I'm in my late 20's is it finally acceptable for me to start dressing like this?
I'm in my late 20's is it finally acceptable for me to start dressing like this?
id on shoes?
As long as you wear fucking socks
YES fuck opinions on Veeky Forums go for it if you want to, you'll learn if the style works for you or not
this please
Sockless is very italian and acceptable in the summer. Get a foot spray or no show socks you uncultured heathens.
>very italian
You say it as if it's a good thing.
If you have to ask the answer is no.
Is he wearing his fucking watch backwards?
Americans wear it face-up, anyone else esp. in Europe wear it like so
irl you'll look very gay dressing like this. If that's what you want more power to you.
dunno about "gay" necessarily but you will look like a fruit
dropping the suspenders from that fit makes it so much better imo
Yeah. Without the suspenders it would look fine. The suspenders are too much. Makes it look gay.
kek'd and agreed
The suspenders are OK, but would look better if they were actually button types, not clip-ons. Still, the biggest improvement would be socks. I do pic-related sometimes, but with more casual clothes during summer, and mostly at home.
It would still look like shit. Formal/casual....pick one. It's a theatrical look that comes off as gay. Like a sportcoat and tie with jeans.
It would've looked acceptable in early 20s, u'd look dumb wearing it now
What kind of pants are these? They aren't dress pants and they aren't Dickies, what are they called?
Not really. Menswear looks pretty bad until you're in your mid thirties or so and it shows. Just give up on le classy meme m8.
>anyone else
Live in Japan and can confirm Japanese don't wear their watch like that.
am European, cannot confirm
Not just a euro thing, we do that here in America too. I wore my watch like that for quit some time, mostly you'll see people turn their watch wrist side down if they have a job where it might get caught on or scratched by machinery. Sometimes the watch can hurt your wrist if it's bent or pressed into it, so wearing it upside down is more comfortable
>Just give up on le classy meme m8.
It's not about being "classy" I just want less clothes and simple/quality clothes.
I currently own like 9 t shirts, why not replace them all with 3 quality made button ups.
Pretty much every girl would die for that OP. Just make sure your shirt/pants fit perfectly. Should be very comfortable while being attractive.
What if I work in an office? Should I still wear full rick or what? Most of this board are teens or neets and it really shows
I think this look is fine. The problem is that young and thin Leo makes it look boyish and unkempt.
To clean it up, I wouldn't wear the suspender, this look needs better fitting pants. For shoes I'd lean more toward boots, but fresh not creased oxfords and loafers still work as well. And like everyone else has mentioned you need socks. I'm also not a fan of the powder blue shirt but it's not terrible.
you dress like you wanna dress m8
if white kids can dress like a bag of trash and have dread locks, or dye their hair green and wear My Little Pony shirts, you can definitely wear suspenders
This is the most enlightened post I've seen on Veeky Forums in a month. Its sad that a simple "wear what you want" is so rare.
I've given that advice out here multiple times. OP is looking to refine his style into something more mature and traditional so wear what you want isn't valid advice here. Saying wear what you want also stifles discussion and defeats the purpose of being fashionable or attempting to look your best.
Of course you should dress up in an office. Clearly I meant in a casual sense because no one would be stupid enough to ask if they should wear menswear in an office, right?
Yeah but most of the advice offered is from insecure 18 - 20 year olds who have no idea what they're talking about so they offer up advice and tips on what to do and what not to do as though its law without leaving an alternative opinion or pushing OP towards being an individual.
it's too late to start dressing like this. notice how the model is like 17
you're an adult, wear socks
Lose the suspenders and wear socks, and that's a decent fit.
Here in Arg. noone does.
They look like regular slacks but he's sagging
Yes if your environments allows for it, as in you live in the city where people don't look twice about overdressing and that your work is suffeciently prestigious like an architect or whatever doesnt have to be bigtime just slightly fitting for the dress
who gives a FUCK
you fucking PUSSY
how will anyone respect you if you cant even make decisions as ancillary as this on your own??
Would that be khakis or chinos?
There's many jobs where people have historically worn their watches under the wrist.
U.S. snipers and infantry used to wear their watches like this so they could track time while they were operating their rifles. Where you would need to take your left hand off of the rifle to check the time if it was worn in the traditional way. It was also very useful for one to track their bullet time, since you could see both where your bullet landed and your watch in your peripheral vision.
Doctors, nurses, and paramedics have also worn their watches like this in the past–especially military field nurses. It's so they could easily time a person's wrist pulse with one hand and free up their other one.
Business executives would wear their watches like this too, most of the people that I've come across that do this seem to be older and ex-military. But from what I've heard, it's so that you can check your watch in a business meeting without anyone knowing. Because I guess it makes whoever is speaking feel like you don't care about what they're saying.
I don't know why a lot of people are starting to do it again. Maybe they're honoring a family member who was a WWII veteran or some shit.
anyone got more pics of that hairstyle?
looks like a young leo my guy