52 week money challange

Who here has done it...

The one where you save another dollar each week? (I.e. $1 in week one, $2 in week two etc). I don't get the point since you would only save $1,378 for the year. Basic budgeting would get you alot further. Just know your expenses and cut the things you can live without. I also like the "pay yourself first method" transfer some amount of your paycheck to an account each week and that way you are forced to live below your means. Save at the beginning, not the end.

Well I use it with other methods. With everything combined I save well over the amt you listed. Last year I even did one starting at 1 going up to 52 and one going 52- down to 1.

I save more in one month than the entire 52 week challenge

You want to do a real challenge?

Do the $50 or $100 a month food challenge

A really challenging one is going a whole month without spending any money at all. You buy food at the beginning of the month and put aside your regular expenses, such as water, rent, etc. No starbucks, no eating out, and no buying rare pepes.

One that I am going to try in the fall is going a whole month without driving my car. You buy a bike and ride it everywhere. The only exception is when the weather is bad and you are required to be at a formal event in formal clothing.

TLDR: 52 week challenge is just shitty circle jerking

Count how many cans of soda/softdrink you previously have each month then cut them one out bit by bit each week this will save you MORE than a dollar a week! replace with good old tap water with ice!

if you have ten a week have one less each week from now onward. saves you a lot.. do the same with anything really chocolate bars, alcohol prostitutes and the like... you know!

This is pure bullshit.
Basically what your saying is fuck saving a decent amount of cash and basically living like a fucking nomad.
0 cans of soda..I buy to go cups for like 1.00 it lasts me the month. I would buy one of those fancy metal coffee thermos but for 1 dollar a month for like 30 cups...its 8 dollars plus a little tax for the actual coffee...and im set for the month.

>Basically what your saying is fuck saving a decent amount of cash and basically living like a fucking nomad.

I specifically said that you should be saving more in a month

If you're going to do a "challenge" with money, then do it for your three biggest expenses, food, housing, or transportation, not some shitty challenge where you only save ~1.5k for a whole year.

Thats the idea user!! just do it with anything you think you can save on...but at some point you reinvest those savings in something you can actually make a gain on.

sorry I wasn't being harsh..at least those weren't my intentions. Alot of you what said is completely out of the question...although my city is bike friendly its unlikely that I would be able to do the bike thing. The food thing is doable as I only really use 20-40 a week for food..dependent on how my needs are . I already live under what I could be living at but im still comfy so W.e I usually have left at the end of the week goes into 3 envelopes... 2 52 week and 1 general...basically one could argue its a emergency fund.

Sam's Cola, niggas. Shit's like $3.84 a 24 pack. Even if you go through a whole 24 pack a week, which is just retarded and absurd, that's barely over $12 a month.
You could honestly flip one item like a pack of cigarettes or look for change on the ground to pay for that.

Still not good for your health though. But if you must have some soft drinkies then yuh m9.

I've not only done it, it's almost an obsession. Pretty sure it's approaching mental illness at this point.

I've cut down to the level that begins to test relationships and sanity.

I knew it was bad when I saw someone mention early retirement extreme guy in a thread on here and decided to look it up. Got him beat by like $3,000 a year.

Don't do it. Ignorance really is bliss.

Any tips?

>one year
>save $1300

damn man, some people really need to get their priorities right

I'd end up turning it into a frugal thread.

Two things started me on it though. First was a written budget every month. Second is where the sickness took over and turned into scrutinizing every dollar I spend. I mean every dollar.

This kind of is a frugal thread given that the goal of the 52-week challenge is to save money.
But saving $3000 a year seems tough for me right now, I would really have to save every single dollar I possibly have in order to approach that goal with my current income. Aside from just saving money, did you do anything to get more money as well?

Why not put away 5% of your income week one and increase by 5% every week untill after 20weeks you are saving 100% of your income?

Obviously saving might have to cap it at 90% otherwise we would die.

Yeah I guess that's true.

Start with buying a notebook. Write down all of your expenses by day and date. An entire months worth. Once you've got a solid month use that to plan a written budget for the following month as a baseline.

Aside from saving money, yeah we worked more until we were out of most debt. 60+ hour work weeks for about a year. Then we cut back our hours big time once we were out of the woods which was just a few months ago.

Here's a picture of last months budget to give you an idea. This is for a two person household. Auto insurance is prepaid every six months and comes out to $100/month before you ask.

What the fuck? Is spending an addiction to people? This changes everything

Stop right now. Long term financial security is not worth trowing away you're youth. I was saving $1200 but realized I hated life. Now I still save $500-$1000 a month in my Roth IRA but love life because I spend it on quality experiences with beautiful, positive people. Give it a try!

Dont be so hard on yourself. Some people are better at living in the moment. Others are better are planning. It seems that you struggle with long-term planning. Ask a buddy whose give with finances to help you set up a system and them remind you so that it becomes a habit. Once you learn to spend efficiently money by spending it on experiences and valuable asset (freedom is my #1), saving is really easy! Check out Mr. money Mustaches blog.

how big is one of these 24?

What kind of experiences do you suggest? I have lots of money but I end up saving it because nothing interests me enough to spend it on.

Everyone believes money=happiness and depending on your spending habits it can! Long story short, people don't grow up in an environment where they learn even the most basic financial skills and get swept up by consumerist ideology. This leads to our gentlemen making minimum wage wondering why his 15 pair of Jordans don't bring them happiness. Their parents bought shit when they were sad and it made them happy. The guy in the commercial did. Their friends do the same thing. And I feel good in the moment so these Jordans must bring me happiness.

You and me know your appearance, while important, is way after food, water, shelter, family, healh, etc. (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you should know this!) In fact, for you and me, our street clothes end up being the last thing we think about. We don't express ourselves through our clothes and don't feel safer in more expensive ones. But for Jamal, if he doesn't wake up feeling like Michael Jordon, he can't go about his day. Or worse, if he doesn't dress what is acceptable in his community, he will become an outcast and then his very safety is threatened.

Niggers aren't stupid, they just live in a world that is complete different from us 18-25 year old, middle class white males. Understanding where "they" are coming from will help humanize our fellow Americans and will curb harmful judgement.

maybe a better challenge would be to double your savings each month? 2^12 is only 4096..it'd doable.

Rock Climbing (I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie)
Classes w/ 3.14s (pottery, painting, electronic, swimmimg,alsa dancing, finance)
Sport leagues (exercise and super easy social circle. I'm an autistic asshole and have moved states 6 times and always make friends playing volleyball)
Psyactive substances (be safe and responsible, Erowid.org)
Any hobby you have interest in, try something new!

I'm gonna sound like a fucking normie but just be yourself ;) Write a list of things you want to try and buy those experiences. Work up the courage, it's hard to try something new but it''s okay to spoil yourself. Life is stressful but enjoying life relives that stress so that when we put our nose to the grinder again, we feel ready to take on the world!

You remind me of my professor from Ghana, a very cheery man.

I guess I'll try to find a new activity and maybe pick up a sport I used to play


Heh, I wish I were like you.
My German behavior prevents me from having fun.

>German behavior
go to beach
dig hole
Time of your life.

I hope to see it in the papers. Man digs hole from Germany to Australia. Germany crumbling as refugee crisis is exacerbated by his actions.

Naw, I'd need someone to pay me for this

>do drugs and pay to jump out of perfectly good airplane

Yeah no

On what level income? At the kind of income you could be putting away $4096 to your savings in one month, the first six to eight months are completely wasted. You'd be better off just putting down $1000 a month all 12 months. If it's somehow possible to find $2048 to cut from your budget in one month, you can certainly find a mere $1000 to put down every month, right?

How to be a fucking fagot 101

I hope you enjoy spending papa's money.

Why the fuck would anybody spend money for the moment if it means ending up working 20-30 years more in the long run? Youth is a meme, I can date 16 years olds and jump out of a plane when I'm 30 and early retired.

I climbed a 30 foot rock wall inside of a sporting goods store one time if that counts. I felt like a fucking idiot.. just dangling there in the middle of sporting goods store. I was lowered down, slowly, in shame. There were no qt's to be found except my g/f. Only old men looking for hunting accessories and a gay couple buying a bike rack for their car. These are the only experiences I need in life, senpai. ;)

I save 1.5k a month anyway.

I am doing the parents attic challenge. Basically you live at your parents until age 30.
I'm still not saving much but that's only because I have no job and I spent my allowance on collectibles.

saving money is easy, literally just stop spending on stupid shit

the challenge is finding effective ways to invest your money

wtf kind of "toiletries" are you buying that cost so much?

>tfw I save 5K a month

did I win the challenge ?

"early retired" means "I have just enough money to sustain myself off bread and salami slices for the next 40 years", not "wohoo jump off plane time"

I'm not a fat retard.

All I eat is fish cause I'm super healthy so go be a fat retard elsewhere. Thanks


any advice on how to find something worth it. I understand its all risk/reward but do you have a way to at least avoid loss.
Just so I don't jump in and fuck myself because some fucker said big pharm 2 the MOON

Can I have more of these girls or their social media accounts lol

It's broad. Toilet paper, paper towels, dog food, cat food, cat litter, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, hand soap, dish soap.. feminine products. That kind of stuff.

I'm still looking for ways to trim that one back. I bought a Merkur 38C and some Taylor of Old Bond Street shaving cream this month to save of razors and shaving cream. Possibly one of the best investments I've ever made. Now it's like $0.04 to shave like a gentleman.

Once it's passive, yeah.

>making 85k
>60k take home
>21k goes to rent because fuck San Francisco
>1.5k goes to food
>3k goes to miscellaneous expenses (clothing, phone, internet, etc.)

I told myself I was going to keep under 30k and put the rest away. It hasn't be hard, but really I don't know what to do with all this money.

Dude spend more on food. Other than that just save it up for a nice retirement or a vacation

>Rock Climbing (I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie)

>21k rent
Robbery. Id seriously move if i lived there

You must be a fucking moron if you can't even plan for your retirement the very first day you start working. Get fucked, loser.

>quality experiences with beautiful, positive people. Give it a try!

How do I find such people?

>saving $1300/year is difficult or an accomplishment

Have you tried looking up the food stamp allotments for your household size and tried budgeting your food on that amount?

>not buying rare pepes

Can confirm anons advice for taking classes. every city I've ever been in has a local paper which advertises community classes. Check out craigslist, living social, groupon etc. Hell, go down to Home Depot on a weekend and learn to set kitchen tile or something. Me and my wife have done classes in cooking, painting, Krav Maga, bar tending. It's a good time, plenty social, and you learn to actually do something.

All of you are faggots. They only way to live is to have a job you don't want to retire from. If you aren't a productive member of society, what the fuck is your meaning on earth? Snorkelling? Climbing fucking rocks? You have a working brain and body, and people all around the world are suffering and need your help. We are not going to make it as a species if we are made up of people that just want to take pictures of paris for their instagram. We need entrepreneurs and leaders.

Where I went and found my hiking/art/dance, bros.


god you people annoy me. lazy fucking faggots

Yeah I save 800 a month doing grunt work while going through school. I just don't spend on bullshit

>the challenge is finding effective ways to invest your money
No. Buy the S&P 500. Done.

Great story and trips friend