Is thugger effay?

Is thugger effay?

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Are (((they))) making 'rappers' gayer and gayer?

why is Veeky Forums the only place i see this autistic "da jewz!!!" meme

Hyfr thugger gets it's. Still going over simpletons heads.

Still trying to shill this Zionist pet dumpster fire.

Why is this what you do with your spare time

Why do you spread this filth for $?

kys scab

>Why is this what you do...

It's some fucking Pajeet in a cubicle farm somewhere

Jesus lol
Link me to some of your posts where you actually contribute to a thread.
I'm just here to post and discuss thug inspo you retard. And don't reply with some shit like "durr $0.01 has been added to your account" and actually show me your contributions to this board

And this is actual undeniable samefagging, 3 IPs in this thread.

Pajeet's supervisor has arrived.

>why can't we shill our super faggy social engineering fake rappers in peace

40 minutes well spent bro? what's your plans for after today's shitposting sesh?

Go suck david brock's 3 inch peen you literal dirtbag lowlife.

pics of david bowies pelvis area?

Young Thug has the best fashion sense in the game, after Rocky.
Thugger is a bit too.. I forget what the worst is, but cheesy in a glammy way, like trying a bit too much with the jewelry etc.

GAUDY, I think that's the word

Still talking to yourself about this zionist puppet Pajeet?

If you're still here, idgaf how boring your life is but you honestly don't know what you're missing when you write off Young Thug as an unintelligible talentless hack or some "fake rapper" jewish conspiracy. He actually has such insane vocal talent and a huge variety in sound across his whole discography. I know you're not gonna listen to these but if you look at a few songs from different points in career it becomes very clear how incredibly talented he is and how much he's grown and continues to grow as an artist.

Or continue to mindlessly hate the guy because he's black and more eccentric than you.

Reminder that /pol/ should be deleted
It's a containtment board that doesn't contain

Young thug is a fashion god, nigger

Fuck off. While hiphop has been under the control of Jewish gangsters since the late 80s, rap is officially dead now.

All that's left is (((rap))).

And you're still a dirtbag shill.

>jewish conspiracy.

It's no 'conspiracy'. It's been exposed over and over again for the last 20 years. It's a straight up fact.

Just to be clear, you're not pretending to be two different people in these posts, right?

effay? more like gay. and probably being blackmailed.

Dude. OP here. Why are you still pretending to be multiple people in this thread? You're probably new here and don't know this, but at the bottom right of the page there is a little area showing how many posters (unique IPs) there are in the thread. There have been 6 unique posters in this thread for quite some time, and this post is clearly, 100%, undeniably made by someone who has previously posted in here. It's down there in the corner plain as day for anyone to see. This is called samefagging in Veeky Forums terms, though being from /pol/ you probably know that. Anyway, you're new so I'll let this one slide but you'd get your ass roasted by pretty much anyone else for such blatant samefagging. Retard

Dude. Geta real job. Fuck you and your fake 'rapper' who you probably have on video fucking a kid or something.

Anons, the entire music industry is CORRUPT as fuck.

Stop being a retarded nigger lol nobody gives a fuck about your conspiracies

Everyone's hip to the zionists and their pets in gold chains.

Fuck off

*tips tinfoil fedora*

Tbh this shtick is actually kind of funny. You should consider tripfagging.

You mean Jewish, anti-zionism is widely prevalent in the music industry



ooga booga where da white woman at

He was at his peak in his 2011-2014 street era

intelligent meme my friend


>Using the word meme that way unironically.

On another note, will dreads be the new meme haircut? Swear to god almost every meme rapper is sporting one these days.

>lil yachty
>famous dex
>lil pump
>lil uzi vert
>ALL of migos
>travis scott