How old are you?

So, how about it? Voting is totally anonymous, so there's really no reason to lie about it.

I personally suspect the average poster on this board is around 18 but having some kind of data to work with would be nice.

Other urls found in this thread:


TFW you realise how fucking young and shit this board is

This is gonna be good.

>I personally suspect the average poster on this board is around 18

yeah nah, more like 17

They all look underage to me. 16-17, def not 18

Seriously. THESE are the fucking people who have been shitting on me in the grid threads? Fucking high school kids?

Just look at WAYWT, the face rate and hair threads
There are tons of 15yo kids

What happened to the 2017 survey? It's been three months.

Are ashkenazi Jews classified as brown?

OP here. Honestly, I wanted to say 16 but I thought I'd give the board the benefit of the doubt. Clearly, I'll not make that mistake again.


It depends on what else they're mixed with. I don't think of fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed Jews as being "brown."

>all these 18 year old newfags on Veeky Forums

No wonder you cant find good advice on this shitstain of a board - its full of manlet kids.

how many people selected 18 for their age simply because you're 'supposed' to be 18 to post here

jesus what the fuck were they doing
its a simple thing to display data and they fuck it up
present the data from highest percentage to lowest, not what the order of the questions were, fucking imbiciles

Remember when alekzias austistic ass made a map of our locations and ages and we made fun of her?

It was when you all were in elementary school.

I'm 18. Been on this board for 4 years. Never once posted seriously in the waywt.

>a bunch of 18 year olds are critiquing my fits
I don't even know why I come here anymore. Kill yourself.

name your top five designers

Rick Owns

so you dont dare then, post a fit then

who /23/ club with me?

What's it like being that old? Do you have arthritis and stuff?

Autism isn't something you outgrow with age. This board would be fucked no matter what.

I would like to imagine those people are mostly just voting 16 and under for the lols :(

Now you just realized that? This place has always been blatantly underage. It's /b/ layered with shitty reddit fashion.

The problem with youngsters and underrages isn't limited to Veeky Forums sadly.

I wish we could have an anonymous board with posters above 25+, the quality would skyrocket, but we know it can't technically happen.

>I wish we could have an anonymous board with posters above 25+, the quality would skyrocket, but we know it can't technically happen.

Post an outfit you think looks good.

Post outfits and give us a glimpse of what a 25+ board would look like.

it'd be pretentious like stylezeitgeist or w/e the fuck

Are you implying SZ doesn't dress infinitely better than the Veeky Forumsggots here?

As if quality of a fashion board is determined only by a WAYWT thread. We'll probably get more threads about fashion weeks where people explain why they like or don't like something. Threads about fashion as an art or business won't die after 20 posts. Less Fuccboi type threads. Since most people at 25+ have a higher income there would be more people that are willing to destructive scan magazines.

What a fucking shitty way to axe the question, it's really hard to understand what it looks like when there's that many options

Here's a better one:

Not enough options. OP's is better.

Black 3.8%

I laugh every time.

For better or worse, no one can tell me that white people are no obsessed with black people.

Well if pretention is the only downsides i take it gladly.
>p-p-p-post outfit
Literally nothing to do with anything you underrage fuck.

Is there a discord server or anything for people who want more in depth discussion of fashion? If not then someone should make one.

there should be a general thread for fashion weeks and fashion as an art or business


NYFW is coming up soon, in September. Maybe sticky all of the premier fashion weeks as they happen. One for each city, NYC, Paris, London, Milan.

You'll run into the problem that all these underage posters don't know what to say about it or they don't know what they are talking about.
Doubt moderation will to do that, although I'm in favour of a fashion week sticky.

Went to the doc for back pain problems last week, gotta do a bunch of yoga-like back exercises. Fuckin extreme sports man it's already fuckin me up.

Also my friends are all starting to progress with career stuff and I'm not and it sucks. I already miss the good old days in school when I partied and drank more than I do now. Gotta start thinking about some older people shit to wear.

#effay on rizon IRC fuck discord it's full of teenagers anyway

Surprised by the amount of bisexuals.

Also, when should I leave this board, given I'm 23?

>Tfw almost 23 and still dress like shit and haven't been lifting

What am I doing with my life

that's the default display on google forms iirc

me too

Old Ass Niggas Hating On The Yung Because We The Youth, Fuck y'all.. .We decide what's heat or not go where y'all suits

- y'all niggas wear suits cause you can't dress no more - Yeezy

90% of rap stories lyrics are cringy af, Kanye West very much so too

Overrated af. It's mostly about the feels, because the lyrics are just utter cringe

33 this fall

23 is still a baby

>elementary school
I'm 19. That happened when I was 14 or 15.

>tfw you've been on Veeky Forums since middle school

>Also my friends are all starting to progress with career stuff and I'm not and it sucks. I already miss the good old days in school when I partied and drank more than I do now.
I miss those days as well. I'm 33, btw. The party era peaked around age 17 for me. Ah, to be a wild child again.

>23 is still a baby
I know. I just felt like fucking with him a little. Kek.

I do remember thinking "Fuck, I'm getting SO old" when I turned 24.

>Never once posted seriously in the waywt.
What is that supposed to mean? You're too cool for it?

What I meant is that you wouldn't have seen me before on this board and therefore not recognized me if I suddenly posted myself or something like that. I thought it relevant to say that despite being here and partaking for a long time, if I suddenly posted a fit you wouldn't think "oh that guy", like I think with some people that you see post every now and then.

The "seriously" part of my post means that I have posted in the waywt on rare occasions, but not seriously.

But that's probably true too, I'm definitely too cool for it. Nah, I really just don't like the idea of posting a pic of what I wear anywhere on the internet so I don't.. Some arbitrary barrier of maybe pride or something that my mind has. But I do partake, in text only.

There's a reason I stopped rating guyfits.

>22 dressed in Dries van Noten and Undercover
This board would really improve with older people who can afford more than Uniqlo and Grailed.

You are supposed to leave this time sink once you've got fashion basics and delveloped you style. Probably also learned a bit about entry-level designers.

>tfw no longer underage b&

Where have the years gone

This poll explains why everybody here seems to have no knowledge of actual fashion.

>Over 50% of the board are over six feet tall.

Hold me

How many are 1.82 cm? A yes/no question is not the best way to present length in a population.

Dude, people fucking lie about height more than anything else (other than maybe IQ or dick size). I remember when there was a poll on Veeky Forums and every fucking douchebag there claimed to be 6'4+.

"Niggas is gay!"
-Fat Joe


everyone here is a millennial you fucking retard

>1.82 cm

Well, this thread has confirmed a few suspicions.

How depressing.

>1/4 Veeky Forumsggots is a redditor

fuck off retard

>45% of Veeky Forums is 18 or under
jesus christ. agelets get off my board and go listen to some mac demarco

this website is so fucking garbage. anyone who takes advice from this place is a fucking retard

>everyone here is a millennial
technically not since gen z starts at 1995/1997 onwards

23, been here since I was 19
time to leave

20 represent

I'm 16 mods ban me I want off this ride



For real, did this guy forget or is it just a side project he put on the back burner?

Oh I bet it's not as hip as cropped Dickies with an ironic pink baseball cap you fucking teenager pleb idiot.

I'm and I don't claim to represent anyone other than myself.

With that said, a few observations about most people my age are as follows:
1) They have reached a point in their lives where they can basically afford to wear what they want, within reason. This includes some niceties far out of reach for the under 18 crowd.
2) They don't give a fuck what is trending at this exact second because a rapper they've never heard of was photographed wearing it to a skatepark.
3) They are eager to distance themselves from the under 25 Veeky Forumsggots but still cautious about falling for the dadcore meme.
4) They're ready for (or already past) the experimental phase where they throw the rulebook out the window and make a few deliberate fashion faux pas.

et cetera.

Basically, I think a board full of people like this would be cool. Veeky Forums is just not that board and likely never will be. C'est la vie.

>I do remember thinking "Fuck, I'm getting SO old" when I turned 24.
I had the same feeling with becoming 20. I feel like after 30 it's just going downhill


>tfw 33 and already dead inside




at least I'm not Igor old


Been here since 2009

>There are kids on Veeky Forums younger then Veeky Forums itself.

That's so. Crazy, it explains a lot though

>actually expecting good advice from this board full of underage redditors from r/streetwear and hypebeasts
there are legitimately no good fashion websites on the internet anymore. it's time you get actual Veeky Forums friends irl.

>tfw the people who shoot down any discussion of actual fashion on Veeky Forums aren't autistic neets but actually autistic high schoolers.


> google image search for stylezeitgeist
> bunch of old shits unironically wearing full fucking rick pop up
> infinitely better

you cant be fucking serious

turbomanlet bootz

While I realize that Veeky Forums and in particular boards about aesthetic like Veeky Forums are mainly what are they because we laugh at outsiders and at other posters who make fools of themselves this board is plagued because there's too much anger and unfounded criticism. I'm all for giving people shit if they deserve it but this board has just become about provoking others, making up for your insecurites (like pointed out) and laughing at unknowing people without knowing why it's funny (cringe thread #59231)

>we laugh at outsiders and at other posters who make fools of themselves
Which is ironic, given that Veeky Forums is easily the worst dressed board on Veeky Forums.