Why were the Italians such massive fuckups during WW2? Any good books on the subject?
Why were the Italians such massive fuckups during WW2? Any good books on the subject?
>Implying Mussolini wasn't beloved by everyone.
Because their government was a colossal clusterfuck owing to the relative fascist weakness and needing to bring in influential people from other powerbases to prevent a loss of confidence and them being thrown out of government (which happened anyway in 1943)
A good book (although it deals with quite a few other things) is the Path to Victory, by Douglas Porch.
latins being corrupt and lazy as fuck
like always
Maybe if they spent less time jacking off to glorious leader and more time not getting their asses kicked by literally who countries the Axis might have won.
The Italians had no reason to fight countries which they had good relations with some years earlier.
The Pact of Steel was a mistake.
Low support for the war
All of the Axis was a massive fuckup during WWII
Didn't he only ever have like a 10% approval rating or something? The blackshirts were a minority in the political atmosphere, it's a wonder the King was weak-willed enough to let Mussolini get his way.
>believing the propaganda
Mussolini was a dithering and unhelpful meddler, and Fascism in Italy was a total clusterfuck.
But he made the trains run on time
The answer is resources more than anything.
World War II as a whole picture was just one big resource war, with the Axis having to make up a severe shortage of iron, oil, and food in war gains.
Italy's economy depended on trade from Britain and France in order to receive the oil and metals it needed to build a modern military, and with the war, Italy was hopelessly short of all major war material, even more woefully behind than Germany, making Naval operations in the mediterranean risky as battleships and other naval units take a huge bite out of what iron you have to build with.
by the end of 1942, Italy didn't even have the oil to fuel what remaining ships they had in their fleet, and were docked for the remainder of the war. With a smaller pool of soldiers to recruit from compared to the colonial empire of Britain, and a mostly pre-industrial economy that couldn't hope to produce tanks or rifles on the scale of Germany or France, Italy just wasn't equipped to fight a resource war, where the main determiner was who could outproduce their enemy the quickest.
Arabs suck at war
Very shitty officer corps, shitty tactics, lack of motivation for common soldier, not being prepared for war.
>beloved by everyone
half the population was socialist
Fascism is socialist.
>Muhhh Horseshoe
What baffles me is that they managed to kick the ottoman's asses in the Italo-Turkish wars while the brits couldn't in WW1 and yet they managed to suck at every other war they were involved in
So you want me to believe the horseshoe theory is just a meme so you can pretend che guevara and other socialist fuckwits were not fuckwits?
I am a libertarian but even I can admit that ancaps are retards, conservatives also generally denounce nazis and other right wing extremists, however liberals seem to faun over theirs and pretend they was good boys, it is telling.
Do you even know what liberal means you complete retard
>wops suck at fighting as a rule
>just got done in Ethiopia, really really didn't want to have to fight anyone else
>shit equipment
>really bad leadership, possibly the worst leadership of any of the major powers, seriously, their generals were shite.
You take an unwillingness to fight and couple it with shitty equipment and bad leadership and you fail to take over Greece
>no source
What would I espect from merican education, here our schoolbooks says that he had a highest aproval rating of 60 % in 1929
His land distribution amoung peasants and giving stability to Italy was highly popular. However, the war was not. Everything went downhill from 1935
>beliving propaganda
>arabs suck at war
What did he mean by this?
Mussolini was a marxist before he became a nationalist. The facist party was formed by socialists who had been denounced from their socialist "bretheren"
They are italians,they would probably chitchat in the battlefield and try to shoot enemies while kissing or fucking some girl
I mean,seriously,they are not very serious people,they always had a slightly more relaxed stance,and you could probably see this in the army itself,in the leadership itself,et al
threadly reminder to join the Regno D'Italia in the newest iteration of intcraft autism, now in 1900 with guns
ts.intcraft.online is the teamspeak.
The war was essentially won by who had the most manpower, economic strength, and resource pool. While Italy was a major European Power, it was the weakest of the western European empires, which lacked a true advantage in fighting the war such as Russia's immense population and resources and the US' titanic production lines.
>60% approval in 1929
>Years before Italy really went to shit during the war
>Criticize American education just for the fuck of it
>you will never live in Italy in the early 1900's
Ayy where dem white womenz at???
Thank God for that. It was a shithole. There's a reason why everyone moved to America.
They were fighting in WW2 using their WW1 equipment.
Balbo is my husbando
They had to live up to the massive fuckup that was this absolute simian retard.
it means italians got a massive infusion of middle eastern blood at some point of the roman era from slaves and migrants
>by the end of 1942, Italy didn't even have the oil to fuel what remaining ships they had in their fleet
And ironically, since 1911 Italy had been unknowingly sitting on huge oil deposits that had they discovered and developed them prior to the war, would have provided much needed revenue and political clout.
>Go from Rome to Fascist Italy
Truly the biggest JUST in history
To be fair, if they had discovered the stuff, once war broke out they'd have had a bitch of a time actually using it. It was hard enough to ship supplies to a relatively small Africa expeditionary force historically as it was. Trying to do that AND ship out oil would likely have overburdened both the Italian merchant marine and the port facilities existing in Africa.