higher testosterone than giant men then that's their problem for being so stupid

I even used the example where the woman has a belly button as high as a mans even though they are of DIFFERENT heights. I'm implying the man has higher testosterone if that needs to be spelt out too

Go on

Just have the length of your trousers adjusted by a tailor and it'll look less obvious

estro causes the body to stop growing you fucking mongoloid

Haha what the fuck? As someone with severe acne I can say that sounds fucking retarded.

I fell for the long neck meme

How bad is it


Still better than being short

You can be 7'8 and still have legs short RELATIVE to your torso but of course they will be longer than even the lankiest of manlet legs

Test increases the oiliness of your skin in general since it makes all kinds of glands on your skin much more active. If your skin is vulnerable to acne from oils and plugged pores genetically and your natural test is above average, that will heavily compound severity of acne.

high testosterone gets converted to estrogen via aromatization you fucking retard

See what I mean? Its like manlets saying being manlets means they're high test. Its the funniest shit ever

Everyone in the face rate thread said I looked inbred and rated me below a 5/10 Is it true?

Refuse to give a fuck about what other people think of you, find a hairstyle that suits you and think about growing facial hair if you think it helps you build confidence.



>the most notorious of these acne-triggers are your own hormones, specifically testosterone.