Veeky Forums didn't appreciate me making a thread on business casual, professional menswear because they're too busy camping out Supreme stores for the latest meme streetwear. They weren't so happy when I told them they weren't going to be 19 forever, so I figured it would be better to start a thread here. How do you dress for success Veeky Forums?
How to Dress Well
I would fuck you and I'm not even gay
That's very sweet but i got this from google images
post feet
Dress in whatever you are most comfortable, yet still presentable. If your clothes are throwing you off your game it will show in your perfomance more than slightly underdressing.
>black pants
>black belt
ok, first thing
There's hardly ever an excuse to wear black. You should use vibrant colors that contrast, in order to make the individual aspects of your outfit pop out, yet blend in.
So, right off the bat, change those pants into a deep navy color, and change that belt into a tan color.
pic related
also, check out club collar shirts
The white shirt, navy pants, tan belt, tan shoes should be your first outfit if you want to start dressing to impress
it's the easiest to put together.
fuck no, please never do those shorts they look awful
Bump. I'm also interested in being business Veeky Forums for job interviews and so forth.
I just wear well-fitting jeans and nice black t-shirts.
Nobody gives a fuck about business wear anymore user. It's all about getting the job done.
Look at Steve Jobs. Dressing to impress died when he hit the scene.
Well, dressing should depend on the event and the position of yours.
A young businessman starter kit should look like something like 's picture.
But I would not wear a light blue shirt, especially when the weather is warm. White looks more official anyways.
The trousers are great unless you deal with older people. they seem to dislike skinny fits.
The shoes and the belt must match.
Learn which colour-combinations are the best for skintone and dress according to those.
She grab my Gucci belt buckle I told her gonn head
nice meme you got there.
Jobs is not measure for the average Joe
I personally know many millionaires. CEO's, etc...
Not one of them dresses up.
Best they'll do is nice shirt and some khakis.
I work with many millionaires and have met my company's CEO. He wears a suit.
Traditional office jobs are still the leading employer. Not everyone works in a "disruptive" field.
bad advice - this is pretty much a guide into how to dress like every 20s-30s suit in 'merica
where's the problem? it's easy, looks fine and no one will frown upon you
You cannot dress well before you know the basic rules. Once you acquire them, you can start meaningfully disrupt them.
I didn't know people got hard for Holocaust reenactors.
Never ask a fucking American for dressing advice. Have you seen your population?
None of your middle class can even dress, trends and fashions originate here in Europe then slowly trickle across to you plebs.
American guys still think suit pants which fit you properly look gay, while their pants double up as a fucking weather vane because there's so much excess fabric.
I make 250k a year and wear a cannibal corpse hoodie most days
meh... you'd only get props for that if you weren't a techie or coder
otherwise, our IT Architects come to work in starcraft t shirts
European fashion looks exactly like American gay fashion.
Congrats. You all look gay.
This look only works if you are Veeky Forums.
Nothing actually works if you aren't. Not even suits, really.
Your gays have adopted it quicker because their only decent quality is understanding aesthetics, here though, we all have style and taste.
Americans dress like Europe's bottom 5%. Congrats. You all look poor.
if I were to dress like this every day, would I be considered as a douchebag?
I'd rather look poor than be poor and surrounded by muslims.
I don't live in Germany, Scandinavia or London. So you're just poor because on average Americans are struggling hard, also you look it.
How should a female dress for the workplace? Are nice dresses acceptable? I don't want to look like some skank who hopped out of a cosmo magazine so most women's fashion advice is disregardable.
Bermuda shorts make me want to die and I'm from Bermuda
Pants suit
no, only in the wrong friendship circles
as long as you're collected and comfortable, you will swagger it
If you're not a hambeast, can't go wrong with a knee-length black skirt, a white blouse and some sort of black blazer most of the time. I don't know much about women's shit but, when I see a woman wearing that, I achieve a semi pretty quickly. Its hot without being revealing and nobody can say you're drawing attention.
Pants never fit me and I don't want to look like a man anyway.
So the skirt and the blazer don't have to be a pair? I've been trying to find 2 piece skirtsuits and am having a time. But padded shoulders are common in those so most of them are ruined.
I'd rather just wear a dress with sweater or jacket, but my uni career fair yelled at me when I showed up like that so I don't know.
if someone on /biz makes it - like really makes it big - they should dress terribly just to rub it in societies face
>Not everyone works in a "disruptive" field.
Smart people like the anons who browse this board definitely should.
Business formal/casual belongs in the last millennium along with newspapers and cable television.
Hail the new age where substance trumps form and cargo shorts trump fitted suit pants that give you testicle cancer.
no black pants, no black suits. NO BLACK.
>I'm 6 feet tall but wear a size small, the snug fit makes me look buff
>copy outfits I see at clothing retailers like pic related
that's it.
Always black pants. You can spill food and coofee on them and nobody will notice. Because you will most likely be a cubicle dwelling statistic anyway, if you are a white guy there is little hope of advancement so dont wast your money on fancy clothes
>slim fit everything
Europe really is 2012 America
Always a button up shirt... use a sports jacket, tie, and match your belt with your shoes (color and texture).
Jesus christ you all have such atrocious and bland tastes.. Just because you see business men in the movies wear something doesnt mean you have to.. makes me sick.
>Who is mark zuckerberg, steve jobs
Too bad you end up making it cool
>I'd rather just wear a dress with sweater or jacket, but my uni career fair yelled at me when I showed up like that so I don't know.
Aspie Veeky Forums femanon asking aspie Veeky Forums anons how to dress. It's actually kind of cute
>Veeky Forums
my fucking sides
Black pantsuit. Makes any woman look hireable.
It would be better if they were in a pair, they have to be the same colour at least. Why don't you like padded shoulders? I think virtually all women's blazers have some degree of padding.
Wearing a dress with a jacket on top looks retarded, wearing a 1-piece anything in the workplace is a bad idea. No dresses in any workplace, dresses are only for going out for any reason, they aren't suitable for work.
>everyone on this board is dumb except me xD
When virtually everyone says that at some point on any Veeky Forums board, it means we're all retarded. If you're here, you're a retard.
Also ID changed because I restarted my router.
I have 5 grey skirts of various shades, and 10 formal shirts and just wear that any day of the week.
They need to be a really good fit and it helps if you are slim. It cuts a very impressive look, especially if the rest of your female colleagues wear dresses and other "feminine" shit.
I'd say a blouse or a button up shirt, a nice skirt or trousers, and, if you must, a blazer. Doesn't have to be a black blazer, doesn't have to match your skirt - just make sure it isn't too close looking to resemble a suit or something. And little to no padding. Closed shoes, unless other women can get away with something different.
Also, you're a woman. Don't be afraid of colours, as long as they're in good taste (meaning not too much information).
I love wearing a blazer with khakis. seems to just work well in most situations.
Went there once beautiful country you guys have shitty cars tho
Never wear black clothes, unless you're going to a funeral or black tie event.
Charcoal is more of a right colour for suits or wool trousers.
You will look ridiculous if you work in a conservative environment.
I'm smart. I wear a suit. I make six figures. Wearing a suit only sucks when your mom buys them at Kmart. Mine are all comfy as fuck. Are jeans and a tee-shirt nicer sometimes? Absolutely. On a hot day, not a chance.
Disruptive fields are a meme. Once the venture capital dries up, you'll see a much different job market in the tech sector.
You dont actually dress for success, you work for it.
That being said, dont be a special snowflake and dress like everybody else.
In regards to your picture, I've never seen an olive green suit, I wonder if it could be pulled off well in an office setting.
Working as a business consultant, for a pretty big german company, I have seen one on one of my higher positioned colleagues a few times. With shoes like the third in that column. It looks pretty fucking bad irl. I am pretty sure he got it from H&M tho.
I wear a shitty frayed pair of jeans, long hair, and a shitty beat up plaid western shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I make 90k a year.
How fucking stupid are the people in this thread? Why is everyone for some reason stating that how much you make determines what level of dress is required at work?
At work wear what your firm requires of you jesus fuck it has nothing to do with what you make.
If you're talking about your outfits for your personal time, then you should just experiment with everything until you find a style you're comfortable with and you think looks good
>No I can't do that!
Then wear jeans and a t-shirt
Well first off you need shirts,
Go to a T and A store and get bespoke, they'll set you right. After that some shoes yeaH? British are a great option so look into Lobbs and Edward Greens. Then the actual suiting depends on your preferences. British theres a wealth of info and reviews on individual tailors, cant go wrong with Oxxford for American! Have fun boys ;^D luv fa
I work for a bank. My hair is shoulder length, I haven't worn a suit since 2014, and I've only worn linen button ups the last couple weeks because they're actually cooler than my golf shirts.
My standard outfit is jeans, undershirt, golf shirt and/or sweater, and either a pair of tan or black dress shoes (my favorites are my cognac Allen Edmonds and my black Testonis, but sometimes I'll wear my black Cole Haan oxfords if the weather sucks).
I'm kind of a shoe junkie, otherwise I'd probably just wear my black puma classics everywhere. Super comfy.
Anyway, I've earned the right to wear what I want because the f500 I work for literally only has one of me out of their 60,000+ staff, and they'd have a hard time replacing me if I ever left. I kind of rub that in my director's face with my choice of hairstyle and refusal to wear business attire (he's in his 3-4 piece suit and his side part hair pretty much 24/7), but my boss gets a kick out of it and they can't fire me, so I do what I want.
Pantsuits are industry dependent. My wife is a lawyer and catches flak whenever she wears Pantsuits. She's expected to wear a skirt suit or a dress. On the other hand, where I work, women pretty much only wear pant suits or suit pants with sweaters and/or a formal jacket.
Dude your head is fucking huge
Are you fucking retarded? There's literally a type of dress exclusively for the office
You wear it with heeled court shoes
>dont wear black
>vibrant colours to the office 24/7 xD
How to look like a clown 101
This is the official outfit of "You can't arrest me my dad is a lawyer".
0/10 try again.
>There's hardly ever an excuse to wear black.
What if I like black huh.
I prefer black shoes/belt with grey pants myself
yeah, because you don't know how to dress and think generic black suits are 'high fashion'
pic related works at google and is very wealthy
None of those colors are vibrant and that guy looks like a faggot. The shawl collar jumper and that pocket square makes it look as if he's trying too hard. They're not particularly bad on their on but he certainly doesn't pull them off. Also, that fucking single earring.
Being stylish isn't a requirement to work at Google so you shouldn't just take what googlers wear as is and use them as examples of dressing well at work.
ITT: fantastic advice from the experts over here at Veeky Forums
>dressing like that
>not white
Not surprised senpai. Literally how nigs dress once they're making 6 figs cause they didn't grow up wealthy and know how to actually dressed well, they become literally cartoon caricatures of successful people.
i dress very simplistic. to be honest i copied a lot from movies like from daniel craig in layer cake etc.
now in the summer i usually wear a black t shirt and jeans, and in spring/etc its something like a gray t shirt, black leather jacket, and jeans.
>white pants.
for fucks sake, kill this thread
Pretty damn sure that the shoulders in his jacket are a size too small, doesn't look anywhere near right
You'll notice it's a negro wearing the olive green suit. Skin tone plays a lot into what they can get away with wearing. If you're white, you have a much more limited pallet.
Haven't you started this exact same thread for about 2 years now?
Must be Morgan Stanley
congratulations on the blue collar job, you also pump shit out of my septic system for your 90k
"i'm kind of a shoe junkie"
>allen edmonds with cheap denim
>gay ass testonis
>99$ cole haan oxfords that last around 3 months
you have terrible, terrible taste in shoes user, minus the allen edmonds which you ruin with denim
lol i laughed.
>yfw retards responded seriously
yeah, because black pants, black shoes, black belt, and a black blazer are so fashionable, right?
So when are you going to kill yourself
I just posted the picture as a concept
navy pants, tan belt, tan shoes
yeah the shoes in that pic are bad, but it's just a concept
Rich doesn't equate to fashionable , quite the opposite
>There's hardly ever an excuse to wear black.
black is the best color you fucking autist
looks sleek as hell
they are if they fit well and u are hadsome
When I get rich or famous I will bring 80's style suit cuts back, lads
You'll see
Just don't be one of those douches who watches YouTube channels like Alpha M and dresses entirely to a set of strict rules. Dress codes are becoming more relaxed in most places. IMO anything with some kind of collar is fine in most "business casual" situations; as long as you look decent. Same goes for dress shoes and socks.
for the love of god do not wear a black suit only Japanese salarymen and funeral goers wear all black
>not having a pink stucco house
T-shirt and jeans. Feels good to not be forced to play dress up for food.
My best advice is around suits.
If you are going to wear a suit, make it a good one or don't get a suit at all.
I have a couple of high end suits bought locally, but if I had my time again I would get all tailor made suits in Asia, I have 3 of them and they are amazing.
The fit is perfect, but you have to pay between USD$400 - 700 for something good.
There are a few HKG tailors who travel and you can get measured when they visit your city.
I got mine done in Shanghai while there for an exhibition (I'm in China several times per year)
Most of the time I don't wear a suit, I find the boardroom is becoming less formal, I got some nice dress shirts embroided with my company logo and it looks professional and smart.
Suits are for try hard faggots
Dress pants and collared shirt with a nice belt and brown shoes. That's all you need
Depending on your environment faggot.
There are days when you have to suit up if you're a serious entrepreneur or business owner.