does Veeky Forums exfoliate?
what are some other good skin care tips?
does Veeky Forums exfoliate?
what are some other good skin care tips?
masturbating then using the resulting semen and massaging your face with it is better than any korean face mask you could ever purchase
i know this from experience
I exfoliate twice a week, wash my face in the morning and in the night and that's it.
I used to use depigment every night to erase my freckles but I don't do it anymore
how do i get rid of this?
:( user are you okay? what happened?
Kill yourself
See a doctor
First of all, stop fucking picking, second, go to a doctor. Is it acne or something else?
Could some anons post their skin care routines? I'm having trouble with acne right now, getting a lot more then I ever have and I need some help.
Reposting my routine from this thread >Cerave hydrating cleanser
>Aczone (PM only) (this destroyed 98% of my acne in less than 2 weeks)
>Cerave daily moisturizer
If you're using a good cleanser and you practice good general hygeine, and your acne doesn't go away, just see a dermatologist. Get a prescription acne treatment instead of experimenting with every OTC active product ever made.
How often should I be using BHA? Currently, I exfoliate with Stridex pads (2% salicylic acid) every 72 hours (so basically, twice a week). I'm planning on increasing the frequency to every 48 hours to get rid of my closed comedones. Does it hurt me in a long run? I finally found an ideal moisturizer for me, which I use about 15 minutes after BHA so the skin doesn't remain dry through the night.
Some people use it daily but that's probably an overkill.
Thank you.
I have insanely dry skin (and rosacea) that builds up dead skin if I don't use a strong moisturizer. Unfortunately this makes my skin look quite greasy, but if I don't use it feels so uncomfortable and tight. I've seen a dermatologist but the products she's given me just make the redness and dryness worse. Any ideas lads?
Does any of this stuff actually work on people with physical bad skin instead of mental bad skin?
Does shaving count as exfoliating?
If so, yes
don't pick at ANY fucking acne/eczema/rashes ever in your life (unless whiteheads)
it's going to leave scarring now since you picked
your back and neck will now have craters because of this
if you have shit normally, exfoliate to remove then wash with soap. if it's serious go to a dermatologist or physician and get medicine for it.
put light amount of lotion/oil on skin
DIFFERIN. i had cystic acne and now my face looks like a baby. just use sunscreen and lotion with it. its drying. i like eucerin and korean sunscreen and clinique gel.
morning: cerave hydrating cleanser, thayers rose petal witch hazel, cerave hydrating moisturizer
evening: cerave hydrating cleanser or clean & clear 10% benzoyl peroxide wash (usually do every other day), cerave hydrating moisturizer
twice per week: aztec indian healing clay
this routine has helped clear up my acne, but it might be best to go to /r/skincareaddiction on reddit and find a routine that is best suited for your skin type
oops i forgot, also red stridex every night / every other night
Apart from my regular routine which is facial cleanser in the morning morning + tonic and at night who is just water, sometimes I use a turmeric face mask. My mum told me about people in India that use this mask to get rid of blemishes, oily skin and acne. It actually works. I just mix turmeric with milk until I get a paste. I leave it on bad areas for about 30 minutes and then wash off. Really does help
Only in my dreams OP.
Only in my dreams....
So I uses to have really bad acne. But then my routine fixed it which is
Morning --
Cetaphil facial cleanser
Cetaphil Moisturiser
Night --
Clean and Clear cleanser
Stridex Maximum pad
Cetaphil moisturiser
Once a week I will swap the clean and clear with a charcoal scrub
This routine fixed my horrible horrible acne but now I just have bad acne and its not fixing that. Its just flat lined. Its been like this for 2 months. Should I add anything or stop doing something?
After I stopped using stridex I got pimples near my nose and chin. So I'm using that again. I just have real big problems with the sides of my face and I will do anything to fix it. I changed pillow cover and they just won't leave!!!
Aztec sucks
get flogged
the scar tissues will replace glands and you'll stop having acne