My hair is thick af and my hairline's perfect, but my haircut is atrocious. Seriously I need something else...

My hair is thick af and my hairline's perfect, but my haircut is atrocious. Seriously I need something else, rec me haircuts pls, mid-long to short as hell are possible.

Your haircut is the least of your worries.


Do you have dandruff? Ew

Damn that niggas ugly as fuck

looks like a video game character

I think you just proved atheism. Clearly there's no god if that thing exists.

This is unsettling.

>me on the right

skyrim wood elf

>why the long face?

>people in the street say i look like mads mikkelsen. but i just don't see it
>they scream at me in the streets thinking i'm him and ask me for autographs

Post pic.

this man is the epitome of aesthethics and manliness

blue eyes
defined cheekbones
strong jawline (his chinfat can't even deal with the strenght of it)
thick lips,
positive canthal tilt
almond shaped eyes
strong germanic nose
solid hairline
stunning, dare i say, intimidating stare
clearly confident enough to share his looks on the internet
no fear of showing off his interests and hobbies (star wars logo)
strong brow ridge

im sorry, but if you don't look like this you're never EVER going to make it

>people don't know who this guy is

>summerfags think pic is op

idk why i laughed so hard at this
this guy is ugly but not as unsavable as OP
he could go full rick/SLP or cut his hair and wear suits

What's the story behind the pic? Is it from Reddit?

No, he's some guy who has been posted on Veeky Forums for a while because of his face and weird social media posts. His name is Travis Bowdish.

might as well post this here
how fucked is my hairline? should I stop wearing it back? least im not receding

lil peep?

you're a fucking retard

you are this dumb.

we can't see your jaw fucktard

holy fuck just because your hair doesn't start at your eyebrows doesn't mean it's receding you're literally retarded kys

have you heard of the high elves?


youre killing the follicles by bleaching it


Fucking hell i could surf your forehead

Nigga how does that resemble him at all?