God is real.
God is real
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Yup, and the majority of the board is aware of it.
Digits confirm?
I am converting
Who just calls my name ?
No he's not.
They're not "aware" of it. They think God is real because the human mind tends towards a supernatural agency as a faulty cognitive bias. They are just falling prey to the mental trap without thinking more deeply about it.
Socialism will win.
But user, the biggest trap is the atheism meme.
Deities are a cognitive bias and are an entirely human concept. Humans created it.
>fedora-tier atheist having opinions about cognitive biases again
O I am laffing
>insult the character rather than arguing
It's like you theists never bothered to read the sticky.
God is pretty fucking human, so it's obvious that we came up with it. A hat isn't a response.
3 post with trips of 3s, nothing has strengthened my faith as much
lel literally any atheist is fedora-tier to you, why bother to make the distinction?
or do they only become fedora tippers when they provide even the most basic elaboration on why they they don't believe in a god?
>le humans need le gods to make sense of le world
>im so le enlightened and le rational
i've been hearing the same tryhard "oh look at me let me wax philosophic on human nature cause I read dawkins" twaddle since 2004. you're all cringey af
>those pathetic straw men
Confirmed for not reading any real arguments for atheism.
Well of course if you kick all of the religious tards off to their own board it will show that most of the board is religious tards.
Metatron here, I can confirm.
And God doesn't reveal itself via divine revelation
I've read 'em all and they're trash. They debunk only the most toothless caricature of God as a daft old man in the sky who just wants you to have a good time.
Define God and list all of the attributes.
Lay out your conception of God, please.
you obviously don't know what you are talking about. there is nothing to even debunk about a god in the sky. you can pull all the same tricks to make him in the sky yet also immaterial, invisible, etc. it seems the only argument you know for atheism is the fedoras spouting "muh sky daddy"
real arguments against christianity: quite simply the lack of a solid argument for the existence of God, the massive amount of archeological evidence that contradicts the narrative of the bible until you reach kings and chronicles, the fact that the gospels are not eyewitness accounts, and the fact that nearly every "fulfilled prophecy" in the gospels is hogwash (such as the emmanuel prophecy which was fulfilled in Isaiah and had nothing to do with the Messiah), and the Midrash-tier "prophecies" from Psalms 22 that make up Jesus's crucifixion scene, showing that the author was not faithfully recording a historical event but making a bible fanfic more or less
>Disprove god
>Hey guys disprove an argument without any proof backing it up
>nonreligious isn't an option
the poll was rigged at the start, all options use a morally truth-apt base.
The Ground of Being
Why is your god literally dirt?
That is the Absolute, an impersonal force, not a deity. Might as well not call it God since it isn't omniscient or omnipresent or omnibenevolent.
God knows that knowledge of his existence basically corrupts the human brain, his best creation that we know of. We honestly wouldn't progress as a civilization ever again if god appeared to everyone.
>19 Jewish people on this board
>his best creation that we know of
God seems to have the most concern for humanity. I wonder why that is.
20 now
Is that sarcasm? I don't believe in God, it's just a theoretical reason why God might have stopped talking to people.
Prove it
Proofs, tovarisch?
>For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.
Romans 1:19-22
>You know my worldview is right, how could you not?
Try again, Christcuck.
I disagree.
Claiming to be right doesn't make you right
Your verse boils down to little more 'I'm right because I say so'
>Here's the proof of the existence of God: the bible. And truth is what is written in the bible, for it is the word of God.
Wait a minute, something doesn't seem right with this logic, I wonder what it is...
Pascals wager is the best way to convert atheists.
>5% of the board are sunni muslims
Honest question, no bait.
Has Pascal's Wager ever actually converted anyone?
Maybe at the time it was proposed. I don't see how it could convert someone nowadays, since it has been debunked in a myriad of ways.
What's the debunk?
What's interesting is Pascal was aware of the number most of the "debunks". He did acknowledge there were other Gods to pick from but he said atheism is a sure-fire lose. He didn't really feel the need to address other religions because they simple were not on most people's radar. He also acknowledges you cannot 'force' yourself to beleive and that a God would probably not be fooled by a fake conversation. To get around this he said you should basically go to church, pretend to pray, pretend to think it's really, and hope that it just some how clicks from habit.
I find it interesting that Christians think Pascal's wager is an atomic bomb when Pascal himself thought it wasn't very good and already pointed out his own theory was heavily flawed.
The fact that "skeptics heaven" is a possibility means atheism isn't a sure fire loss
It's worthless really. Dunno why people keep bringing it up
How is skeptics heaven a reality?
Since so many religions exist, picking one option renders you chance of winning about the same as anyone else's.
You assume that belief out of probability you get yourself in heaven.
You assume that you know exactly what your God wants.
You assume that following a certain religion doesn't cost anything (no effort).
The whole thing is just a massive appeal to fear.
Etc, etc.
There's plenty of religions but most of them are dead and not practiced by anyone. Why would they have a chance to succeed if they've died out? The sign of the truth is that it should have a chance to stay alive in this world for future generations.
I said it's a possibility. Like christian heaven.
Shit, there might be a heaven exclusive to sharks, or fictional characters.
Why do you say that? Maybe we don't know the truth.
Main problem with this is that via a terrible Veeky Forums dubs thread we have already determined that it's either Islam or Arian Christianity specifically.
1. That it isn't a binary choice.
2. That believing in [Religion of choice] isn't always a neutral outcome if not true
3. That believing in [Religion of choice] isn't a zero cost investment
4. That Pascals Wager ist neutral for any and all participating parties
5. That nominally believing in [Religion of choice] is enough to attain the positive outcome.
6. That [Religion of choice] isn't necessarily accurate even if its god[s] is[are]
How many times have Christians pulled the "you can't comprehend God" card?
How do we know God would care if his religion failed? Or maybe he just really likes arecheology and wants only people that study dead religions to get in? Or maybe he's get a perverted sense of humor and intionally fucked up his own religion? Maybe ALL religions are fake and he put them here as a test? Maybe he has NEVER formed a religion.
It seems your "can't understand God" works against against you here.
Another bit of hypocracy. You say the sucess of a religion means it's real. Does that mean when Islam becomes the biggest religion in Europe it will prove Christianity is false? Or does the logic only apply when you like the outcome?
I don't know, do you think God will reward you for a false belief? Is rewards and benefits the core of Christianity, or do you think Christianity cares a little more about truly believing in its tenants, even if you lose your life because of it?
Pascal's Wager is literally the opposite of Christianity. It prefers on gain, benefits and rewards over beliefs, and sees belief as nothing more than a means for a reward, which is the exact opposite of what Christianity holds to be the single most important matter in the whole universe
>Why would they have a chance to succeed if they've died out?
Why not? How do you know?
But let's supposed you're right. How do you know that your religions isn't one of those? What if it dies out in the future?
Why do you assume that the real god is one of a religion that already came into existence?
There wasn't an option that had something of ''''aware of...''''
I mean basically it is actually totally irresponsible to be a member of any of the religions. (Could depend on how you do it. But too often contrary beliefs are necessary)
God would have wanted to throw out the truth for us. Every creator feels that way.
Yes the most popular religion is the one which had the potential to appeal to the soul and did.
God will take into consideration that you tried to believe it as the truth. It's all about the intentions and the actions. If your intentions favour god why would he punish you for it?
If my religion dies out so be it, it wasn't the one and I chose the wrong one.
>God will take into consideration that you tried to believe it as the truth.
No he won't, because that's specifically not a concern if you start to believe because of Pascal's Wager. Pascal's Wager is specifically about the rewards you get from the belief, not the belief itself. Effectively, if you 'believe' because of Pascal's Wager, you're still an atheist, you just pretend not to in order to get rewarded for your pretending.
>If my religion dies out so be it, it wasn't the one and I chose the wrong one.
If you can even conceive your religion as wrong, why do you follow it? Doesn't your god speak to you and fills your heart with warmth, love and whatnot? Don't you have faith in him? How can it be wrong then?
>this board is 58% theist
Sorry atheists but you have to go back.
>God would have wanted to throw out the truth for us. Every creator feels that way.
How could you know how a god feels?
God is dead and we killed him
God can't die. He invented death.
I don't know what you're talking about, I never killed anyone. Please stop with these lies.
Something being popular means it's easy for the LCD to digest. The idea that something is true or great because a great many people find comfort in it is the very defination of herd mentality.
>A 40/60 split where the 60 percent majority don't agree with any other faction within the majority
>The largest faction (catholicism) isn't even half of the atheist percentage.
>The 60% majority coalition isn't even entirely monotheist
I could just as easily go:
This board is 74% non-Christian
Sorry Christians, looks like it's time for you to leave.
What does this quote have to say about certain egyptian gods?
You mean the ones depicted as humans with animal features?
>What does this quote have to say about certain egyptian gods?
That some people were smart enough to not make things so obvious.
How to argue against atheists on Veeky Forums
>call them fedora tippers
>do not address any of their points, just strawman them
>make ironic use of "le" to as an attempt to draw attention away from your inability to argue your own points
>ad hominem, after ad hominem, after ad hominem - it always works and none of the people on your side of the argument will call you out for it
>claim that all arguments against religion are moronic, but without naming one or saying why any of them are.
>don't bring up any arguments for God because the big three are fucking retarded (Ontological, Cosmological, Teleological) and will loose you the argument pretty much immediately due to modern science and the principle of Occam's Razor.
So some woman on youtube said something stupid (doesn't even realize God is dead=/=nihilism). There for the thing she is discussing is stupid.
If I were to find an example of a Christian saying something stupid would this mean all Christians are stupid by association?
Why do you all subscribe yourself to one specific religion (ignoring deists who are not in denial)? What gives you reason to believe that Jesus was the one true prophet of God and that Muhammad was not the last and most important?
I would
I always think it's strangely bizarre how Ocams Razor is invoked so by atheists when it's a concept from a theologian. I truely think there is a God and that he has a dark sense of humor. Enlightenment rationalism is actually partly related to things like Scholasticism. Francis Bacon was a devote Christian who laughed at atheism, he thought the scientific method would prove the earth was made in 6 literal days.
My pet theory is God did make Christianity but he also designed it to fail.
God is real, but what more can we say other than that?
Hey guys I'm a Christian.
Jesus died and rose from the dead. He defeated death.
Muhammed did not.
That he actually isn't, deist cuck
>My pet theory is God did make Christianity but he also designed it to fail.
And where does your concept of God comes from? Surely it has to come from your imagination since you don't seem to believe in religious teachings.
He would have to in order for us to know who he is.
Satanic rubbish.
Because of this verse in the bible, which the qur'an admits is the Word of God:
Galatians 1:8
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
What about the other religions?
All religions (religio) are systems of bondage made by men to attempt to reach up to, or be like, God.
As opposed to God becoming man and reaching down to us, that He might raise us up. As opposed to Jesus dying so that men might be free.
Eschew all religions and cling to Christ Jesus. He is our only hope.
>He rose from dead.
I'm confused, I thought people discussed actual history in this board.
>If I say it enough times it will be true
This is literally religion.
>Literally the best documented event in the ancient world dismissed due to normalcy bias.
>best documented event in the ancient world
>christcucks are this deluded
Christ cuck confirmed to have a sense of humour
>best documented event in the ancient world
The sad thing is people who believe this will consider any counterargument as actually supporting their argument.
-> backfire effect
If you feel the holy spirit, and it feels so right, anyone who doubts you simply must be a liar. And since they are lying, you must be right!
Remember that one time that Nietzsche completely BTFO the entirety of christianity in 88 pages?
>m-muh normalcy bias
dat beard tho
Correction: Gods are real
>T. William Lane Craig.