Are vans okay with dickies-or some more classic-type pants?

are vans okay with dickies-or some more classic-type pants?

Vans are literally the lowest tier of ambiguous skater look, but those look ok I guess

I guess we could make this thread an "acceptable shoes with dickies general"

i need you faggots to stop making dumb threads with questions like this

use your fucking common sense

which type of dickies am i supposed to cop? i dont want to fuck up and cop the ones for people who actually work

How the fuck are dickies not a meme? This has got to be a meme. Don't fall for memes.


they arent a meme. Its idiots who cant dress jumping on it because they see others using them

What the fuck are you supposed to combine them with except white shirts and vans?

literally anything





satisfied now?

Not a 10/10 but definitely a well above average fit mate, didn't know that was possible. I'm about to build a new wardrobe anyway and your fit is interesting. Where can i buy dickies offline? Wanna try them on in a store.
I really am suprised that i'm not cringing rn wtf


these arent my fits I saved them as inspo lol. The one in the fit you quoted are Dickies skinny straight work pants. You can buy dickies literally anywhere. They have their own stores just for dickies shit iirc

>needs help wearing fucking pants
>post inspo
>wow this are awful wtf


You (you)d me 3 times mate, thx for the info and fuck off with your greentext, wrong fucking person ya cheeky fookin cunt

p-pls forgive me bb

which dickies?

almost none of these people are wearing dickies
lol you think that cuckcore bullshit is "above average" but everything else in this thread is "cringe"? 16 year old detected

That onw dude went for a specific look eoth the colours and the overall baggy clothings.
The rest just clicked random at the character selection menu.

somebody post the cuckcore infograph

Do it faggit, enlighten me. Calling others a cuck on Veeky Forums doesn't really bring your point across, posting the infograph however would do so. Do it.

i posted the model look up

they're all dickies