Face Rate General

Itt post face/rate others

6.5 with potential. Shave and lose weight / bodyfat

r8 please


word legit 9/10 you have an interesting enough face to be a model

>pls ignore weeaboo tier selfie




Why aren't you wearing a shirt ?

do you get banned for spamming?

A fine altmer fellow

yeah really if this was /soc I'd full on harass you for ur info but oh well

Do i look as retarded as I feel

I am v tired

8.5/10 hoto doggo
7/10 cute for sure

6/10 not bad looking, but has a weak chin
6.5/10 from the front 9/10 from the side
7/10 weak jawline, too heavy eye liner and eye shadow, masculine nose, I suggest adding some more personality to your hair
6/10 wide nose, acne, and eyes are too far apart

8/10 QT

>filter pic

R8 my busy too

fine user, have my greasiness in all it's glory

this feels like joji inspo

I get that a lot, my friends keep yelling "bring joji vlogs back" at me

damn i thought i had an original angle going there. your friends sound dope tho

>lurk these threads but never post
>get nervous when someone who you think might vaguely look like you doesn't get good ratings

My snap is starvingtrash I'm an anorexic effay girl

I'm adding you and also what did you do to your eyelashes, they look amazing

My natural ones are long it's just mascara


My snap is pjfaren, Asian fuckboi

u cute

I know im ugly but I've always been tempted to post to see how ugly i am.

do it pussy

i am scared

dont do it pussy


u think its a good idea to post snap on Veeky Forums tho?


definitely lose bodyfat

you look sad

you look just fine to me

pretty young looking

more flattering lighting than last time buddy

ugly racemix/10 sorry not sorry



average above-average person


I want to punch you in your stupid face


ok do you want a more genuine photo i guess that one is a little immature (also i was fucking around with my eyebrow)


You look ok, but you could be pretty cute if you did something with your hair



Would you still say that if I told you I'm 6'2" and weigh 150 pounds lol

dont lie to him like that

then you would be tall


Confidence is what's really attractive user

but this is a face rate thread

And hella skinny. People have told me it's kinda offputting

so do i not look okay? am i ugly? and why? i have long since been wondering whether i am truly 'ugly' or not, but have not found the right person to ask. but of course this is all subjective, so i guess i won't find any true answer

Just fix the hair and lose a little weight and you're good user

I'm 18 I swear lol
I have a baby face

then bulk up haha, this is a face rate thread and I rated your face.

what do you recommend for the hair? i never know what i should do with it!

What's wron with my race?

a lot of qts in this thread

sorry if the angles bad it's all i can do atm

Above average, I think you look cute



7.5/10, sad yet adorable

8/10, already attractive but improving complexion would help

6/10, your hair looks like a bird's nest, but it works on you

6.5/10, very cute but somewhat bland

5/10, very average but not in a bad way, should shave and improve skin

>8/10, already attractive but improving complexion would help

Thanks. By complexion do you mean tone or the acne?

Acne, yeah. Tone looks fine.

Got it, thanks user

nothing, other user is a lame

You're clenching your jaw too hard and you still look like shit.

I could see you being a Gosha model.

I'm not clenching, just very low body fat. thanks though :^)

Am I chad material?

I am in love with you

Work your arms more twink

>brown eyes

NOT effay

I doubt that's her, seems like pretty fishy bait


are you timmy thicc

Uhhhhh thanks?

lol i follow you on instagram, whats poppin

u post on that long hair male subreddit








Also, yes, I know I'm naked. It's hot as fuck out here.

Never even been there

if you were really fit i could see it

you have a really punchable face in this pic tho


You need to rate people before you too you twinky fucks.

sorry daddy

You sort of remind me of Ramsay from Game of Thrones.

You look like that autist that shot people because he wasn't getting pucci.

u can;'t dodge the rodge

>You sort of remind me of Ramsay from Game of Thrones.
I second this.

Also get a better haircut. You have a great jawline and eyes. With that done and assuming you know how to dress moderately well you're 7,5/10 minimum

Get buff on top of it and all the pussy is yours

7.5 with a good haircut, 8+ if you have a nice body/dress well
7 beard makes me jealous
6 maybe 7 depending on whether or not your hair is always messy like that
6 hard to really tell because side pic, but hair is good and solid jaw

first time posting my face on Veeky Forums

be gentle

you look like a really gay vampire if that makes any sence

not you

confirmed lures men into his lair and sucks their blood (after sucking their dick of course)

You have the most generic style possible but you're terrible at taking selfies and you really need to clear your face up. People don't realise how far a clear face goes in looking attractive.