Anybody else lose money watching LISK go to shit
LSK - Crash
I'm not asking to be an asshole, genuinely curious:
Why did you feel as if Lisk would be a good investment, when you bought during the crowdsale and now in hindsight?
Do you feel any differently now that its value has...dipped?
wasnt looking for moonshot - didn't anticipate 10 cents
How could it go any direction but downwards? It was literally a gimmicky ETH clone w/o the first-mover advantage, established network effects and brilliant minds behind Ethereum's time-tested development. How did you retards fall for this? Just buy ETH now as long as it's still number 2.
Its still 4X the crowdsale price if im not mistaken
LOL you salty miserable haters the current price is over 27 cents and ICO price was 7 cents.
All smart investors have taken their profits and can hold some for future pumps.
You idiots see -100% on a chart and think the ICO holders list money, while of course its going to fluctuate wildly at launch, but anyone with half a brain made 4x his investmenr over 2 months time and even slowpokes will be able to at least double their money.
And so it will be at the next opportunity to make crypto profits.... you miserable bunch dont belong on Veeky Forums but on /b/
90% nocoiners are brainless idiot
not losing money until 7 cents and even if I did I wouldn't give a shit
Eth is also on the dive
Probably because people are pulling out of it to invest in LISK while the dump is going on That's at least what I did.
You put money IN TO lisk? Are you fucking retarded?
went from $50 to $7
I could have doubled my money if I waited an hour
Did ypu forget to take your pills this morning?
I doubled my investment, funny enough, I invested what I had left from when I """"""""""""""""invested"""""""""""" *th*r*um
I really don't know if i should sell my LISK now or ride it out for a bit longer, already made 6x my investment
LISK to the Moon
Buy Lisk now!
Lisk rise $5 in couple of days very fast
Ride it out, maybe you'll get 4X return again though it is unlikely as its being dumped to fucking oblivion currently
Good plan.
LISK was just a mechanism by which the devs scooped up a bunch of ETH and BTC.
They made a few million, so the time invested in the useless code was worth it.
It was a pretty obvious money grab.
This, it was a scam all along.
>be small ETH miner
>stack ETH since the begining
>don't fear the 7$ dip and stick to ETH
> go to Veeky Forums
> "you're falling for russian scam coin
> "LISK will replace ETH "
> "ethercuck shill"
>LISK is actually a scam
>ETH price drop from 14.8 to 12$
I invested in the ico, there hasnt been a single point in time where lisk wasnt a 50% yield speculation...your “bad“ is still pretty good. Yobits prices were a joke, cmon
Shit is corrupt biying everything
Lisk moon