Dude. Just be yourself! Buy my shit! Work out! Eat healthy! Dress nice! Buy my shit!

Dude. Just be yourself! Buy my shit! Work out! Eat healthy! Dress nice! Buy my shit!

>that jawline
>that hairline
>chiseled features
>perfect teeth

Easy for you to say Alpha m.

Other urls found in this thread:


Manlet and gay.


True. Gay? Don't know about that. Honestly I would trade my 3-4" I have on him for his smile, jaw and hair.

Yes but

>those elf ears

he does look good though. Even though his videos are aimed at normies, there isn't much else he can do to improve the look and style he is going for. Despite hsi shortcomings, it just goes to show that if you want to look better, you just have to work at it


He admitted to being bi in an old video.

You do realize he's like 5'3, right? Life fucks everyone.

Still, I give the little pygmy credit. He does dress better than 99 percent of Veeky Forums. Hell, I'm starting to think Veeky Forums is probably the worst dressed board on Veeky Forums.

i dont find him attractive, he looks like a fucking goblin or dark elf

He sounds like an annoying whiny bitch

Show me the car fax, bitch.

Im 5'3 too, its not that bad desu

well thats because he has the same way of speaking as every corporate manager who tries to sound meek but confident at the same time. He just comes off annoying and demanding. He has that salesman tongue but that silver tongue only works when you've got a solid voice.

Here's his lovely advice on wearing fedoras.

Gotta love that "alpha m" advice.

cant get over that spot on his eye

He is Italian

>He admitted to being bi in an old video.


yeah what is that shit? a spec of shit?

How do I improve my lips Veeky Forums?
>inb4 suck dick

Do people take this guy seriously? I always thought he was fucking hideous and autistic

Shit style too.

"Also here's my product sponsor of the day"

I find tmf to be slightly more tolerable but still the ads in the middle are fucking annoying. It's kinda like Linus but at least he does it at the end

>taking any sort of advice from a manlet

Veeky Forums does dress bad - but you forget this site hosts /v/ /a/ /r9k/ /pol/ etc etc

Do you think he has the full DVD collection of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"? Half of his advice is fine if not a little basic bitch--fair enough, someone has to do it. But the other half of his advice is straight out of the early 00's metrosexual scene. It's like he's stuck in 2004.

Sauce or bullshit

the furtive pygmy. so easily forgotten......

Veeky Forums told me my 996s are autism shoes, leading me to wonder what everyone else there wears.

I can't get over that shit in his eye. It pisses me off.

I like him, his advice isn't perfect but he motivates me to improve and I use his videos more as reassurance I'm doing things right. Fuck off with the advertisement shit all these channels have though

you mean taking any SHORT of advive?