Your Veeky Forums evolution

At what age did you get into fashion? Who was the person that inspired you to follow fashion?

Post your fashion idols/gods throughout the years, it doesn't have to be a picture like this. It can be either designers/people whose products you wore at that time or just fashionable people you respect and admire and maybe tried to copy.

Anyways, I was 19 in 2011 and that's when I got into fashion, my style changed a lot since then.

You need to hang yourself immediately if you call one of those niggers or that mongrel Jerry Lorenzo one of your """idols""".

Seriously, you are one pathetic human being. If only you had the slightest clue.


Careful, the mod will ban you for seditious comments like that.

holy fucking shit dude

I'm taking it you're a nigger?

delete this. how dare you put yohji next to those


We wuz easily offended n shieeet

you're a 25 year old man with the taste of a 16 year old, get a fucking grip you actual man child

I should completely ignore this post, but no, I am white.

I'm over him anyway.

What does it matter how old are you? I see people in their 30s wearing FoG or Off-White shit all the time, you probably don't get out a lot.

Also, not a manchild, I actually have a job and can afford all these fancy clothes.

>2014-present day
raf, rick, yohji, issey

>At what age did you get into fashion?

As soon as i started earning money so I can buy dope shit

Do you ever regret it?

Did you gain anything from wearing "dope" shit? Just curious, what are the benefits of wearing expensive clothes.

was into #menswear, jcrew, michael bastian, loro piani, mrporter, beams
knew I had thick thighs so was looking for pants that would make my leg straight, in my journey found yohji
menswear, slim yohji, comme, junya, undercover
straight up yohji and pretty much nothing else.
slowly phasing out old wardrobe for exclusive yohji.

Who the fuck are those?

There is none besides knowing you spent a lot on "looking good".

how old are you now

Could you post those Yohji pants that made your legs straight?



I thought maybe people would respect me more or want to have sex with me if I dressed well.

i'm doing the same with my wardrobe, user. what's your progress so far? i'm interested in how others approach this wardrobe overhaul for yohji.

Ok, did they?

le minimalism, achilles, slim cropped trousers, black sweatshirt and white oxford, maybe a navy sweater if i was feeling adventurous

>2014- first half of 2016
SLP and that's pretty much it

>latter part of 2016
Thom Browne, J.Crew, Achilles etc, I hated it but I had a very conservative gf at the time and I thought it would make her like me more (it didn't work, we hated each other and haven't spoken in almost a year)

kind of got out of bothering with it all, still shitpost here, still wear slp quite a lot because my body fits it but I mix it with some vintage stuff

Not really, I just wasted all my money.



So I haven't worked in 2 years (uni) so progress has stalled for a bit. I would say 50/50 yohji and old j crew like clothes. It's about a 40 yohji, 40 combined and 20 just jcrew.
The first yohji things I bought were slimmer garbadine pants. Then just yohji long sleeves.
Only recently have bought yohji button ups and more adventurous pieces including outerwear.

This will probably be my next purchase.

i should add that derbies have been my go to shoe from 2015 - 2017 and i plan to keep it that way



raw denim, patagucci, uniqlo basics


monochrome, Achilles, acne studios, pale wave


uniqlo basics, mm gats, sherpa jacket, blundstones

i still can't dress for shit but i dress better than everyone i know which doesn't say much when you're from upstate NY

i know the look i want to go for. I've been in search for the perfect pair of wool trousers for a while

i would like to replace all my jeans with trousers/chinos in the future and get a nice uniform going i don't care about brands anymore besides shoes

raw denim, patagucci, american apparel

Safe fits
monochrome, Achilles, black derbies, black denim, AA knit sweaters, olive parka

uniqlo basics, cropped black trousers, derbies, blundstones, mm gats, sherpa, harington jacket

i don't care about brands outside of shoes
still shop at asos, uniqlo, AA for most of my clothes.

my goal now is to replace my jeans with trousers and chinos

not sure why someone reposted this, i deleted it to edit it

looks nice. my wardrobe right now is about 40% yohji and 20% cdg but a large part of those are just "basics" but i'm looking to expand by getting more into the experimental stuff.

i'm lacking ideas for shoes though. derbies with yohji seem to be the general consensus

pic related, my lpu for 100 eurobux

"I'm bored of fashion so I just wear slp because my body fits it"

don't take the slp body for granted user. I'm like 5'9"-ish on a good day with thick cycling thighs. Do you wear actual SLP or just zara knock-offs of hedi's (RIP) masterpieces?

yeah, I guess I shouldn't, thanks user. I wear actual Hedi era slp when it comes to things like boots, jackets, glasses and dress shirts but I buy non slp jeans and flannels

How can anyone wear pants like that, don't people laugh at you?

the lack of ian connor in your picture makes me question your character op.

What does that even mean? Ian Connor is a really trashy person and his style sucks.

damn, you must be really rich

you goofed in 2013

Lmfao, OP. I see no difference. You wear ghetto clothes, and you always did, is what I get from these pictures.

Anyway, I'm no better, I have worn "preppy" daddy clothes from I was 6 years old, and I'm 26 now, still looks like a dad - only need a qt to give me a child so that I can become a real dad.

>all those niggers

No wonder none of you can dress yourselves.

i dont care, so what im a broke college student money can't buy taste anyways

why are these all niggers, what % of Veeky Forums is even white?

how much time did you spend creating this big ass file?
desu your inspiration is limited as fuck if you can water it down to a collection of characters. what about film and culture? what about your everyday environment? people you know personally or places from your past?
there doesn't seem to be much upstairs

>I am white

jesus that makes it worse

>fancy clothes

making them expensive doesn't make them good, they're fucking awful

it means that ian is an integral part of the scene that your fashion is trying to replicate.. i just feel like ur posturing as a good person by not including ian bro...

op ur a fucking clown and id say i hope you get aids but it seems you already have cancer so theres no point

Wtf is a big ass file dickhead

Where did all these racists on Veeky Forums come from?

It wasn't like this before.

lol you are so fucking pretentious. why post that Veeky Forums ass image dumb fuck

post a fit or you are insecure.

Nobody cares.

theyre fucking pants you retard do u wear khaki joggers everyday

they're literally just wool pants. do you live somewhere where people only wear black skinnies?

I want niggers to leave.

pol leaked into every board

looks awkward

how can you go from yohji, rick and raf to jerry lorenzo and virgil abloh? kys

all i see are niggers. are these supposed to be fashion gurus?

jerry lorenzo and virgil abloh are literally millionaires so they must be doing something right :)

?????? explain

lmao I have no clue how these are supposed look awkward but I like them so who cares. different strokes user

looks like a fucking skirt or a hakama dude

i never see anyone wearing that shit outside


lol, you sound insecure my buddy

derbies and miltary boots. You can get away with higher soled sneakers with the wider fits.

hello haha yes skinny jeans haha undercut haha yes longlines and longsleeves hello hha yes fuck black people amirite haha gum BOOTS Veeky Forums yes haha bleach hair yes haha cover face with my hand mm

Virgil Abloh
Jerry Lorenzo
Playboi Carti
A$AP Bari

Loving every laugh, thanks

I was 22 when I started my progression towards full Chomsky-core. I'm a PhD student at an ivy league school so it fits.

post inspo

What do people have against streetwear?

It is never original, always the same exact outfit, and it never looks good. Its all about money spent over actually quality, original pieces.

>always the same exact outfit
Ehh, how so?


>samefagging this hard
look OP, I'm just trying to help, I know things are stressful at home with school starting in a months time, but just take my advice and we can get through this together

I think you mean at what age did you go full niggerdom

lmao half of this board got into fashion because of A$AP Rocky, don't even try to deny it

Lol I hope this is b8


You need to go back to /r/streetwear

young man it's time for you to stop posting

You are the cancer killing Veeky Forums, fuck off.

you need to kys




this is the worst post in the history of Veeky Forums


lol the only actual designer OP posted was yohji. can't tell if troll

Followed fashion trends starting in the 8th grade, tried getting into gq / men's health shit back when I was a senior, then in late 07 I fell for the streetwear meme hard. And when cool kids' ep came out the next summer I moved toward the 90s deadstock / backpack hip hop look, which honestly lasted until like late 2009 when I started getting into Japanese mags
Oh and the whole time I was in the hardcore scene
Since then I've kinda bounced from casual to dandy to ivy to go out shit to (modern) mil spec and kinda borrow from each look

I take pride in wearing outfits that I've LATER seen in Popeye, tells me I understand what they're going for

le epic /r/pol people leaked into every board to troll


Now, this man is rather provocative in his statements, but he's not wrong. It's kind of sad to see kids so lost to capitalism in every facet of their lives. If those are your idols you have fallen victim to malicious ad campaigns.


This site has never been so toxic and /pol/ infested. Every board has literally become a 99% shitposting hate machine..

this post is bad, you should feel bad

basically denim wear, diesel, bunch of japanese denim brands
switch to mostly dior homme (but after a year i started to hate skinny jeans and really skinny fit attire, though)
marni, prada, paul smith mainline (all three have gone to shit recently and theres hardly any pieces I am even interested in anymore but there also isnt any other brands that fit my wadrobe, shit like Valentino is too over the top, Lanvin is trash quality and design, japanese brands like IsseyMiya dont really fit, dunno where to go from here my wardrobe will probably just stay the way it is for the foreseeable future)

Seriously, how long have you been on Veeky Forums? Who the fuck gets on Veeky Forums and doesn't expect racism