I am looking to move out soon and am wondering
>How much do you guys spend monthly to live
>State you live in
I am looking to move out soon and am wondering
>How much do you guys spend monthly to live
>State you live in
1700 rent, ~60- 100 utilities (higher in summer)
500 - 2000 food/drinks depending on how much i go out
misc. other crap.
Dam NYC is pricey
> Apartment: 610
> Pet: 20
> Utilities: 30
> Internet: 30
> Food: 300
> Fun: 160
Income: $2200
Expenses: $1150
-$500 for Student loans
The rest go into savings.
Oakland CA
>>Rent 2550 - house (split between gf and two roommates) - $475
>Utilities - $200 with internet (my share)
>Insurance $170
> Gas - $150 (depending.on my drive time)
>Food -$200
-entertainment $200-500 If I go out a lot.
>Shop rental -$350 (my portion)
Costs me roughly 1600/ month to live here in the bay area
2 bedroom townhouse. Upstairs with 2 bedroom and bathroom, mainfloor with kitchen and all the utilities a kitchen needs. Large living room. Also an attached garage and a detached garage.
About 1200 a month total, utilities and all. Split between two guys.
North Dakota. Midwest is cheap living
Moving into a 2200/m 3 bed on the outskirts of the city with my wife.
Elec and bills all told are 250-300.
We are very frugal and live on rice and frozen unsalted vegetables, so groceries tend to be quite low. Maybe 200 a month absolute max for us both.
Should mention we make a good 120k a year and can't have kids, so this is well within our means. Thinking about saving up for a 3 family house and becoming a landlord.
> Wife and husband
> Can't have kids
> Waste money on 2 extra bedrooms
> Eat like peasants to make up for it
Why would you do this to yourself?
>Rent 1500
>Utilities between 150-350.
>Internet is 84.
>4 roommates pay me $2000, someone pays me storage and parking for $120.
>Health insurance is 80.
>Home and Car insurance is $120.
I made $81 this month.
She has a side business working with chain maille, wirework and sewing. I wanted her to have a workshop.
I work from home and use my space as an office. I don't believe in having my workspace in my bedroom.
Us eating like peasants isn't a requirement -- we could spend our remaining 60000 bucks a year on food if we wanted to. We just don't and like having space.
So to answer your question, it's "because we have different ideas of what comfort means than you do" and "we don't want to be fat fucks who blow thousands on steaks and lobster".
Live in Midwest as well and make 2100 a month So I should be able to live comfortably by what you two said
I spent 80% of my monthly income just so I don't have to live with my parents. Saving money is not worth it.
Income: $1600 take home a month not counting inconsistent side incomes or overtime.
>Larger Tennessee City
>$575 Rent for small 1 Br
>$25 Internet
>$44-$65 electric
>$60-$100 gas
>Food=too much, idc though
>$20/month for my part in cell phone plan
>Free health insurance through family
>$50 car insurance
>Paid for reliable $2000 car that I or a relative can fix for free
>Almost free university for being poor
>Zero student loans so far
>starting very low cost side business that will likely have huge returns
If you want to live on your own, you need enough for a rental deposit, first months rent, possible electric deposit, food/transportation money, and emergency money.
Barring any health problems and idiotic financial skills, you should be totally fine as long as you have a bit of money saved.
>That lack of protein
Scottsdale AZ
>Apartment: $1500
>Utilities: $250
>Car lease: $200
>Car and motorbike insurance: $220
>Food: $400
>'Other': $200+
Total about $2800p/m
Eggs, man. 69 cents a dozen. Way cheaper than most meats. Happens to be my favorite food too.
>69 cents a dozen
In 1945 maybe you gucking moron.
Not the other guy but eggs are pretty cheap in New England, a lot of people keep chickens on their property and sell the eggs. I live near a place that gives its employees cases of chicken eggs for free.
>he doesn't have his own chickens
cucked by the USDA jew again
This dude is obese I can gurantee it.
>medieval times
>implying she won't find a way fatten
let me guess, youre in love lol. at least she's an earner. keep her in line with hidden video cams
North Phoenix (Bordering Scottsdale and Cave Creek.
Rent:$825 ($844 w/ tax)
Internet: $80
Food: $300
Car insurance: $90
Gas: $50
Utilities: +/-$50
Washington DC.
Rent: $1165/mo for a studio
Metro pass: ~$100/mo
Electric: $50/mo
I make $75k at 24 so I'm doing pretty well in DC. It's not as expensive as everyone says but I cook in bulk, don't go out too often, and don't really live the yuppie life.
Hahaha, I moved from Washington to Baltimore, where rents are HALF of what they are in Washington.
of course there are shootouts in my zip code every day, but so be it
Live in a van. It's pretty sweet way to live cheaply
Baltimore sucks. That's like bragging about moving to Philly or Detroit.
Yeah. We're both giga-autists. I envy your ability to speak to more than one person a day, go outside without being worried about getting accosted by homeless people, and put decorations on your walls.
We don't even have curtains.
>The one cheap thing in Boston
Yeah, I wasn't really bragging. (See, it was a joke, starting off with talking about the rents being half of Washington's rents, but then I mentioned the daily shootouts. File it all under "you get what you pay for".)
Where in DC were you? I'm in Capitol hill and I really like it.
North Georgia.
I'd say you could survive on $1,500 per month, but to live at least decently you need $2,000 a month.
Going to at least have a couple grand saved up before I move out for a nest egg.
House/personal expenses are:
> House - 500/mortgage
> Utilities - 500
> Food - 900
> Car Gas/Fuel - 125
> Fun - 125
But I also split the food cost and rent out my extra rooms for 600 monthly to two friends of mine.
So really only about 400 a month, however, that shoots up to easily 1000-1250 because I'm trying to pay off the mortgage as soon as possible.
Income kind've gets thrown around since I pay myself and my employees by project earnings. Average seems to be about 6000 monthly though.
This is why I hate the people of washington.
You had to ruin such a beautiful state.
It's like a little piece of the east coast tucked under canada's nipples but out of their reach.
Not far enough apparently.
About $2500 a month for necessities. The only thing I could reduce is my food spending which is not restrained in any way. Could drop it to $2000 is I really really wanted to probably.
Mortgage is just under 1000, so 1500 spent on:
>car (gas, insurance, service, parts)
>food (groceries, fast food, restaurants)
>bills (electricity, gas, water, netflix, hulu, internet)
>pets (dog food, dog grooming, veterinary bills, pet insurance premium, toys)
At that point paying rent is cuckshit. Go split a mortgage with somebody and then sell the house, split the cash.