What other boards do you visit?
In my case:
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Scarcely Veeky Forums & Veeky Forums
What other boards do you visit?
In my case:
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Scarcely Veeky Forums & Veeky Forums
Nice try Mr. Dataminer
Veeky Forums is the last other board i lurk, its 100% dead. Theres little reason to go to this site anymore, other than being able to openly banter, and thats technically against the rules.
This site honestly no longer has a reason to exist.
>datamining anonymous users for what boards they lurk
Wouldnt even pay the elecrticity cost of mining. Kys.
Veeky Forums, /m/, /news/, /diy/, & /out/
Also Veeky Forums OSR threads and Dark Souls threads on /v/ (what a shithole)
Veeky Forums is my favorite board. /mu/ is okay too.
/a/, /m/, Veeky Forums, /ic/, /k/, /int/, /tv/.
I see you don't understand the purpose of datamining and from your shit spelling and reddit-tier insult I'm willing to bet you're no older than sixteen
Veeky Forums and /twg/
Veeky Forums and only from time to time Veeky Forums, /int/ and /tv/. Used to visit /pol/ sometimes in the past, but it gets boring fast.
/k/ and Veeky Forums
/tv/ gets a ton of shit, all of it justified, but once in a while it hits the spot for a movie I wanna sperg about.
/b/ for hi quality nudes.
Right now it's /a/ and Veeky Forums. I'm lurking /mbg/ for E3 news of Bannerlord.
>stating a fact is a reddit tier insult
Ah right, I forgot we were having a heated argument about the corporate overlord boogeymen that are out to get you, starting with Veeky Forums shitposting. Please kys.
and less often:
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
"Kys" is a reddit-tier insult that shows a lack of originality and lack of creative brainpower. Believe what you like my edgy teenage friend, it doesn't change the fact you don't know what datamining is :^)
Veeky Forums, /mu/, Veeky Forums, [s4s]
sometimes /gif/
Veeky Forums /an/
>Veeky Forums is the last other board i lurk, its 100% dead
Is it /bitcoins/ and "I just made 300k as a neet just by investing" the board ?
Veeky Forums
/pol/ and /v/
I don't use Veeky Forums much as it is. When I do, this is my main board.
/mu/, Veeky Forums, sometimes the reptile and fish generals on /an/.
I try my best to contribute to the sometimes good level of discussion here, but the shitposting of retards just gets stronger and this board is probably going to end up like Veeky Forums.
>Occasionally Veeky Forums and /mu/
>/pol/, /r9k/ or /x/ if I feel like laughing at people
>if I feel like laughing at people
/pol/ /v/ /mu/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
>accuses a guy of datamining
>is proven wrong
>subsequently accuses him of not knowing what datamining is
>pretends nobody notices the seriously shifted goalposts
I go on every board to see what's up every now and then to see what's up, don't really browse any specific board.
r9k, lit, mu
Excluding porn boards
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
and Veeky Forums for /mbg/ and /gsg/ generals
My homeboards is /int/, but I spend a lot of time on Veeky Forums, /mu/, and obviously Veeky Forums
/tv/ and Veeky Forums are my guilty pleasures
>does not know what datamining is
>does not know what proven means
>does not understand the concept of shifting the goalposts
>/pol/ (I'm not even close to being a neo-Nazi, I just go there for the bantz)
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums and /jp/
>insists things
>ignores the way this entire conversation has unfolded
home threads on Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums occasionally
/a/ for sadpanda and lurking for new animu
/trv/ and /out/
/mu/ mostly, but also quite a bit of Veeky Forums, /x/, Veeky Forums, and a little bit of /pol/
Most Often
Every once in awhile
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I love alot of boards on Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
A true patrician.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums,/p/, /i/,/s/, /a/, Veeky Forums,/g/
>CTRL-F Veeky Forums
> 1 person.
You guys are plebs.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums combo is patrician
/b/ if I want to glimpse some degeneracy
Thanks for the reminder but you can't edit posts
/k/ and Veeky Forums regularly. Once in awhile /tv/
Veeky Forums, mainly for /gsg/
and /wsg/
Veeky Forums, /x/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /pol/ to trigger pollacks with my far right opinions.
/k/, /int/, /pol/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and finally Veeky Forums.
Yes I have autism.
Veeky Forums
/k/ (whenever it's not "Ameri/pol/." Since some literally who Singer in the USA got shot, I'm avoiding it today).
/tv/ for a laugh.
/gif/ for a fap
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
majority Veeky Forums though.
And I have a burning hatred for pseudo-intellectuals.
Veeky Forums
>all these shit taste anons amongst us
/int/ only for /mämmi/
Veeky Forums sometimes
Veeky Forums for /gsg/ /owg/ /twg/
but i use Veeky Forums almost exclusively
>Veeky Forums
So you're a masochist eh?
I used to be on /int/ and Veeky Forums but when Veeky Forums came out i dropped both.
And i browse /v/ and /gsg/ sometimes.
>but i use Veeky Forums almost exclusively
Me too. I've been literally browsing only Veeky Forums for the past two weeks
How do I stop?
>So you're a masochist eh?
Getting bit by a snake is the preferable alternative to spending time in a pit of vipers
>not being part of the Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /k/ Veeky Forums master alliance
Veeky Forums, /k/, Veeky Forums and /pol/
On the downward spiral of apologism
>Veeky Forums
Limpwrists and people living in their own fantasy worlds
>Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums
Not to sound like a dick, but how? Veeky Forums is always talking about the same stuff and has in general only a shallow level of understanding about most (historic) topics.
Yeah its kinda nice once in a while, but I seriously wouldnt want to talk each day anew who was the best general or how Hitler would have won WW2 if he only just did something different.
> /r/askhistorians
That is the only other board I visit
Veeky Forums to discuss the rare good math career/math help thread that coincides with my field
Veeky Forums to laugh, read theology (though I mostly go to other places for that) and rarely learn something new
>no leftypol
Get the fuck out you far-right fascist
/leftypol/ is for brocialists.
for recipes.
as a missionary for normaility
>Veeky Forums
cause being a larper and pen& paper player.
>Veeky Forums
cause Deutschlandfäden.
cause Deutschlandfäden.
when I need it.
when I need it.
>Veeky Forums
for the sticky and nothing more. (it basically is /lgbt/ for the most part anyhow).
>Veeky Forums
when I need it.
cause I am a hypocrite and in the state of disgrace. I try to stop though.
Oh, and I forgot,
basically for the same reasons as r9k.
srs pls go
I don't understand why "brocialists" are supposed to be a bad thing
/co/, /int/ when I want to practice my French and Monster Hunter general on Veeky Forums
Sometimes Veeky Forums as well.
In descending order of how often I visit them
>Veeky Forums+Veeky Forums
>still replying
>still underage
>still delusional
Explain datamining without quoting something from google
/vp/ though I'm avoiding it right now to avoid SM spoilers.
Veeky Forums has a lot of good threads. You're just focusing on 1 or 2 threads out of several others.