ITT: historical persons and events that they should make a movie about


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>Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Bacи́лий Mихáйлoвич Блoхи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a Soviet Russian Major-General who served as the chief executioner of the Stalinist NKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and Lavrentiy Beria.

>Hand-picked for the position by Joseph Stalin in 1926, Blokhin led a company of executioners that performed and supervised numerous mass executions during Stalin's reign, mostly during the Great Purge and World War II.[2] He is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940,[2][3] making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history.[2][4] Forced into retirement following the death of Stalin, Blokhin died in 1955, officially by suicide.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the month before WWI.

Obviously the mad Baron. The dude ate his medals to prevent the soviets getting them.

The best part? Not a single thing from the story would need to be dramatized.

It would be a dark comedy.

Cortes was like the hero of a Greek Epic. The absolute madman.

>Depicted as anything but a villainous conquistador.
Especially with today's Post-Colonial discourse.

>Implying he wasen't a villainous conquistador

>being leftist

And why would he be depicted as anything else?
Was Daniel Planview as hero? No.
The ideal motive of the movie would not be revisionism. It would not be to provide some sort of message. It would only tell history exactly as we can be grasp it.

It's a serious gamble for film markets. But considering the source material, it has all the perfect ingredients for an epic.

More like a heroic conqueror who fought alongside the enemies of the merciless Aztec Empire.


>Hurrdurr The aztecks killed of a large amount of their neighburing peoples.
>So let's genocide them and their neigbouring peoples

The Conquistadors, even though hollywood leftists would ruin it.

>support this Spanish soldier, conqueror, and traitor who lived centuries before left and right were even concepts or you're a leftist


>Le Leftists! Le Leftists!
Spain sucked as an empire so much, the Lat-Am revolutionary leaders started inventing nationalities or associating with Pre-Colonial identities even if they were catholic as fuck, ethnically Spanish/Mestizo, and spoke Spicspeak.

This isn't leftist shit.

How the fuck is there still not a Napoleon biopic?

There are literally none, not even a shitty one.

It's been over a hundred years since the motion picture was invented, and NO ONE has made a movie about one of the most influential, controversial, and important figures of the modern age?

This shit is really stupid.

My family's mexican and they're like 85% white at least yet they still bitch about 'muh spanish opreshun' and refer to the amerinds as 'us' and the spaniards as 'them'.

>HBO is taking on a pivotal moment in the history of the Americas with Cortes, a high-profile drama series in development. It is being written/executive produced by Mississippi Burning scribe Chris Gerolmo, directed/executive produced by Martin Scorsese and executive produced by Benicio Del Toro who is interested in starring as the Aztec conqueror.

>Alfonso Arau (Like Water for Chocolate) is in talks with Netflix to develop The Conquest of the Sun, a miniseries about how Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztec empire.

It's not when you realize Spain actively discriminated between Spaniards born in Spain, and Spaniards born in the colonies.

They were begging for separatism with their snootiness really.


Shit tier.

Do you mean just like Americans are "I am German guys! I swear!"

Yeah pretty much.

They're more or less the hispanic version of 'I'm 1/32 Cherokee'.

>father is descended from German settlers who never interbred with other kinds of people
So is he German or not?

There is.
Saw it on french TV when I was a kid, not that bad i'd say.

Kubrick, why did you die that early...

Does he have any cultural connection with Germany or speak German?

If not, then no. There's more to nationality than blood.


Sadly, Kubrick didn't get the greenlight.

I should have been clearer; I know there have been a few miniseries biographies and movies based around particular parts of his life, but I meant some A-list massive budget oscar bait type.

As guests arrived to look round, the poet Dylan Thomas offered them teacups full of boiled string, asking: “Do you like it weak or strong?”

Dalí’s idea was to give a lecture while wearing a diving suit.. For good measure, he held two dogs on leads in one hand, and had a billiard cue in the other. During the course of the lecture, however, it became apparent that he was slowly suffocating inside his helmet, and it had to be prised off with the billiard cue. Dalí recovered and went on to finish his presentation with a slide show. The slides, it almost goes without saying, were presented upside down.

The show mesmerised the press and captivated the public: 30,000 people visited during its brief, three-week run. And for all its eccentricities, its architects were deadly serious about surrealism and its ambitions. “Do not judge this movement kindly,” wrote Herbert Read, one of the organisers, in the catalogue. “It is not just another amusing stunt. It is defiant – the desperate act of men too profoundly convinced of the rottenness of our civilisation to want to save a shred of its respectability.” So far, artists had only interpreted the world, he said, “the point, however, is to transform it”.

>artists had only interpreted the world, he said, “the point, however, is to transform it
fuggen commies

yes, we all know the world is full of shit, all the more reason to gain respite from it in art and beauty, start making beautiful inspired art again you talentless shits

>fuggen commies

Herbert Read was an anarchist, you dumb shit.

nigga, lurk more...

Due to the racial and cultural aspect, you just know the movie would be shitfest. I'd like to see something along of TWBB, but you can't make that because such things don't appeal to most people, and they want a dramatic moral angle to it. Such a movie would never be allowed, today.

What do you want?
>lowest common denominator, made ofr normal people
>Hernan has a gay romance side story for no reason whatsoever and there's a bondage scene between him and the Aztec Emperor
>They cut the series short mid-season for budget issues

Atleast Netflix can make series' free of convention, and actually keep it up until people just stop watching.


You think so? There's plenty of amoral historical pieces that have been well received. Boardwalk Empire, or There Will be Blood for example.

>mass murderer in recorded world history.
Nah, it were the guys who dropped a-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Yeah, that's not an easy bait for cis-het Christian white men vs. noble native peoples, is it? This would be, so it would be corrupted. Not the proper angle of "they were an oppressive empire, we were an oppressive empire with guns and a better immune system"

I like how the Spaniards were ice cold by the time the Inquisition and Reconquista had played out, making them well-prepared both in terms of skill and mindset, for the subjugation of the new world. It would all just turn into a soapbox, though.

That Spanish ship captain who washed up on Ireland after the defeat of The Armada. I forget his name but it was a pretty amazing, grim story, with a good ending.

calling an anarchist a "commie" is completely reasonable, technically he is not a communist, but anarchists and communists are part of the same closely related group of ideologies and anarchists often quote directly from karl marx as Herbert Reed pretty much just did, alone it wouldn't prove anything but all together it is telling, if you expect people not to notice this then you're the dumb shit

it reminds me of this

I film about Majorian would be quite tragic, I think.


A accurate, realistic, comprehensive film biopic of Harold Godwinson's rise to power and wars with the other Harold and William the Conqueror would be lit af

>ITT: historical persons and events that they should make a
They shouldn't, because it will always end up being an abysmal horribly compressed plot with invented romances, excessive sex scenes just to attract simpletons, and exaggerated characters with ridiculous leather gimp armours and everyone being dirty with mud on their faces

A movie about Cesare Borgia rightfully depicting him as a tragic hero, instead of listening to the memes of the butthurt cardinals who portray him as the Devil, say he fucked Lucrezia etc.

This guy could play him


To be fair the Aztecs were probably worse than the Spanish. There is a reason Cortes had no trouble finding native allies.


Cortes's journey from landing to Tenochtitlan
That German ship that traveled almost all over the world in WWI
Courland Pocket
Polish charge at Vienna
El Cid
Some Peninsular War shit.

>Each B-29 had a crew of 11
>22 people took part in the two missions combined
>Nukes killed up to 166k people
>Each person only killed about 7.5k people

>grandma had a picture from one of the planes signed by the pilot
>cousin inherited it
Fuck. I could've had a piece of history.

What happened to the Baron's wife?

Dude got married to a chink princess a year before his death, but it seems like her fate is unknown. Did he knock her up before getting killed? Could there be an heir to the Sternberg throne alive today somewhere?

It's Putin. Notice how his supposed "parents" both died immediately before his rise to power, and nobody can quite figure out how he went from an insignificant KGB agent to a dictator?

*tips fedora*


The Warlord Era

From the Fall of the Qing to the rise of Yuan Shikai, his death, the wars between the cliques, Sun Yat-Sen Struggle, Chiang Kai-shek's rise and ending with the "unification" of china.

Cliffhanger is Mao Zedong entering the scene.

Niklot,The Wendish Crusade and Jan Žižka,Hussite Wars.

There is a spanish movie being filmed about conquistadors and the Balboa-Lope de Aguirre expedition, called "oro"

But only one guy in the crew who pushes the button. Executioner also doesn't do all things alone. There are those who accuse, charge, arrest, guard, prosecute, judge, decline appeal for pardon, prepare prisoner for execution.

Just imagine this in cinema



Sure is summer alright

The daughter of Marie Antoinette, aka only member of the immediate family to live through the revolution, is bizarrely ignored in film except for appearing as a child in Marie Antoinette movies.

>witnesses the violence of the early revolution
>Imprisoned as a teenager, ended up alone after her father, brother, mother and aunt were taken away, was continually harassed by guards who threatened her life
>Doesn't speak for about a year until the fall of Robespierre relaxed her imprisonment and she was finally given a companion
>Finds out that her entire family is dead
>Is exchanged for prisoners of war to Austria and is put under unofficial house arrest in a palace by her Austrian relatives who want to marry her to one of their own for political reasons
>Pushes until she is finally released to her French relatives
>ends up going from country to country in exile with her remaining relatives, watches more of her family die, stays at the bedside of the priest who attended her father
>returns to France after first fall of Napoleon
>is the only member of the royal family to stand her ground when he re-invades and for that was called "the only man in her family" by Napoleon
>returns to France after the second fall of Napoleon and exhibits bizarre PTSD-like behavior which causes her to be disliked
>only member of her family who tries to persuade Charles X not to abdicate in 1830
>exiled again
>doesn't do much for her remaining years but give to charity, make snarky remarks about the fall of Louis-Philippe, and dies after being unable to go to church on her mother's death anniversary

Dude they made one in San Dimas, it was great

The Bloomsbury movement

named from the then down-at-heel area in central London, where their evening salons were held

Fame Comes, in a famous joke attributed to Dorothy Parker, from their habit of ‘painting in circles, living in squares and loving in triangles’.

Members Biographer Lytton Strachey, novelist Virginia Woolf, her husband essayist Leonard Woolf, her painter sister Vanessa Bell, Vanessa’s husband, art critic Clive Bell, art critic and painter Roger Fry, painter Duncan Grant, (also beloved of Strachey and the economist John Maynard Keynes), novelist EM Forster and literary journalist Desmond MacCarthy.

This lad here had a life filled with adventure



The Brooke myth begins with his premature death – coincidentally, on Shakespeare’s birthday in April 1915. When the 27-year-old author of “If I should die, think only this of me” eerily fulfilled his own epitaph and succumbed to septicaemia as he waited to join the invasion of the Dardanelles, the poet was made a Byronic figure of enchantment. He became the golden boy of Edwardian England whose life had been cut short “at the moment when it seemed to have reached its springtime”, wrote Winston Churchill in the first obituary.

Others knew a spoilt, intense and disturbed young man who once confessed that “my subconscious is angry with every dreary young woman I meet, if she doesn’t fall in love with me: and my consciousness is furious with her if she does”. On top of his repressed sexual identity, there was Brooke’s near-reactionary conservatism. He was enraged by the suffragette movement and troubled by the idea of women having equal rights.

None of this seems to have discouraged platoons of young women (and men) from falling for his boyish ebullience, animal magnetism and romantic good looks, drawn to a radiance that scorched those who flew too close.

pic related is most based man to live in 20th century

there is allready a movie about him

Michel Ney, to fulfill my frogfag ambitions.

>Michel Ney (French pronunciation: [miʃɛl ˈnɛ]), 1st Duc d'Elchingen, 1st Prince de la Moskowa (10 January 1769 – 10 December 1815), popularly known as Marshal Ney, was a French soldier and military commander during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. He was one of the original 18 Marshals of the Empire created by Napoleon. He was known as Le Rougeaud ("red faced" or "ruddy")[1] by his men and nicknamed le Brave des Braves ("the bravest of the brave") by Napoleon.

>During the retreat from Moscow, Ney commanded the rearguard (and was anecdotally known as "the last Frenchman on Russian soil" because of it). After being cut off from the main army, Ney managed to rejoin it, which delighted Napoleon.[4] For this action Ney was given the nickname "the bravest of the brave" by Napoleon.[4] Ney fought at Beresina and helped hold the vital bridge at Kovno (modern-day Kaunas), where legend portrays Ney as the last of the invaders to cross the bridge and exit Russia.[4]

>When he heard of Napoleon's return to France, Ney, determined to keep France at peace and to show his loyalty to Louis XVIII, organized a force to stop Napoleon's march on Paris. Ney also pledged to bring Napoleon back alive in an iron cage. Napoleon, aware of Ney's plans, sent him a letter which said, in part, "I shall receive you as I did after the Battle of the Moskowa".[6] Despite Ney’s promise to the King, he joined Napoleon at Auxerre on 18 March 1815.

>At Waterloo Ney again commanded the left wing of the army. At around 3:30 p.m., Ney ordered a mass cavalry charge against the Anglo-Allied line. Ney's cavalry overran the enemy cannons, but found the infantry formed in cavalry-proof square formations. Ney, without infantry or artillery support, failed to break the squares. The action earned Ney criticism, and some argue that it led to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.[7]

Poor Ney. I cry for him every night.

>When Napoleon was defeated, dethroned, and exiled for the second time in the summer of 1815, Ney was arrested (on 3 August 1815). After a court-martial declared itself incompetent (November), he was tried (4 December 1815) for treason by the Chamber of Peers. In order to save Ney's life, his lawyer Dupin declared that Ney was now Prussian and could not be judged by a French court for treason as Ney's hometown of Sarrelouis had been annexed by Prussia according to the Treaty of Paris of 1815. Ney ruined his lawyer's effort by interrupting him and stating: "I am French and I will remain French".[16] On 6 December 1815, he was condemned, and executed by firing squad in Paris near the Luxembourg Garden on 10 December 1815, an event that deeply divided the French public. He refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire, reportedly saying:

"Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire!"[17]

Godefrey of Bouillon
Julian the Apostate
Saint Louis


Ney escaped and lived in North Carolina and worked as a school teacher for several decades

His life was pretty gud. Never a man to falter in his duty.

Now that you refer to that, it's true that some other user conjured this site ' yesterday while I was petitioning on /tv/ that there should be a movie about him.

I remember seeing a short on TCM about Neys life that focused on him hypothetically being in North Carolina.

Yeah that would never get made in our libtard society.

The Cultural Revolution.

There is plenty of autobiographies to adapt from, but it will probably never be made because it would be too far close to home for most Hollywood Jews and SJWs. There is no way they can depict Maoists in a way for them to stand in as right-wing fanatics instead of the good communists they were.

These should really be made into movies.

His daughter is getting a movie called the Girl King because apparently she's a tomboy.
How is it there haven't been a movie made about her dad, is there one out there I don't know about?

Pic related

Saigo Takamori and the satsuma rebellion

Too bad the Last Samurai will ruin any movie about Samurai Rebellions.

Ironically the Chinese have made movies on how bad the cultural revo was.

Look up "To Live" by Zhang Yimou.

This would work better as a Miniseries.

Geralt is that you?

>El Cid
Alredy exists

Julie d'Aubigny, the infamously hedonistic bisexual duelist and opera singer.

Get Eva Green for the role and censor absolutely nothing about the character's lewd/violent exploits.

Damn. Someone who was hedonistic and bisexual but not afraid to fight, that's dope as hell


A movie about El Cid today would be seen as offensive and racist against our peacefull refugee friends

I would love to see a SECULAR, UNBIASED biopic of Muhammed, but that would never happen, and if it did... Je Suis Film Studio.

Also, Belisaurius.

After Trump wins, expect a bunch of movies about El Cid, Charles Martel, etc.

Stop whining and go to the cinema sometimes.

Because Waterloo failed at the box office and the greedy studios noticed that the dumb plebs were more interested in Star Wars and Jaws than in historical thinkpieces.

Also a historical dark comedy about Diogenes would be nice.

Imagine Frank from Always Sunny, but as a philosopher in a high budget film.
