Dunkirk is the most fa movie of 2017

Dunkirk is the most fa movie of 2017.

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god you /pol/acks are the dumbest shits ever.
Op is talking about a movie about ww2 and you instantly start sucking nazi dick

hair blowing in the wind is Veeky Forums af

stop browsing /pol/, it is turning you into a retard. in terms of destructiveness to the mind, it is the right wing answer to ultra liberal morning talk shows. maybe even worse

Everyone had a good haircut in the movie, how is it posible

niggeranon and regular to the /black hair general/ threads spotted

XD great bait upboated


the fact that he might actually be black takes any sting out of your insults. Its like accusing a /pol/yp of being a racist, when they are quite likely to actually be a racist

movie sucked it was just christopher nolan tugging his own dick the entire time with his 2deep4u but actually extremely shallow storyline. camera work was nice tho and it was beautiful visually.

i didnt thijk the movie was trying to be 2deep4u at all. even though thats what nolan usually does e.g. dark night, inception, interstellar

regrettably i only saw this movie in 2d. should i watch again just to see it in imax?

It was ok, but I felt like the film was screaming at me most of the time. Like hardly a moment to contemplate anything.

I also didn't like how they made the Nazis completely faceless enemies. Even when the pilot was captured, they just showed silhouettes of approaching soldiers.

Good film for someone with ADD I guess.

Finally, this thread belongs in

What a shit comment. The film is about the impending doom and the chaos of the situation

>Like hardly a moment to contemplate anything.

How is this a bad thing?

If you were a British soldier on that beach, you wouldn't see a German

>extremely shallow storyline

It's a film about Dunkirk, you pleb


>"....based on the strength of this sweater alone. (Spoiler alert!) I would probably throw myself down some stairs if I were flexed on this hard, too."

Hugo Boss didn't design those uniforms. Learn history, you retarded mongoloid.

Also, British uniforms were the most aesthetically pleasing. French greatcoats too.

lol I remember thinking that during the movie. literally every person had an amazing perfectly styled cut

What sort of products does one need to achieve Dunkirk hair?

Seawater, not even memeing. The salt makes your hair wavy but dry as fuck.

Everybody's haircuts where fucking great, even on disgusting angloids. I was impressed.

it was a sober diagnosis.
His poor English and defensive attitude towards "racism" gave him away.

Blacks are a scourge to this board to be honest.

not actually black and probably one of the whitest ppl on this Argentinian folk dancing forum

>picks on someones grammar
>Blacks are a scourge to this board


im sorry to inform you that that's grammatically correct.

What would the standard haircut be called? Googling for "40's british haircut" is terrible.

Go back to your containment board, you mouth-breathing faggot.

id on boots.

You forgot to capitalize "it". Nigger detected.

Damn. Who is this? ID on everything please

>doesn't even wait for the new kingsmen

Undercut afaik

That seems more like Brad Pitt from that garbage movie Fury.

Daily reminder that Hans Zimmer is a complete hack who gets praised for name recognition alone. He comes up with one or two good ideas per move and then stretches them out ad nauseum to cover the entire film

Why is the robot the only one using padded pants?

long boy

>running from the enemy

back to /shit

Your mum gay


Dylan Roof
