post ur current hairstyles routines ext.
BHG (black african american nigga negro hair general)
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anybody know how to go from first pic to second with as little chemicals as possible (inb4 water)
Maximum hydration method.
a bit overdue for a haircut, but I love how the top turns out a day or two after washing
I'm fully convinced that this is the best style to rock right now
At this point anything is better than seeing the same old dreadheads dyed whatever color of the rainbow
Hate it desu
Stop picking your hair, add in oil and conditioner after water, then shake your head
Works to activate your natural curl pattern
i agree, twist/dreads are getting stale
if you're gonna post racist memes please post quality ones not 2010 9gag leftovers
this is my goal hair, twisted but not to where it looks like dreads
Back when I re-coiled my hair
anyone got skincare tips for winter
my skin's usually clear without much effort but it's starting looking like shit, even while doing my normal routine and drinking more water
i probable have the worst skin ITT, acne dont go away no matter what. I havent tried Black Soap tho
Never heard of black soap, but I've tried to steer clear of using soaps on my face as I've bad reactions to them. What have you tried for your acne?
I don't even care about the king. Just looking at the board, it's unclear how he lost all those pieces when black has barely moved.
I rocked the long hair for a while, but now I just want something short and manageable.
Lacy the future GOAT
I have a lot of respect for this guy. Especially how we was able to produce songs for Kendrick and Tyler. His style ain't bad either
W2c alternative black qt
Yeah, he's really talented. Pride was my favourite song off DAMN and was amazed Kendrick brought him in to produce. He's going to blow up.
That song is an absolute heater. When I heard PRIDE, I could instantly tell that he had something to do with it.
I've been thinking about cutting my hair low like Steve (hence all the pics of him) but I've forgotten what my head shape is. The last time I checked, it didn't look too good.
Don't use Black Soap, it dries the fuck out of your skin. The excessive dryness caused by the soap will lead to your face producing way more oils, and then your acne won't go away
I want to rock a buzz cut more than I want to be wealthy but my big ass alien headshape doesnt allow it :(
Don't let that stop you. I've got that alien head too, but the buzz is fine. Short hair just works naturally for black people.
If you wear your hair natural in casual everyday settings, what style would be best in professional or formal situations?
not only do i have an alien head im also ugly so i need something to compensate
>i need something to compensate
I know this board is just a hive of insecurity but just do it and be comfortable with it, it rubs off on people. Really, people get used to the cut once you do.
My hair pretty much looks like pic related and I like it, but in a few months I will have to start looking for a professional job and I'm a bit concerned that I'll have to cut it.
Shit sucks.
It's not even long enough yet, after 2 years, to put into a ponytail/bun. I kinda doubt that's any more professional looking anyways.
I drew him lol
Yeah I was wondering why the fuck you used that first pic lol
Black white bad Filipino here. Im pretty much assed out of any styles because as soon as my hair dries it curls to holy hell. Anyone with similar hair?
Whoops. *and, not bad
It definitely should be long enough to tie up or something but I mean It's more than possible to have a lot of hair and make it professional
pls be in atlanta
problem with this is top knot is wack asf and was already a trend
>be on that server
>get drunk while active on the server
>Wake up next day and find out I'm banned
Wtf happened?
this discord sucks ass
have yet to visit a discord that wasn't even worse of a friend simulator than this place
How long would my afro have to be to get this?
wow may i have your @ ma'am
looks like about 8 or 9 inches untwisted
Get in shape, grow a beard, dress better, be more confident
2 or 3 years probably.