What's a good way to clear up acne in two weeks or less?
What's a good way to clear up acne in two weeks or less?
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It's simple if you can stick to routine really (unless you got a fucked up face).
>Drink lots of water
>Exercise alot as sweating is the goal (losing fat is a + and getting rid of body toxins ASAP)
>Don't eat anything heavy with oils and sauce or on the rare occasions you do make sure to clean your face after eating.
>Use a basic facewash every day before sleep and when waking up (gotta make sure those pores are closed warm water wash and cold water rinse)
>Reduce razor shaving to a minimum
>No midnight snacks
>Overwashing your face will only make things worse.
>Reduce daily stress in your life if possible
You date a black girl.
does anyone know if this creme helps for eye bags?
Good advice.
Try to get good sleep as well. Staying up late and sleeping too little raises cortisol levels, which in turn will make your skin oilier and more prone to inflammations.
Maybe go to a sauna to sweat excessively.
I would also cut diary out of your diet. Has nothing to do with lactose. Diary simply causes inflammations in your body, including you face.
You most likely won't get rid of acne in 2 weeks, but you can heavily reduce it if you are disciplined.
>Reduce daily stress in your life if possible
Dunno, my advice is try natural first though since it's usually the cheaper alternative. If that doesn't work then go ahead and try creams and stuff.
>Frozen cucumber slices on each eye
>basically icing your eyeball area after sleeping would probably help with that alot I think. pic related.
>less stressful
You do realize these are the same people who chimped out over a convicted thug who got shot by a cop right?
Also OP go dunk your face in sea water, suppose to help.
Hey, I don't appreciate your generalizations.
t. black man
Black girls will be brutally honest I what you need to fix.
FBI crime statistics says other wise.
Hey, I don't appreciate your chart with no source.
>Being the typical lazy sterotype.
This is from the US government, so please don't tell me it's a bias source.
Also factor in that blacks only make up 14-15% of the population when reading the stats.
Oh my god does every fucking thread have to devolve into some kind of racial debate
You underestimate the autism of the average Veeky Forums poster
Well at least one autistic Veeky Forums poster
what helped for me:
>drink a lot of water, reduce soft drinks to a minimum
>do some exercises like push ups, crunches or sit ups
>wash your face every morning and evening
>wash your hands and don't touch your face all the time
>eat many fruits and vegetables
>don't stress yourself
stress is apart of being alive nigga
this was created by systematic criminalization of black youth u ignoramus
t. white dude w/ a soci background
Black sub culture here is different than any other part of the world's.
Black guys fought in world war 2, they impregnated a lot of German girls, and black kids grew up I Germany. It was observed that the black kids learned and behaved like their white peers.
Here, music videos and music itself glorifies violence, and too many single moms raising kids. The kids basically raise each other with aggression and sex and status and athleticism.
Dat ass.
Well no shit. Since white americans don't behave like white europeans either, you shouldn't expect anything different when it comes to other races.
>Black guys fought in world war 2, they impregnated a lot of German girls, and black kids grew up I Germany. It was observed that the black kids learned and behaved like their white peers.
>20-25% of that group were north african, not sub-saharan.
>One third of the children were between 5 and 10 years of age, and two thirds were between 10 and 13 years. Behavior genetic studies
show that while family socialization effects on IQ are often strong before puberty, after puberty they dwindle, sometimes to zero.
>There was rigorous selection based on IQ score in the U.S. Army at the time, with a
rejection rate for Blacks on the preinduction Army General Classification Test of
about 30%, compared with 3% for Whites.
source: www1.udel.edu
>systematic criminalization of black youth
no. it was partly this but mostly the fact that african americans have an iq that's around a standard deviation below that of white americans. sociology degrees are toilet paper.
i'm not a right-winger, but you guys shouldn't be misinformed about this stuff.
Explain the low IQ
learn what iq measures, and its actual purpose
Drink water, lots of sunlight, good sleep
>l-le diet
no it doesn't matter
I don't think you do.
Also Africans cannot think abstract which one could say requires high IQ
I will admit this is anecdotal. But Just look at IQ from different races
>inb4 they never had a chance!
Just stop eating junk/greasy food
Holy fuck Veeky Forums are more cucked than /tv/. /pol/ is winning ground everywhere, feelsgoodman
Only faggots that like big black cocks on this board? Proven time and time again niggers are borderline retarded and do more crime, yet you clinton lovers try again and again to refute with anecdotal jibber jabbish, get blown the fuck out.
I hate arabs aswell.
IQ correlates with the careers people choose, life decisions they make, and habits they form and thus is useful in predicting how modern people will do economically in society. it's not culturally biased against blacks. in fact, east asians outperform whites most of the time. there is by no means a perfect way to measure intelligence, but i think it's fairly reliable for what i mentioned earlier.
this is the reason why so many people delude themselves about racial science. because the right is almost 100% composed of retards.
Cant argue with leftists, can show them statistics all day long and they will shout nonsense either way, or blame hitler or something.
t.gender studies lol
fuck off you fool
weird thread
>right-wingers don't even read enough posts backwards to understand the beliefs of whom they are replying to
disgusting. it's poetry really.
gb2 /pol/ where reading comprehension isn't required and where Cletus and ALL of his cousins are invited
sunlight? are you dumb?
are you?
buy zinc tablets, buy fish oil tablets, buy tea tree oil. take one tablet each each day, wash your face with a few drops of tea tree oil and put a fresh towel on your cushion.
benzoyl peroxide treatment 2x a day
stop habits of touching your face
diet changes might be necessary
accutane should be the last option, but it gets the job done
this is retarded
worked great for me, why is it retarded?
There is no "white American sub culture". Some like copying other's. Blacks alienate themselves from everyone by accusations of racism, attitude, competitive nature, fighting/arguing, etc. Like nobody can say nigga, but they want equality. Black history month, BET, their own music genre and they still complain they aren't treated fairly.
Tea tree oil definitely fixed my face, not sure what that other guy is talking about.
Isotretinoin. What do I win?
What can i do for my blackheads/sebaceous filaments ?
You tell them fellow pede. Mind if I screencap this and post it on /r/the_donald? Maybe you have some rare pepes too xD don't forget to praise KEK, meme magic is real