How do I incorporate a Christian horror/Black Spain/Catholic surrealism aesthetic into my wardrobe?

How do I incorporate a Christian horror/Black Spain/Catholic surrealism aesthetic into my wardrobe?

Become a priest

Wear pointy hats.

Pointy hats truly are where it's at huh

Does anyone know where I could get more inspo for this? Any paintings/movies/games/books/etc that have these themes? Right now I've only got a few Goya paintings

>Christian horror/Black Spain/Catholic surrealism aesthetic
none of these are real things.

you just have some goya paintings and that's it?

bump for interest

>none of these are real things.
There may not be any determined name for it but the aesthetic undoubtedly exists and has been explored in the past

>Lots of pale/dusty colors
>Small accents of blood red
>Silouhette comparable to holy garb
>Calf high boots

Utilize rick, sounds most fitting from an existing label. Select items from McQueen runways.

Any labels/brands selling this type of design?

Great start. I'd add:
-wrapped cloths/gauze
-rosaries or similar looking necklaces
-cloth, beads, and rope hanging from the body
-long, unbroken lines in the fit, be it large draping items or tall hats, etc

>black Spain

Moor rapebaby detected

Easily offended spaniard detected
I'm not saying that the Black Spain image was ever accurate at all, I just love the associated imagery, as dark as it is

Look at Guidi for shoes. I can see what you mean by this aesthetic, but I need some time to fully imagine it.

Time for Dore, boys



>he's not capable of imagining an aesthetic in less than 2 seconds





Like David Bowie in his final album.

This might be true.


>zdzislaw 2.jpg
The title is misleading, it's actually Nicola Samori who did this.

rub all your clothes in dust and oil.
fyi goya was a hack

Are there any fashion brands that utilize prints like the ones ITT?

>fyi goya was a hack

sick art desu


That makeup is Veeky Forums

I was gonna say OP, D&G have a lot of runways with storing Catholic influence, but typically in bright colours. Could be good to look at tho.

Oh, my apologies! I thought the style looked different. Thanks

Hell, that image is misleading

Try Caravaggio though

does doré count?

What is the culture context that produces such miserable-feeling artwork?

The 30 years war?

do you mean dark baroque art

The Martyrdom of Saint Serapion, by Francisco de Zurbaran

St. Francis of Assissi in His Tomb, same artist

Isabel de Borbon, Queen of Spain, by Diego Velazquez

(Renaissance, I know)
Judith Beheading Holofernes, by Artemisia Gentileschi

I think this is one of those things that you should keep to paintings and literature.

i think a back patch of a painting might be cool

Reminds me of the Kefka battle.

Just slapping a back patch on a denim jacket won't properly capture the full aesthetic. you gotta fully commit to the drapey role

bump for interest

What game is this? Looks badass.

Blasphemous, i'm really hyped for it

Feeble minded peasantry

ur dads a fag

could leather jacket works?

You can try checking dark souls equipment for inspo.

Just become another insufferable Berlin all black street Goth already. We all know you want to. Your taste is shit and edgy anyway.

would like to know this too

Caravaggio has some fucked up shit.

My recommendation is to try and find the darkness in the light, rather than the light in the darkness. In the Book of Isaiah I believe it was, God claimed responsibility for both the good and the bad, not just the good. The true horror is not the mischievous Devil but the wrathful God. Corruption lurking within the holiest places and people is also a theme to wrestle with. Your wardrobe should be flashy and colorful and white as per the Catholic aesthetic but understated, as black still is integral in the Protestant tradition which I think harps more on the bleakness and terror of a Christian existence, both in its history and contemporarily.

Assuming you aren't trying to look evil, research some old Inquisition/exorcism tactics and symbolism maybe and incorporate those items into your look.

Take this speculation with a grain of salt.

love this style

Have you seen the Spanish movie Rec? It has a few references to that dark Catholicism.

Judging by the flaming rain and the fact that no one can seem to stand up, this is the burning sands of circle VII ala Inferno.

Gnostic heretic pls go

Is this game made by Jews ?

Even better, Spaniards

Wear Songs for the Mute and Ma +

Wear a fuckload of crosses, etc.

Don't wear masks or anything thats dumb

You know, user, you could become a priest. Then you'd get to unironically wear all this stuff.

Naw, priests don't even wear Roman collars in public anymore. Fucking secularism ruined cool fits. Become a friar instead.

how many orgies do yiu think they throw in there