Alright Veeky Forums
How could Japan have won WWII?
Alright Veeky Forums
How could Japan have won WWII?
Join the Allies
By not losing WWII
by not overextending and trying to form their pacific coalition thing. Also the US would have to have not joined the war...
>Alright Veeky Forums
>How could Japan have won WWII?
fold katana 2000 times.
They couldn't.
If they'd managed to actually catch the carriers etc at Pearl Harbor they would have done a bit better though.
Attacking the USSR. And pray for the US to remain neutral. If you mean after pearl harbour,discovering nukes very early in the war.
Not possible. If they where to wage war on everybody they did historically they would lose every time.
The only possible way they could hold on to any territory at all would be to not declare war on the US, Keep out of large scale conflict and focus on subduing the Chinese territories. French and British colonies would remain up for grabs as the overextended empires where too busy with germany to do anything. They would have to distance themselves from the axis too.
Japan did not have the industrial or technological capacity to effectively fight the allies directly. Colonies where fine but actually focusing war on the allied powers would be suicide. The army was under-armed, under-supplied and under-funded. The navy was the most effective weapon the japs had but it was no match for American carrier air power. All of its allies where on the other side of the world and unable to assist them yet they went to war anyway.
Just listen to their generals.
Oh, wait.
By not joining WWII
Get China to join tha axis.
Pearl harbor failed because
1. The carriers were out on a training mission or whatever
2. They failed to properly cripple most of the present fleet anyway. Only 2 battleships were totally lost.
All they did was fuck themselves and germany over by bring the US into the conflict.
USSR memes aside, the russians would have had a harder time invading Germany if Japan could focus on moving westward through China instead of fighting across the pacific with America
By not fucking over their Chinese allies before triggering the second sino japanese war. Also accept Hitlers peace offer between Japan and the Nationalists
My Emperor !
We can win a war against Murika-san !
We must act like against Russika-san in 1904 !
We crush US Navy in Pearl Harbour like the russian navy in Tsushima !
We crush US army in Philippines like the russian army in Manchuria !
Murika will ask for peace like Tsarist Russia !
We can't loose my Emperor !
By not entering it.
Thing was that pearl harbor sort of became the only choice.
Japan was quickly finding itself desperately short of resources in its war against china with the western blockade of oil and scrap iron, so the Army and Navy were tasked with plans to secure resources in-house for Japan.
the first plan was Hokushin-ron, or the Northern Expansion Doctrine devised by the Army. They were to attack Soviet Siberia and seize the oil and metal of the Far East in order to continue the offensive against China.
This failed at the battle of Khalkin-Gol, where the Red Army defeated the Japanese and forced them into a non-aggression pact.
Then the Navy introduced Nanshin-ron, or Southern expansion doctrine, where the Navy would take the Dutch east indies, Indochina, and Burma for the oil and iron located there.
but doing this certainly meant war with the Western powers and the US who was stationed in the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, etc.
so Japan pretty much gambled on Pearl Harbor to do enough damage to remove the US' capacity to fight in the pacific long enough to invade and secure the territory they needed, and best case scenario, intimidate the US to back down in East Asia.
The Pearl Harbor attack didn't do near enough damage though, and the US restored its full fighting capacity within 6 months rather than the 1-2 years Japan wanted to secure the region.
realize that all successful empires in history had to win the hearts and minds of those they conquered, and torturing and experimenting on the Chinese would have caused their empire to collapse no matter what happened.
Doing more damage to American ships at Pearl Harbor, and not getting unlucky and taking out their aircraft carriers as well, would've allowed the Japanese to buy more time to solidify their hold on the Pacific.
Then again, Hitler sucked at World Wars so he would've brought Japan down with them.
actually, like I said, hitting pearl harbor was intended to buy time for the Japanese to solidify their holdings in the Pacific when they went out. If the US aircraft carriers weren't out on exercises that day, and the US didn't have the tech to raise the ships that were only slightly damaged, the Japanese would've been successful, and the US would've had to island hop more defended islands.
Really, what damned the japanese was they allied with Hitler, which provoked the Soviets, and took up his stupid ideas about racial superiority, which would've triggered an eventual rebellion even if Japan and Germany won everything.
By having Hirohito grow a pair of balls, use his "divine right" to tell the warhawks to fuck off right from the start and actually negotiate peace, instead of waiting until the nukes were dropped and the Soviets fuck up their invasion of the Kurils (which they WON, but fucked up horribly) to agree to unconditional surrender.
>took up his ideas of racial superiority
The japs were racist all on their own m8
Japan's hatred for Chinese goes back a lot further than the 19th century.
hell Hideyoshi back in the 16th century attempted to conquer all of China and Korea much in the same fashion as during World War 2, but didn't get past Korea.
Listen to the old guard that actually accomplished stuff instead of young guys who got too confident due to the achievements of the old guys.
That way, Japan would likely have a more patient policy that wouldn't lead to war with America.
Take the Dutch East Indies for the oil, THEN STOP. No one in their right mind is going to start a war with japan for taking colonial territory from a country that didn't even exist anymore.
Then finish the war with china and digest your holdings.
maybe finding oil in sakhalin would help
That had nothing to do with "hatred" of the Chinese which is a modern concept. Japanese saw that Chinese and Koreans weren't modernizing like they were, so they tried hard to distance themselves from them.
But as for Hideyoshi, he just wanted to invade because FUCK yeah we have a hardened ass army ready to fuck shit up and there's nothing left in Japan to fuck up.
>No one in their right mind is going to start a war with japan for taking colonial territory from a country that didn't even exist anymore.
Execpt for the Brits and all the other Allies, because of, you know, the alliance.
By not participating.
Fine, they go to war with Britain, Britain is a little distracted at the moment. If Britain tries to do shit they're just going to get BTFO the same way they did in real life, but this time since the Japanese aren't distracted fighting America, they're going to start some serious shit in India and Australia.
America definitely will not get involved over the Dutch East Indies. In fact, if Britain is at war with Japan, America would be far more wary to join the war than they already were.
>If the US aircraft carriers weren't out on exercises that day,
They weren't out on exercises. Saratoga was in the west coast for a refit, and Lexington and Enterprise were ferrying aircraft to island garrisons.
> and the US didn't have the tech to raise the ships
Contrary to your uninformed belief, it doesn't take some space magic to raise ships and repair them. It wasn't some miracle that only US tech could perform.
>Really, what damned the japanese was they allied with Hitler, which provoked the Soviets
Japs were anti-Soviets/ anti-Russia much more consistently than Germany was. In fact it was Germany that angered Japan by allying with the Soviets.
Your post is such garbage.
>America definitely will not get involved over the Dutch East Indies.
Except America had declared that it would fight a war to defend Dutch East Indies against Jap aggression, and had formed a "secret" defensive alliance with Britain and the Netherlands in the spring of 1941 for that purpose.
>In fact, if Britain is at war with Japan, America would be far more wary to join the war than they already were.
Read a book, nigger.
I'd love to see the spinmaters sell that war to the American public.
>We must sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives to retake a defunct European power's colonial backwater
Have better encoding
Not starting it would help.
>hell Hideyoshi back in the 16th century attempted to conquer all of China and Korea
Had absolutely nothing to do with the concept of racial superiority, that was just pure imperialism and opportunism.
By not attacking Pearl Harbor and assisting Germany against the Soviets while Germans marched into Soviet Union from the West and Japan entering Soviet Union from the East.
They couldn't have, and they knew it. War with the US was inevitable, because Roosevelt was just waiting for the opportunity to jump into the conflict. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor wasn't meant to cripple the fleet to the point where they could defeat it. Their intention was to slow down the pace that America could advance enough to the point where America would tire out and be willing to go to the negotiating table, and thus allowing Japan to hold onto MOST of its former holdings.
>that huge-ass skeleton guy entering in the oven
How the fuck can anyone believe that's real? It's so disproportionate.
Hideoyoshi invaded to avoid unrest caused by soldiers that no longer had a civil war to fight
>Except America had declared that it would fight a war to defend Dutch East Indies against Jap aggression
NTG, but without Pearl Harbor, that would be a much harder sell. Certainly couldn't treat it as an existential total war, the way they did after that.
If the Japs hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor, they probably would have gotten the two years they wanted lest some other event caused Murika to enter the war, and either way, they certainly woulda responded with much less force and determination. No one's dropping nukes to save the Dutch East Indies.
Ask your grandfathers (or great grandfathers), VJ day was a much bigger day in America than VA day.
The best way for Japan to win that war, was never to Ally with Germany or bomb Pearl Harbor, guaranteeing Stalin's wrath on one front, and the US on the other.
People tend to forget that Stalin actually killed more Japanese soldiers in a week than the US did in two years. Ten times more Jap *soldiers* dead than any kind of japs to either of the nukes, even by the most generous estimates.
Otherwise, their only hope would have been to invent the bomb first (or that Germany did).
They would have needed to really revamp there industry in the mid 30s along with stockpiling and gaining concessions on oil in the east indies during this time. Realising that they would need to revamp there convoy protection system and there intelligence services as well. Keeping the us off there back while they took the indies and coastal china would be a very good starting place.
Oh Fuck, I forgot about the Soviet Union. For some reason the American public really really cared about Chinese people, so as long as Japan is occupying their land, they're left in the lurch as far as the Soviets are concerned, and if you're not Finland, that's a very bad place to be.