Janitors pls forgive me i posted this on /cooking & food/ and nobody there knew anything.
I get 8 shots of espresso in a cup when i go to starbucks. I add my own milk and sugar after. Gets me about 4x the caffeine/dollar that a typical city college girl gets in her cuckaccino. I dont fuck around. I want to get the best espresso machine i can get for under 1000 dollars. Fully auto or manual i just want whatever will make me the strongest 8 shots of espresso possible in a reasonable amount of time. Looking at the 600$ breville right now and thermoplan bw3 cts (same swiss maker of starbuchs mastrena machines) Any suggestionez? I know alot of you guys are espresso fiends.
Espresso machines?
Nobody here knows.
Why not buy caffeine pills instead, and treat yourself to decent tasting coffee?
Do you do this for attention, OP? I mean at that point cocaine in is probably healthier, cheaper and less embarrassing than being the prima Donna who needs 8 shots of espresso in his coffee
>putting milk and sugar in your coffee
I guess you can be forgiven since starbucks makes the most godforsaken nasty-ass coffee you can imagine, but still..
Anyway why not get an 8-cup moka pot?
Whats an 8 cup moka pot?
Espresso with milk+sugar? Sounds like american tomfoolery to me.
Yeah, so go read up on your coffee before buying anything. You know nothing John Snow.
Why spend so much on a machine?
Get yourself an old school hand bean grinder, stainless steel reusable filter and a nice pot and make a normal cup of coffee. Buy fresh beans from a local hipster coffee shop. A decent grinder is a little pricey though. It'll run you around $100 but will last a lifetime.
I've been doing that for years and I've yet to have a cup of coffee (or espresso for that matter) that beats it.
well, you're not gonna get a quality machine for under 6k.
Its difficult to even buy good set of pressure and temperature sensors for $1000.
Espresso is persnickety. Once you get the real shit not starbucks. You'll be surprised. Argentine coffee for example is quite jacked.
before you spend 1000 on a fancy milk frother that makes random coffee.
Even the nicest industrial espresso makers will only make 4 shots at a time.
is right about caffeine pills
this guys probably right about cocaine being healthier than 8 cups of espresso. Coffee especially high pressure, dark roasts with fine grind are particularly inflammatory.
is right, this is where you want to spend the majority of your cash.
Seriously most of the flavor, aroma, caffeine and nutritive value is determined by the roast and the grind.
I'd recommend this one
to start you off. if you're intent on spending buku money.
Spend it on a nice burr grinder.
maybe a gold filter
The press itself is the fastest most rudimentary piece of the puzzle.
also if you need 8 cups your adrenals are probably fried. Lay off the caffiene for a week to see what normal is and reintroduce with Bulletproof coffee to restore function.
You just described a cappuccino, poser
lmao Li you probably have the most useful information out of any trip on this website. I dont always agree with your opinions, but your knowledge base is impressive
Why would you ask this question on the business board of a Tibetan Hentai Illumination Etch-a-sketch Trading Card Forum, instead of just going to Amazon and searching "espresso machine"?
OP is gonna die.
you should try and find a coffee machine that als can heat tortilla chips. lots of people enjoy warm tortilla chips. maybe you'll enjoy eating warm tortilla chips while you buzz around the room on coffee.
>Bulletproof coffee
Don't get meme'd, OP
> decent tasting
I don't even really drink coffee, but espresso is pretty delicious man.
Thanks man, I just know what I know though. Brain is a steel trap when I focus. It has some cons though. Very difficult to change my mind, so often I have to learn shit the hard way.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so - Mark Twain
He's fucking so right that bastard.
So much of what we "know" is only applicable in a very limited context. knowing the rules, where they came from and when they don't apply is critical to finding the breaking points and soft underbelly of life.
just heard an interview with the author on freakonomics podcast. The author makes a really good point when he talks about interviewing the lady who invented Jenga and how she plays. She'll pick out one side piece halfway and take the one on the other side. next go around she'll take the halfway one out by steadying the tower with her forearm.
People argue with this lady, the inventor, saying she's cheating.
I've gone a fair way down a few roads in life and when you learn to dive deep you can repeat the process pretty quickly in different verticals.
In programming they say Garbage in garbage out
Putin said, about nuclear inspections, if there's mush you push, until you hit steel b/c its real.
In engineering they say, the means modes and averages are crap, you build for the extremes first and pare down from there. B/c at the extremes you're forced to find the factors of efficiency.
In medicine, you realize how fragile systems really are, a few concentration gradients shift and catastrophe occurs. Simultaneously you learn what resilience looks like systems on systems all interlinked to support each other, on multiple levels.
just ordered that book, needed something new to read. I'm big on having a sound and constantly adapting overall philosophy to apply to everything I do so I love books along those lines. Most of the things I learn I find carry over to a lot of other stuff if you let them
In fairness I haven't met many businessman who didn't take coffee dead seriously
No shit - talks about "adrenals"
Last time I checked the adenosine recwptors actually being the taret of the caffiene might be a better starting place for new age woowoo bs
If you want caffiene you can just buy caffiwne and akip the whole charade
>adenosine recwptors
Yeah, you should totally listen to this guy...
>new age woowoo bs
'new age woowoo bs' is shorthand for 'I know nothing about how the body works, or the world in general'
Why would adenosine receptors be a better 'starting place (i.e. 'starting point') than the actual starting point, which is in fact the adrenal gland?
You realize that caffeine literally activates the adrenal gland, and causes it to release adrenaline, which in part, is what gives you the caffeine buzz?
Also, repeatedly consuming more caffeine can over time deplete the adrenal glands, which were not designed to be indefinitely artificially stimulated.
Modern life and work can give you enough natural adrenaline without adding coffee into the mix
This made me laugh much more than it should have.
Try simplifying what ur saying. The true genius in this world resides in taking something complicated and making it simple
Get yourself a Filtron or Toddy maker. Make a quart or two of super strong concentrated coffee. Dilute with hot or cold water to desired flavor.
A moka pot big enough for about 8 cups (small espresso cups but the coffee is pretty strong). I even included a picture of a 2 or 3 cup moka pot, you dunce.
You don't really need a fancy device for making cold brew, unless you want fancy ice drip stuff or something. Just put a closed pot (like pic related) with coffee grounds and cold water in the fridge for a day or two, filter with cheesecloth or just regular coffee filters.
>Veeky Forums guide to espresso
>find personal machine in thrift store
>inspect portafilter insert
>if the holes are fine enough congrats you saved countless thousands on starcucks
espresso machines get expensive because theyre made of nice shit with a lot of capacity for commercial use
all you need at home is 9 bars
First off brah, you should spend as much if not more on your grinder than your actual espresso machine.
If you're just starting out, you could try other coffee brewing methods that don't require as steep of an investment.
Notably are the cold brew, French press, Aeropress and then pour over (Hario V60, Chemex). You're going to want at least a good manual burr grinder (Lido, Hario) or an automatic like a Baratza. Then you're going to need a digital scale with 500g/0.1g accuracy for your pour over (maybe 1000g/0.1g if you have a larger carafe) and a timer. And if you enjoy these manual methods then you're going to want to splurge on a temperature controlled water source such as a Bonavita digital goose neck kettle (the goose neck allows you to have more control over your pour).
If you want an espresso machine, do try to get a deal refurbished or second hand as that will save you a lot of money, but you would have to know what you're looking for lest you get ripped off. Entry level espresso machines are the Gaggia classic and the Rancilio Silvia which are both single boilers. You're going to want an automatic grinder such as the Baratza or even better like a Mazzer or Compak. It sounds like you don't care for steamed milk so you could forgo the requirement of a heat exchange (HX) and/or dual boiler espresso machine, which both allow for more continuous steam. And with these machines you'd need a good tamper and you could splurge on VST baskets for your portafilter.
The manual espresso machines are easier to maintain than the semi-automatic which are easier to maintain than the super-automatic machines. The manual and semi-automatic machines would produce arguably superior results. Super-automatics produce espresso that's average...
>tfw no gf :(
>tfw no a v e r a g e korean gf to enjoy my ristretto shot iced americanos :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
h-hold me brahs ;___________;
Moka pot user here again, would my coffee improve notably if I use a grinder? I use lavazza espresso dark roast now and it's pretty good but I notice the first few cups from a fresh pack are much better.
Can a good grinder be had for like 100-200 bucks? What should I pay attention to?