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I've never ordered a fake before and I've never had any interest in them but I liked this enough to give it a shot
from the back?
front again?
slide to the left?
neato, let us know if the quality's good
did i fuck up?
I don't think that phrase fully captures the magnitude of what you did
well shit
Danner Combat 503
They don't seem to be on their site anymore but they're god-tier all-weather boots
where did you get it
aliexpress, friend
Did i fucked it up?
they look like those shoes 14 year olds who cant skate but skates when ppl are out to look cool
Impulse cop, how bad did I fuck up
t. numale
Recently wearing this. R8
this coat
holy shit so bad
Impulse buy, the colour just looked really nice in person
bought these for $150, pretty nice steal so
uhhh yeah dude puma is pretty bottom of the barrel right now. kinda just weirdo normie shit i would expect some single mom to wear because her walk to the local mcdonalds hurts her feet. sorry dude
if you havent worn boots or at least this style of boot before you have fucked up tremendously
kinda just normie shit, like, its fine but nothing special.
sorta neat, might be weird
i can dig these
do you ever shut the fuck up about being an authentic skater? it is such an autistic concept and you never stop harping about it
>uhhh yeah dude puma is pretty bottom of the barrel right now. kinda just weirdo normie shit i would expect some single mom to wear because her walk to the local mcdonalds hurts her feet. sorry dude
well shit i am fucking terrible at this. guess i'll be returning them.
for 190usd, it's being shipped to me right now
hey man, i know what i said is kinda rough and in all honesty i was just trying to have a bit of a laugh, but dont lose hope. just lurk for a while more and shit, and you'll get a better handle on what looks good and what doesn't. and hey, if you really truly like those shoes, try to make em work,
its just gonna be really hard
it matters to some ppl...for a lot of young ppl skateboards are their identity, like how some ppl are passinate about a genre of musix ans hate every other type...if you attack ppl for posing as skaters but not living by the code of the board it makes it feel more authentic, more important
just stfu you stupid kunt, if youre going to say a brand is shit dont have a nervous breakdown because somebody replied to you lol
btw Puma is fine, same as any other sports brand, dont ask for validation from 14 yr old autists in the flyyover and make your own mind up
needed something for the concert
whered you cop
but why
where the hell did you get those for 150?
The coat
damn i thought you copped the floor he was on.
i like the coat though.
DOPE! w2c?
The world would be a better place without you and your friends in it
living by the code of the board
fucking hell man come on
If you got those for 150 its 99% chance they're fake
>living by the code of the board
Thinking about getting it for work. I'll take suggestions. I'm not looking to break the bank
Rate it lads
they are so comfy
>code of the board
how many inches do you get out of that
Don't wear the band's merch to a show. More often than not you'll look like a douche
Lovely jacket
They aren't bad. They fit well and look good, but after a couple months the seams started splitting. I still wear them because it looks kind of cool but I don't think they're built for heavy duty work.
Yup same here.
Really nice, wouldve bought leather but too expensive.
Thrifted for $1.50
Just Got this Undercover AW09 piece for 300
winter is coming
Docs quality has been in decline for a long while.
It's true. I work at a store that sells Docs. The canvas is just terrible
hella fre*king epic
What is that cringy asterisk meme? Krautchan poster?
My Club 85's turned to shit, got these instead for € 40.
wings+horns white leather slip-ons.
Pretty damn happy with them, managed to find the last pair online I could find in my size at gravity pope. Wanted to upgrade my Vans Vault slip-ons to a pair that I could comfortably wear to the office without offending anyone but didn't want to dish out the $500+ for a pair of minimalist sneakers. Way cheaper than Common Projects/Bottega on sale (I got them from Gravity Pope for $170 and they're originally $380).
I'm trying to get into lunarcore a bit and I've been looking at some anoraks.
Should I be getting a black or a white anorak?
i tought he would say that they looked like a dildo for some reason
I feel like whites look better as outer layers with lunarcore
slide to the right?
10 dollars at a thrift store, did I do gud?
why ty
Nice. How much did you pay
113 gbp but seller is giving 20% back because it's missing a button (and paying for the costs of a new one)
it's roughly 1.5-2 inches tall on the heel
Just thrifted 55 lbs of iron weight plates for $10 cad fucking good feels. Was just gonna order new 25 plates for like $40 each
also been needing a normal step platform for the calves, been using a couple cinder blocks. Suddenly found for $5 the exact thing I was gonna order.
Bought on a whim cuz on sale. Looks cool idk
You gonna ride to the mall on your skateboard to get a soft pretzel and a icee? kek
i kinda like this one, but with taxes and shipping it cones to $75 usd
Any promo code?
Nah m8, wouldn't buy from their website. Try mountain steals
Good one. Solid, congrats.
Some SLP raw denim D02 jeans for $150.
From the tags it seems like its from the slimmer F/W 2013 season.
How's the sizing? Can you post pic?
Is the quality good for the like 30 bucks
V nice looks great on you
just copped; coming in two weeks from now
this is a Christian board. no cursing allowed, friend
I won't have it for like a week and a half, but I will when I get it