What's the fucking appeal of watches? It's just a thing that you leave on your wrist to tell the fucking time...

What's the fucking appeal of watches? It's just a thing that you leave on your wrist to tell the fucking time. Why is there so much talk and threads about it when it literally is just a device to count the time? The only reason I can see why someone would spend thousands of dollars on a watch, is to be ostentatious, to spend conspicuously in order to show wealth and status, and nothing more. It is the more vain and shallow thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

>complaining about vanity and shallowness
>on Veeky Forums of all boards

Where else would I post about watches on Veeky Forums?

I started wearing a watch because it was mandatory while I was in nursing school
Then I stopped wearing them when I found out they'll eventually be forbidden in hospitals in an effort to improve hand hygiene
I liked wearing them but got over it quickly

/g/ has a general for watches, they might be able to answer your questions there

You look like a kid if you don't wear a watch with a suit to the office. Other than that no need to wear them.

People need to stop wearing Fitbit and apple watches though.

What's the fucking appeal of clothing. It's just a thing that you leave on your body to cover your fucking self. Why is there so much talk and threads about it when it literally is just a device to cover your genitals? The only reason I can see why someone would spend thousands of dollars on clothing, is to be ostentatious, to spend conspicuously in order to show more wealth and status, and nothing more. It is the more vain and shallow thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Yeah I fucking know. You gotta wear a suit with a watch, but that's beside the point. The thing put simply is that the fashion and the beauty of the watch that you wear becomes irrelevant when you buy a luxury watch only for its brand. Do you really think that a Omega is intrinsically better or more beautiful than thousands of other watches by more modest brands? No, people are only willing to pay thousands for it because of the little brand inscribed in it. It turns that the watch market is not even about fashion anymore, it's only about brand and big money.

That was a really dumb and poorly thought out comparison lmao

Fuck off m8. That's not what I meant. Clothing is actually about fashion and look, while a luxury watch is only about its brand, see here

that can be said for all fashion user, a lot of people will buy something expensive just because of the brand name, same with technology a lot of the time too, the normies who buy the latest iPhone can do all the things they do with an iPhone on a cheaper device, but they buy because it's Apple and all their normie friends also have Apple

>he normies who buy the latest iPhone can do all the things they do with an iPhone on a cheaper device, but they buy because it's Apple and all their normie friends also have Apple

That's a totally unfair comparison. The price difference between an iphone and a samsung are a few hundred dollars at best, and people still go to Apple because they're accustomed to them, their service, or their iOS. But the same cannot be said of watches, whose prices vary from the thousands to the millions even when their use is exactly the same and their designs almost identical.

I wear it at work so I can see the time whenever without having to pull out my phone.

I find I don't wear them as much outside of work

I used tow ear themall the time though as a kid

Where's the fucking logic in that?

There is no logic, if you don't care then just buy the shitty Boss and stop complaining about other peoples' interests.

>stop complaining about other peoples' interests.

Fuck off, m8. I would do that if people were not spending literally billions of dollars on luxury spending and conspicuous consumption when they could be spending on better things or donating to charity. Fucking read on Thorstein Veblen's work, you illiterate faggot.

This is your post in a different context.

Difference between cheap car and Luxury Car:

>They don't look the same
>They don't serve the same function equally
>They are not equally safe
>They are not equally potent and reliable

Difference between a Luxury Watch and a cheap watch:

>costs literally thousands more for a logo
>you don't get what you pay for

user, how idiotic can you be to do that comparison?

>I would do that if people were not spending literally billions of dollars on luxury spending and conspicuous consumption when they could be spending on better things or donating to charit

why are you wasting your time shitposting on Veeky Forums when you can spend it on better things or volunteering for charity

there, you see what a dumb argument that is?

>why are you wasting your time shitposting on Veeky Forums when you can spend it on better things or volunteering for charity

You fucking idiot. What implies to you that I already do not do that? And second, even if I did not do charity it still wouldn't refute my argument

>You fucking idiot. What implies to you that I already do not do that?
What implies that people who buy luxury items also don't donate to charity? You just iust proved my point, dumbass.

>And second, even if I did not do charity it still wouldn't refute my argument
see above

>those two things
>looking the same

uh... you could have done a better job arguing in favour of expensive watches dude

>What implies that people who buy luxury items also don't donate to charity?

Everybody fucking knows that the leisure class needs something to spend conspicuously on, and that's where the luxury market comes into place. When this happens, it is heavily implied that money where could theoretically have gone to more fruitful pursuits, such as investing or charitable donations, is spent on conspicuous consumption.

>And second, even if I did not do charity it still wouldn't refute my argument

Fuck off, you retarded faggot. My argument still stands. See here the "ad hominem fallacy", you dumbass.

>why are you wasting your time shitposting on Veeky Forums when you can spend it on better things or volunteering for charity*

Fuck off, you retarded faggot. My argument still stands. See here the "ad hominem fallacy", you dumbass.

There's little in the way of personalization when it comes to businesswear so that's where watches come in. I hate wearing jewelry/accessories though so I don't wear one.

>accusing me of ad hominem immediately after calling me a retarded faggot
wew lad

also, what exactly is your argument here? correct me if I'm wrong but you're saying that since rich people make more money than the lower class, instead of buying luxury items in addition to donating to charity, they should just cut out luxury items all together and only donate all their excess funds to charity, otherwise you have the right to stand on your high horse and accuse them of being hedonistic? At what point do people get to live for themselves and not others?

You should cancel your cell phone and internet plans since you really don't NEED those things, after all that money could be going to such better cause you selfish prick.

they do not look the same, work on your straw game

what if you dont carry a phone

also, that's not an ad hominem, I'm using your own argument against you. Time and money are both valuable, limited resources for most people. You're accusing rich people of wasting their money on frivolous items, I'm accusing you of wasting your time on frivolous activities. If you're so against rich people wasting their money you should be equally critical of people wasting time, which is arguably an infinitely more valuable resource than money. You "theoretically" (your word) could be doing something much better with your time, even if you already did today.

and fyi, I don't agree with you line of reasoning at all, I'm just using your shitty logic against you. I think only a little beta faggot sits around bitching and moaning about how another man spends his bread.

You must be underage to even think this was a viable comparison you plebian.

Watches have little to do with aesthetics. Watchfags only talk about movements and "complications" and none of that is imediately visible. Only to autists. Just buy a 15$ watch from china.

it's a mad poorfag thread

bet your fits are shit cause you put all your budget into watches only other watchfags will find sexy ya fag

My watch>your watch.
My shoes>your shoes.

Basically what i am saying is youre a poorfag.

Stay mad fuccboi.

What's the fucking appeal of clothes? It's just a thing that you leave on your body to keep yourself warm. I don't get it.

>It's just a thing that you leave on your wrist to tell the fucking time

Exactly. Also if you value something (e.g. measuring time) you tend to spend more on it.

>don't look the same, but how different can a watch get
>the patek is literally worse at telling time, but the insides are incomparable
>patek is a far safer investment
>potent and reliable, patted has been around for some 170~ years

Who the fuck thinks that? How does one even come to the conclusion that paying for an expensive watch equates to valuing time keeping? Fucking goober.

Are you retarded? Same reason people spend thousands on speakers, cars, computers. People are into watches the same way.

you can tell everything you need to know about a man's life by his watch and his shoes

You couldn't even imagine how well that $22,000 watch tells time


difference is they are the only thing we use for that purpose

everyone has phones now which perform the function of a watch in that they tell us the time. the only reason you would want a watch is to wear something unnecessary to show off. it is not as necessary as clothes.

Watches are jewelry for men. Luckily my $10 Casio fits my aesthetic.

>everyone has phones now which perform the function of a watch in that they tell us the time. the only reason you would want a watch is to wear something unnecessary to show off. it is not as necessary as clothes.

Basically this.

Boss is so shit it's already like 2 minutes slow lol

that suzuki is cute af

and this is bad why exactly?

I've spent about £5 on watches in the past several years.
Got given one my grandad's old favourite watch not long ago, wear it out everywhere.
I don't like getting my phone out every 30 seconds and I never sit there in public on my phone so a watch is ideal for knowing what the fuck the time is.

There is no logic but if a guy is wearing a patek, he is basically saying that he gonna shit on you and your boss watch very soon

Are you daft? Excuse the redundancy.

You get what you pay for in society for the most. If you value time keeping, and you buy a $1.00 watch, it's not going to be very good at that.

On a technical level, all watches are somewhat incorrect. The money is spent in fighting for correct time. And since people aren't able to have atomic clocks on their wrists, it's the next best thing.

Also, it's the fucking aesthetic that surrounds watches. Time is the most measured quantity in life, and the act of doing so, fashionable(yet less ostentatiously) is to be a desirable trait.

Just because some retards with money buy ridiculous watches, doesn't mean they describe the vast fanbase of said items. Similar to fast cars.

And honestly, if done correctly it's one of the most humble guilty pleasures. It's not as large as a house, it's not as large as a shirt, it's a small thing, on your hand that can really only be noticed by those that appreciate the art of watches. Not counting a person having a an all gold watch and band. And it might leave a really big impression on people who they shake hands with. Seems a pretty good move if in business.

now you just seem petulant