Female fashion thread

How would you dress your qt gf?





>Veeky Forums
>qt gf
You're in the wrong place user.











Sorry to steal the spotlight, fellow dumper










I don't care I just want her to wear these shoes


wouldn't her feet be cold


only fags and autistic ninjas here m8



Short skirt and thigh high socks
Maybe a big cardigan
Basically jap school girl aesthethic

I am going to be the nigga wearing womenswear in the relationship if anything

I wear this exact outfit a lot the only thing is I'm only 5'2 so I'm afraid that my legs are too short to do thigh highs justice.

i wouldnt have to

Just date a man




Full CCP.

woolly jumper
one flower in hair @ part
underknee white socks

Just wondering, why do you want them all girls wearing such oversized clothing? It's kinda manly desu
Some girls can have a nice body figure, why hide it?

you fucking teen shut ins are posting the most dated shit

I'm interested in what you like.


Fuck off fag

Middle looks good

Great another sheltered fashion police post that is too insecure to put his own taste on the line, seeing lots of these lately

>p-p-p-please p-post what's ahead of my awareness so I can steal it and ruin it

kys, leech