What's it like to be unbelievably ugly?
What's it like to be unbelievably ugly?
you tell us, OP
Is that a medical condition?
I suspect it's better than just being regular ugly because I reckon you'd get more pity and there would be no pressure to try and overcome it and find someone.
Imagine looking like this?
it's as bad as you expect
it's probably lot any worse than being decent looking but with no social skills and social anxiety that keeps you from interacting with people
ask you're momma pussy last night
Worse than being ugly, unbelievably worse.
Both could be fixed to decent point and without major facial surgeries needed
I am glad you didn't ask if it is effay
Aw :'(
New haircut, pluck eyebrows, take off braces when ready, go to doctor for lip shit, treat acne, he'd be just average. But his confidence would skyrocket.
>it's probably lot(not?) any worse than being decent looking but with a bunch of made up problems
You're saying this as if ugly people can't be socially inept autists. At least attractive autists are seen as mysterious and misunderstood lonewolves; uggos are just seen as creepy.
What's the point in not just killing yourself if you look like this?
nobody knows you are ugly on the internet
If he lost weight, fixed his hair and acne, and either grew out the beard or razed it off, he'd be much better off
>If he lost weight, fixed his hair and acne, and either grew out the beard or razed it off, he'd be much better off
ok, so how is he going to fix that weird, huge, flat, bulk nose of his?
You idiot. You fucking loser, with your dumb ass ugly anime reaction images. I listed like four or five things he could do or start right away, for free or low cost. His confidence will boost more everyday as he gets more fit and his skin clears. You fucking moron, I even have a fucking visual but I guess nothing's idiot proof. Get some friends.
His nose and face structure is the reason hes ugly. What you are suggesting is minor compared to the deformed looking nose he got
Literally make up on a pig
Also you must be an uggo since I seem to strike a nerve with you. Were you fat in high school or something?
That's a spicy opinion you got there.
I'd want to react. But then you remember that lashing out at people on the internet is another way of not actually dealing with emotions. And boy, do you sound like you're projecting some of them.
To a degree, you're right. But resilience, grounded thinking, and reasonable optimism are all genuinely attractive traits. They make for a person that's tolerable, even exciting to be around. People who apply these traits go places. And maybe not as far as a gorgeous person may get with the help of good looks. But the struggle is relatable. And the only thing separating genuine resolve from the stuff of storybook heros is a sense of scale and wonder. These are the people you want to be around, celebrate with, live vicariously through, and be influenced by.
But a person mired in their own bitterness is not attractive. It's chic to look at from a distance. A freeze frame in grey scale of feather black hair, aimless eyes, and cigarette smoke brings up its own sentimental relatability. But these things are only palatable with a certain level of detachment. And not because they're some red-pill. It's only relatable because you understand the bitterness. But god would it be dull, no matter how pretty they are, to hang around with the personification of that mindset you're displaying right now.
That's a spicy opinion you got there.
I'd want to react. But then you remember that lashing out at people on the internet is another way of not actually dealing with emotions. And boy, do you sound like you're projecting some of them.
To a degree, you're right. But resilience, grounded thinking, and reasonable optimism are all genuinely attractive traits. They make for a person that's tolerable, even exciting to be around. People who apply these traits go places. And maybe not as far as a gorgeous person may get with the help of good looks. But the struggle is relatable. And the only thing separating genuine resolve from the stuff of storybook heros is a sense of scale and wonder. These are the people you want to be around, celebrate with, live vicariously through, and be influenced by.
But a person mired in their own bitterness is not attractive. It's chic to look at from a distance. A freeze frame in grey scale of feather black hair, aimless eyes, and cigarette smoke brings up its own sentimental relatability. But these things are only palatable with a certain level of detachment. And not because they're some red-pill. It's only relatable because you understand the bitterness. But god would it be dull, no matter how pretty they are, to hang around with the personification of that mindset you're displaying right now.
I share some feels
The Bad
-People tend to be less forgiving and trusting of you.
-Related to this the threshhold for being a creep is much lower to the point where even smiling at strangers will make them feel uncomfortable/hostile.
-People will be genuinely disgusted when they are surprised by you
-Children stare at you or ask you what is wrong with you and parents try and stop them
-No matter what clothes you wear or styles you try you still look bad. Because of this its hard to find the effort to dress well.
- A bigger issue in highschool: guys will try and exclude you/get you to go away when they want to hang out with girls.
-Dating is naturally vastly more difficult + just because you look like a monster doesnt mean you suddenly become attracted to them.
-People often assume or suspect you are mentally ill initially.
-Even though you want to have kids (and not be a cuck) the thought of passing on your looks/condition makes you feel cruel for even considering it
The Neutral
-People will pity you and your family.
-People will remember you more easily
The Good.
-Because old people are less cruel and judgemental you tend to become friends with a lot of cool old people who you might never have bothered with.
-You know with complete certainty no one will ever date you just for your looks.
-You will always have space on the bus and train
post face
No, but if you want a general idea I have treacher collins syndrome and some scoliosis
Does TCS hurt? Is it harder to find proper clothing with scoliosis?
im so sorry user
shit man that sucks
>Does TCS hurt?
Not directly but some people have it much worse with indirect things like hearing loss and eyesight problems.
>Is it harder to find proper clothing with scoliosis?
Only if you want to wear tight/form fitting clothing
I know some of these feels
Not that guy but calm down you fucking faggot holy shit
If I ever had a crippling facial injury or condition I would get some kind of stylish helmet or mask to hide it and make it my thing.
>-You know with complete certainty no one will ever date you just for your looks.
The problem is if you have a decent work or money, user. They might not date you for your looks but they might date you for your money or being financially stable.
Most of what said is true
everyone considers you a creep, so nobody wants to talk to you and it makes me lonely as hell, being born ugly wasn't already bad enough. Nobody wants to be friends and hang out with the ugly guy
dating is literally impossible, I've never been in a relationship. I have zero standards, but have never dated/hooked up, not even with fat chicks.
It's really depressing when your family doesn't even bother asking if you're seeing anyone because they know that you're ugly af.
desu it's made me depressed as hell and I get into a mindset that everyone thinks i'm weird and ugly so I don't bother talking or expecting anyone to show any interest in my life
hold me guys. I wish I was handsome and had someone to connect with
who knew he'd become a genuine jake lamotta
idk ask yo mama lmao
but idk probably pretty terrible. Terribly ugly people are very rare. if you look like your pic they should just get surgery at that point or something
>Even though you want to have kids (and not be a cuck) the thought of passing on your looks/condition makes you feel cruel for even considering it
This is the one that bothers me the most. I really want to pass on my genes. Thankfully I'm not ugly, but know I feel your pain from reading this.
Know I'd never be judgmental or an ass towards you (as a friend, of course).
Naturally, there will always be doubts and problems its just when you are exceptionally ugly this is on very narrow area where you have less worries than a normal person.
>wish I was handsome and had someone to connect with
Try volunteering with groups that socialise with the isolated elderly. Age dulls the edgyness.
The thing I wonder most about being handsome is what it must be like to actually have someone desire you for your body-to have a girl or even other men look at you like this- not disgust, pity or surprise but attraction.
For other people approach you and start conversations which aren't about whats wrong with your face.
Getting deformed later in life isnt really that bad of a thing, the reason I say this is because it still allows you to have a normal childhood and build up those social skills and experiences everyone takes for granted.
Likewise it would also mean you would get to "skip" the most judgemental part of life highschool.
Even though Im in my late 20s I still often imagine what it must have been like to have sleep overs and drunken D&Ms at house parties.
I'm just glad this wasn't a gif
I had a friend in college. She looks like Shrek irl. Everyone's treating her like normal and believe it or not she doesn't even stand out, but to her, she thinks all eyes are on her. She keeps talking about how girl this and girl that is so beautiful and how ugly she is in comparison. She brings those things up all by herself and she talks about it all of the time never seemingly getting tired of it. She talks about how she is often mistaken as the mother of her sister, a man, how her body lacks any sort of grace, etc. If you meet her at first, you'll feel pity and tell her the kind words of support. Time after that, you'll just get REAAAAAALLLY tired of her. One thing I noticed from her is that wherever she goes, drama always follows. Like there'll always be fights that are not even related to her looks. It's that outlook plus her weak doesnt-want-to-fight-but-easily-offended-by-things personality and gloomy aura
My driving instructor looked like Shrek. He wasn't Green or anything, but there was something about him that really reminded me of Shrek.
How ugly are you?
post face
Is your family equally ugly?
My brother and sister seem to look pretty good, they do really well and have awesome social lives but they are 8 and 12 years older. Objectively I would say my mom is attractive and my dad is average but short
I'm really short too I think 5'8-5'9 so that probably doesn't help. i usually have my hair curtained and not behind my ears but w/e
I was a really ugly kid, and I got bullied a lot because of it growing up. Now, at 22, a lot of people compliment me on my looks, but I can't take their compliments to heart, because I keep thinking they're mocking me.
I'd rather go back to being ugly, these feels are really hard.
not who u are replying to but
i genuinely do not think you are that ugly
from the sound of your post it seems most of it is in your head
You're not bad looking at all, and this is coming from a girl. How could you even think you're near the level of OP's pic? I'm not super into short guys since I'm the same height as you but I have friends who have no problem with guys who are my height or shorter. 5'9" isn't really short, 5'2" or something is. It sounds more like a personality/ confidence issue. Also you have nice skin, I'm jealous. Stop listening to the chad/beta shit on Veeky Forums.
I can't tell if I'm attractive or if it's just the mysterious autistic part that gets girls attention. I haven't had many girls but the few I have had were pretty and took little to know effort
>What is plastic surgery?
feral ghoul lookin' ass dude.
not sure if trolling or completely retarded, probably both since trolling by saying you're ugly and keep on posting is just retarded. either way, if this is legit, go to psychologist, you have good skin, astonishing set of eyes/eyebrows etc. If you're autistic when talking to people just bulk up in the gym, you'll feel confident.
it happens to babies too
Are you just fishing for compliments? You're not ugly.
>"If there's trouble, all us freaks have is each other, Hellboy."
please don't post this depressing soykaf here
I just think he looks like Abe from Hellboy.
Also, if anyone here knows, what's going on with the eyes of people with Harlequin syndrome? Can they see? Also, is HS as painful as it looks?
Wikipedia doesn't list eyesight problems as a complication.
Also I guess it looks painful because it looks like they were severely burned all over.
do you think ian connor is that ugly? he says he is, but imo he's cute ugly at worst
It's because the scaly skin pulls the eyelids back. The pictures with the red eyes are invented eyelids
He has a babyface.
Nothing wrong with his looks except for his hair. The bleach is disgusting and makes it look like a mouldy mop.
He looks like a fucking Disney character.
>He has a babyface
not anymore
The one thing going well for him is his eyes. Very clear blue eyes. I have never known a girl who didn't like blue eyes. Even black girls like blue eyes.
Well, if you're ugly enough you end up so far down the dominance hierarchy that you end up not even being in it. If you know for a fact that you wont make any friends and no woman wants to be with you, you can use your time pursuing other things. Then maybe a woman can look past your ugliness if you're interesting or rich. I feel like that happened to me as a young man. I was morbidly obese until I was in my mid twenties then I lost weight. Now im handsome and interesting :o)
Obviously I don't think im as bad as the OP picture or the burn victims. idk people have always laughed at me or called me ugly irl maybe the bad lighting helped. thanks for the sympathy i suppose lol
erm, mate. you could be a model ffs.
They're not butn victims. It's called harlequin syndrome.
>be handsome
>trust no one because you think they are only friends with you to fill their attractive friends quota
>friends only call you on the weekends to go out
>spend all week alone, some girls look at me but I can't tell if they think I look weird sitting alone if they are attracted to me
>most girls think you are some sort of player that has atleast 4 girls on hold but in reality you got none
>can't tell if a girl loves me for me or if she just likes my physically and sleeps with me because im not a mental burden
>guys don't want to be friends with you because they think you will take their girlfriend
>most girls think you are some sort of player that has atleast 4 girls on hold but in reality you got none
>guys don't want to be friends with you because they think you will take their girlfriend
Fucking this. As a college student I'll add
>so autistic that I have to muster insane amounts of motivation just to sit next to someone and talk to them.
>Can only come up with that much motivation when it's a qt
>result: no female or male friends, just old lays and resentful strangers who think I'm not interested in actually meeting people
how will i ever escape this labyrinth
Are people supposed to feel bad for you?
You're handsome, you already won life, go fuck yourself m8
>He wasn't Green or anything
Made me chortle
>Tfw hired as a model in college
>Tfw always told I look like a celebrity
>Tfw I can't tell if it's me who's awkward, or everyone else around me is too intimidated
Fuck off with your easymode life
how do we fix casey Veeky Forums
he owns it pretty well
Your not ugly at all bro but you need to fix that hair
>invent time travel
>go back into the stoneage
>Casey is GOD TIER now
Sorry wouldn't know.
>he would get clubbed to death by a group homo sapiens
Neanderthals died off through sex with homo sapiens, not murder.
>Children stare at you or ask you what is wrong with you and parents try and stop them
every single time I go to like a Panera or something, this always happens to me. like I do not understand it
I'm a 4/10, but steadily improving. all the 10/10 chads I've been friends with have all been super friendly and cool, with a sliver of loneliness. And that's because whenever they start using a funny little saying or making a little noise as a joke, everyone would start doing it. And that's really with everything, a lot of 'followers' wherever you go and no real connections sometimes, it seemed to me.
But of course they slam pusi all the time, so i can't feel too bad.
im sorry user. stay tough and good.
His mouth is the only really skewed feature, cover it up and he's normal.
Maybe some sideburns can help hiding those ears and he needs to do away with a bit of his forehead with some bangs or whatever. The micro mouth will always be there, so either a full-on bearbeard or a ninja mask.
post face
Most of what makes this guy ugly are his fault if he lost weight and cleaned up etc he'd probably look ok. What must suck are people who just have really ugly faces in general.
Like Casey's wife?
You would seriously have no problem seeing these people on the streets or god forbid a restaurant even if they groomed and fixed themselves to the best of their reasonable ability?
i can't imagine how hard life must be. pic unrelated
Oh hey I always wondered whatever happened to this guy.
>He wasn't Green or anything
top fucking kek
serious question: does being ugly make people behave like the guy in this pic or does one's self-care trail off as a result of mentally being a neckbeard.
A little of column A and a little of column B.
They look the way they do because they're not interested in taking care of themselves which then leads them to repel people and without those people to reel in their autism they'll just keep getting worse.
What do his parents look like?
>mfw i want to know more about travis
you people would not believe what
>eating well
>and regular grooming
can do for looks. if you're self-conscious enough to be posting in threads like these in the first place then there is no excuse.
PS: women can smell insecurity a mile away. it's just like learning to walk normally if you're insecure about that too -- practice some discipline, quit obsessing over it and take some action like a man.
Damn with some more work he could be pretty cute
the janitor at my high school looked so much like Wario you would think he was the inspiration for the character. he wore overalls with a sweat shirt every day, had a huge, bulbous nose that looked like it would burst with fluid if you touched it, and a rigid mustache and he was fat as fuck.
in tenth grade one guy in class yelled "WAAAA" when the janitor walked into our classroom to replace a lightbulb and half of the kids in the room started foaming at the mouth.