This is a 10/10 model in islamabongland

This is a 10/10 model in islamabongland

Not fashion related


She's a fashion model you fucking idiot.

lots of models are have the potential to be very ugly.
They only need to be attractive when they're in a shoot with makeup, and even then there will be photoshop to make them further more attractive.

fuck off back to krautchan

The original post has nothing to do with fashion

Is she blind?

It's about fashion models are you dense?

That was very cute but I don't want her around me

bless his soul

id kill myself if i were a legit 10/10 but crippled because of one fucked facial feature

or maybe id fucking fix it with the bags of cash i've gotten from modeling

No it's about how British people perceive beauty

I think he's cute. Why fix perfection?

unless you're top tier model doing the really high end stuff, you don't get paid much at all.

why does she have so many ig followers? she makes me uncomfortable

he's allegedly the most sought after model

>not living in a comfy, all white part of the home counties a 30 minute train ride away from central London

why even bother living in England then

>not living in strictly white country
It's like you're asking to be raped or beheaded

Ain't strictly white since I moved there. Also, have you ever even been to Warsaw?

You're an idiot, the most sought models are actors, then singers, then public figures, then shit tier runway photo shoot models that get paid $80 for photo (3 photos taken) and have no work for the next week


>not fashion-related
your bait is really weak but i just had to reply to your faggotry

what the fuck you shito fucko asshole

i said models... not singers, public figures, or actors

you bozo

No, I didn't get the visa to Warsaw

Who is this

Jk I'm an idiot just read file name

I hate these videos she makes. Would be an attractive girl, but what a fucking weirdo.

She's also part kike, which is very appropriate. Anglos are the biggest kike shills in history.