What's an effay career/lifestyle?

What's an effay career/lifestyle?

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sleaze core is your best option, probably being a dirty lawyer or something to do with stocks.

or a hitman

the lifestyle is just a lot of cocaine and fat women.


*fast women

fat women aren't effay

Anything where you are your own boss. It's just better for your health and psyche.

are you just thinking of effay movies?

Anything confidential or secretive.
>Ahead of the curve
>Surrounded in mystery
>Doesn't discuss work outside of work

Yeah I suppose but it's still pretty /fa


creative work, but not so much so that you're overly popular.
minimal work, more free time. stay active and fit, try calisthenics.
urban farming.

vagabonding is the true Veeky Forums option but people here are too materialistic to not buy clothes constantly

punk singer, dying at 29

punks are worthless scum

Whatever the modern day version of spike from beebop is. Meeting lots of new people then moving on b4 you get too attached. Smoking but still being a master martial artist as well as trying to escape your past.

>bounty hunter

The modern version you're looking for is bounty hunter

Pshh tf you talking like dog the bounty hunter? Modernday bounty hunters are not equivalent to being on the beebop you mong

Anything where you are wealthy enough/in a position of authority where you can wear whatever the fuck you want

vagrant in a boat house is really all I can think of

musician is obviously very effay, along with other creative jobs to varying extents

however i did the math and to survive COMFORTABLY in sydney, solely as a musician in a 3 piece band, you would need:
- spotify streams in the tens of millions/year
- digital album sales in the tens of thousands/year
- (maybe) vinyl sales in the hundreds/year
- merchandise and shirt sales in the hundreds/year
- weekly shows to crowds of 100+, or multiple shows per weekend

and that would still be scraping the bottom of the barrel, with a lot of downtime monday-thursday.

so i think the next best thing would be to live pretty well-off (hopefully in that sweet $60k+ bracket) with a low-mid income day job and work weekends as a PUP-level indie act. the day job would preferably be non-time intensive, have some decent time off/self-selected hours, allow for long hair/tats, etc

examples include some combination of––
- electrician or other trade, especially freelance or project-based
- psychologist/psychiatrist who always wears long sleeves (think robin williams good will hunting)
- recording engineer + bed and breakfast owner (highly unrealistic haha)
- childcare worker

- private music teacher/tutor (i'm getting cert II in music for free, should be able to pair this with a driver's license to get decent work in 2018)
- drug dealer
- busker
- uber driver

i'm currently in my gap year and i need to weigh up some realistic options before heading back to school/training. opinions and suggestions, Veeky Forums? i'm all ears

>all that potential wasted


mortician/funeral director.

your short team goals are fucking gay, imagine a girl getting excited about telling her parents she's dating an uber driver or a busker lmfao

I imagine that's why they're short term goals


Literary or like, live translation?

self-employment always comes off as a bit naff user, i agree. though from my experience as a busker it (marginally) beats wageslaving at kfc. i'm still open to better suggestions for an undergraduate like me tho

busking has its moments. i never get upset at the monotony or social isolation like i did in fast food––though i imagine this would change if i didn't live with my parents and had to "sell out" more and play some ed sheeran/biebs/weeknd. i once gave a girl my number from it, but she ghosted within a week

you get desensitized to positive comments really quickly but the negative experiences stick to you like black paint––like when a cute girl is digging your voice and outfit and then she gets a good look at your face and recoils in disappointment. that's the worst part of it, worse than the shit money and the voice strain

and looking depressed/detached while you're performing is only effay when you're attractive. saving for surgery as we speak

Welfare qween

is acting an effay career?

Any job where you wear a suit but aren't your boss's little bitch.



any artist (not entertainer)


Or a taxi driver

Priest, Artist, CIA, Archaeologist, Architect, Fashion Designer, Translator, Travel Writer or Traveler in general, Being a bodyguard or butler seems effay and if things go well it can earn you ins with some very powerful people and possibly life long friends, any form of advanced specialized sciences such as Electrical Engineering, NASA, Chemical Engineer, etc, and last but not least, Author.

Underground electronic musician tb h

>What's an effay career/lifestyle?

Shiftless layabout.

One where you can always dress the way you like

I am like you a fellow wannabe musician.
I like you user, I don't have the balls to play on the streets. What's the problem with your face? What kind of music do you dig? How was your outfit?

i got like a perfectly circular head man, you gotta see it in action. really chubby cheeks, pointy chin and my eyes are too far apart. think an even less attractive gerard way

all i need is buccal fat removal, a flat chin implant and a mature stubble and i should be good to go tho. i think surgery is cool for all musicians––it's the biggest middle finger to destiny/biology/society you can give

i play a lot of nirvana, lana del rey and weezer. the nirvana gets a lot of donations because i sound like kurt cobain, the lana gets donations because it sounds like kurt cobain singing lana del rey, and i just do the weezer because i hope a QT will el scorcho me. in fact

>busking last fortnight, saturday evening
>feeling like total shit, made $4 after an hour
>waiting for this crowd of pedestrians to pass me so i can start the next song because i'm so nervous
>QT P2T stops and expectantly says "well, come on then bro"
>she looked exactly like pic related
>start playing nirvana - lithium
>she stays the whole time, just staring
>says i'm amazing but i should go to cabramatta, she made $75/hr there when she used to busk
>i give her a turn with the guitar
>she plays lana del rey - without you
>she makes more money in that one song than i did in an hour
>afterwards we talk and have heaps in common
>finally ask her if she wants to meet again, i give her my number
>next morning, she texts me
>i ask her if she wants to busk cabramatta with me next weekend, she says yes
>confident all week
>got ghosted by friday
>pink lipstick still on my microphone

i also listen to a lot of alice in chains, iceage, pup, daniel johnston, black flag, haim, mazzy star and father john misty but it doesn't busk very well

it takes more balls to gig pubs with a band imo, the money's worse (bigger split) and you have to play originals. i've got a band kinda but we're not going to get serious until my writing's up to scratch. do whatever man just get good at writing

i wore this and i imagine i'd get shit on in WAYWT but hey it makes me feel like a musician. if i wear jack purcells it makes it seem too much like a cobain cosplay

i'm moving more towards this but i don't have the money and winter's ending soon anyway. maybe next year

>Meeting lots of new people then moving on b4 you get too attached.

this isn't as great as you think it might be

t. loner

effay jobs imo:
-trauma surgeon
-foreign diplomat
-dead languages translator (polyglot is an effay skill)
-high fashion runway model
-clothes designer if you're your own boss + have runway shows
-world-traveling alcoholic writer (ei. hemingway)
-remote nature photographer (active volcanoes, etc)
-real estate agent for the ultra rich
-owning a bunch of cemeteries
-sound/lights technician at elite clubs or at a small indie musician studio
-owning your own publishing house
-bartender (mixology is an effay skill too)
-international flight pilot
-own your own antiquing store
-executive/sous chef at a famous restaurant, or your own restaurant
-librarian at a library like the smithsonian
-museum guide or director
-small art gallery owner/coordinator (imagine getting to pick which new painters get to display their work and possibly get famous because of you)
-architect for a high-class firm or your own business
-assistant attorney general (USA)
-languages tutor abroad
-speech writer for politicians (only those you passionately support)
-discotheque owner
-own your own florist shop
-top banker in a bank where old money keeps their shit and you're in a position where you get to meet with them over brandy and talk shop a lot)
-independent hit man for hire
-mafia/mob boss
-historian for very specific events or people from ancient history, ei. historian for Alexander the Great or the Peloponnesian war, etc.
-criminal psychologist, famous for extensive interviews with the world's most notorious and dangerous serial killers

That's all I can think of right now.

A bounty hunter. Most are rednecks or gutter trash. Not "effay."

You watch way too many movies, brother.

>do whatever man just get good at writing
Do you mean the music or the lyrics?
Good story.
And what about the acoustics? Do you busky amplified?

>mfw I'm a security guard and have to wear an ugly uniform
>I'll never get to be an Veeky Forums sociologist

I fucking love those M65s.

Did you say youre in syd?

Work in cold storage warehousing. They pay around 35-45 per hour depending on your shift. You have decent money plus some free time depending on your shift.

author is very effay i agree. i know gonzo's not for everyone but i adore william s burroughs. my favourite quotes of his are:
"i am getting so far out one day i won't come back at all" and
"perhaps all pleasure is relief"
he's got such a way with words, even when it seems he's not trying

both, man. rock would come back if the musicians were good enough and were attractive.

cobain used non-diatonic chords so freely –– youtu.be/x6livarlSRo?t=1m31s

cantrell too –– youtu.be/JB_fNVOPzyM?t=2m20s)

it's like with every song of theirs, EVERY chord on the fretboard was available to them, not just your I - ii - iii - IV - V - vi. and yet there's so much fucking HOOK, like these really catchy, thoughtful melodies and riffs. any cunt can write some poetic tumblr-quote platitude, the challenge lies in putting those syllables to music and keeping the poetic intent AND hook over non-diatonics.

and cobain is such a fucking good lyricist. i would fucking kill to have lyrics as "show, not tell" as Come As You Are, Dumb, or Drain You––youtube.com/watch?v=Lj3bCXViNNM

post-grunge/nu metal did it all wrong, with all of those edgy linkin park lyrics. like picrelated, you can't have your character just ANNOUNCE how you feel!

and i think that's why rock died, just no more attractive talent that could put good lyrics over good non-diatonics with a good hook. i fucking wish i had a tenth of the writing chops or looks that cobain had. dylan rieder's face would be nice too tho

now it's just long-haired hipster cunts from Newtown playing "psychedelic" as an excuse for having absolutely no melodic ideas played over reverb. if i need to get drunk to enjoy your companionship, you're not my friend. if i need to get high to enjoy your music, you're not a good musician

FUCKING THANK YOU, i forgot about that

warehouse work is a great idea thanks user, it's on the list


Any job where you make 250k+ is effay. Executive, banker, any type of doctor, law, finance, high end musician/actor

Being poor is not Veeky Forums. edgy teens think nirvana is the epitome of Veeky Forums when in reality they were making millions of dollars.

oh yeah you're gonna want a roland cube street EX, SM58 and a mic stand. if you want to cheap out get a PA with enough inputs + power supply if it's not portable –– instead of the cube street

i use this trolley but it's too big for public transport, use a different one depending on where you live


i do maybe $20 or $30 an hour but you can only really play friday -> sunday and can sing for as long as your larynx can go. prime time pitt street has a long wait time (i arrive at 11am and play 2pm if lucky) but you're guaranteed $50 and you can go to other locations afterwards. my high score is $90 over like 2.5 hours.

this job is barely profitable for me because i live with my parents, and i'm housing commission so my normal pay would be reduced 35%. if you're a hot girl or like current top 40 music you're fucking set tho

i'm doing a tafe course next month, and i hope to get a short-term job within the next 2 months, i'll still busk saturdays and sundays. it's fun

>Being poor is not Veeky Forums
i agree though i don't see a huge benefit to going from average income to high, especially if you're content with modest living. besides home ownership there isn't that much i'd like to do/own that's particularly expensive. what would you like to do?

>edgy teens think nirvana is the epitome of Veeky Forums when in reality they were making millions of dollars.
and they wouldn't have been Veeky Forums unless they were good writers too. regardless of the aesthetic the talent was there.

i wouldn't say they sold out or pandered terribly hard to mainstream music needs either, if that's what you're implying with the millions of dollars thing. i'm not gonna say every financially successful act is good but i'm fairly confident every good act is financially successful.

i just applied for a security guard job. Is it any good for a college student?

Good post, you mentioned good will hunting, it made me think of the job will has where he is a underachieving carpenter, it is really effay but I guess that only works if you are super smart.

Also hilarious filename

nice olympus µ, user!

i'm a student and bin man while i'm not studying
people often generalise the job as being dirty and for drunks and such, but it's way better than it seems and it pays really well
i see a lot of the country i otherwise wouldn't, banter with my colleagues on a variety of topics and get free drinks when i pass bar bins in the city

can working in IT be effay?

Sounds like the qualities of a touring stagehand...is being a stagehand Veeky Forums?

Navy Admiral
Head of an Import/Export company
Chef and cooking food you truly love
Decaying Rock Star
University teacher
Fighter pilot
Explorer and/or shooting documentaries
Being an arctic expert and having the opportunity to visit earth most remote places

It's good in the sense that it pays decently, isn't hard, and can look good on a resume.

gallery curator

what docs are those?

also drop the bogo and this is a pretty good fit

Fighter pilot

>only works if you are super smart

yeah and kurt cobain dropped out of high school to become the janitor at the same high school. it's interesting how victimising yourself can seem so enticing. and when it draws attention and makes your story seem compelling, it can seem inauthentic

that's alexa chung, silly

though in an ideal world i'd love to have an olympus XA and alexa chung––our kids would be 1/4 filipino 1/4 chinese 1/2 white, very comfy, we'd know exactly how to raise them

docs are called Tobias, there's a brown limited edition version of them, i got mine for like 90AUD on ebay

i really rarely think bogo hoodies are appropriate but i think it looks cool outside of streetwear AND i'm just starting to skate so i'd love for this to be my rainy day, can't skate look. can't you see how hard i'm working to earn this? it's all subjective of course